Today's the day... Have you gone out and voted yet comrades? Is this pairing the final solution to the Chinksect problem?
/nzpol/ The Nationalist/Socialist Coalition Edition
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remind me why we keep you alive nz?
Voting is uber comfy in small towns lads
Just voted in northland. Not a single Maori to be seen at the booths, of course
Voted for NZF of course. Fuck gooks. Couldn't vote for Shane Jones though, because fuck gook enablers
To keep an eye on the convicts next door.
? What did jonesy do?
He and maurice williamson both helped to ram William Yan's citizenship through immigration, despite all warnings that he was an absolute crook
Then he has the audacity to join NZF. bought and sold.
>>Bill Liu
Whatever his name was (on the day)
I hate knowing that ardern has a good chance of winning on account of her being a woman who virtue signals.
The absolute state of my country man. The absolute STATE.
I highly doubt that labour will win desu. The media were desperate to make this a closer race than it was going to be. No way did 20% of the population actually decide to change to labour solely because of ardern
It'll be national, hopefully with Winnie on top like Master Blaster
>t. Leaf hiding behind meme flag
Had the pleasure of going to the local church and voting. Extremely comfy.
That's the power of vagina for you.
we're gonna have an election watching party on Sup Forums right? I don't have any friends here and no bars are showing it
I think this will be most likely. Hope Bill stays the distance and doesn't kike out like Key. I will never vote for a party headed by that fat sow, Bennett
Wnston sounds like he will fold on immigration to keep our house-price-based GDP strong.
Hopefully but I don't want to underestimate just how many dumb cunts there are out there who will vote labour because
>muh woman stronk
>muh refugees
>muh free shit
>muh sold assets
>8 hours until election coverage starts
Look at how many voted early.
That 20% came from undecided, non participants getting swept up in Labour's marketing and sloganeering.
National have been really dull on the campaign trail this time around.
The marketing matters when you are trying to away the useful disinterested idiots.
Virtue signalling, yes.
Her vagina, no.
This isn't the US, we have had women in the big seat twice.
It's the fond memories of Helen and Jacinda reminding people of that.
Other than that I've only seen media feats bring up her being a her and being shut down pretty quickly. The outrage came from other corners, not the Labour party and it's campaign.
They were smart not to rise to that shit.
We aren't America, but there are lessons that have been learned from Hillary's complete failure.
Never campaign on what's between your legs, ever.
This, talking to people out there in the real world is kind of frightening, I still predict a national win, but a much narrower margin of victory this time, MMP is fucking cancer
>MMP is fucking cancer
Only because you are lazy and a "short poppy". MMP works if you get involved and make / join a small party.
I don't get why everyone loves Winnie so much here.
He's all talk.
He does some good when in a position of power. But he flip flops to get there.
His party are disjointed without any clear policy or alignment.
I like his stance on immigration.
But that's what I like about him, not his party. And if he's willing to throw that key issue to the wind for a title, he can get fucked.
When he retires, NZFirst will fall to pieces.
Minor parties would be crazy to refuse to join a coalition out of principle and sit on the sidelines. Better to get some of your agenda through than nothing
What else can people do, they would be voting for parties they agree with less if NZF is their best match
You're not wrong. But NZF is the only party even willing to talk about immigration
Unfortunately national's policy is, in the words of jacinda ardern, "selling houses to each other, and immigration". So my ideal scenario of everything staying as it is, but Winston controlling immigration and trade, literally cannot work because national's whole shtick is letting China do exactly what it wants
A lot of people don't trust Winston, and probably for good reason. But what choice do we have.
Just voted
God speed, lads
>When he retires, NZFirst will fall to pieces.
This is true unfortunately.
"The party is Winston, and Winston is the party"
This is probably his last and best chance, too. All in all, our politicians seem to be on the younger side
3 terms and you get a pension for life
Winnie could lead immigration as foreign minister in a Labour govt. He has before.
It's a hell of a sacrifice upon the alter of lesser evils and devils you do or don't know.
Would it be worth it?
This election was a hard one for me to decide in.
Bill lost me in the Christchurch leaders debate.
>t. Christchurch local.
But I'm not entirely on board with a party that's willing to get in bed with the greens and give them leeway.
All the compasses I took show I sit well away from all established party's.
I'd have really liked an undecided option on my ballot.
I always vote out of principle.
But this cycle has really activated my almonds on how much I'm willing to sacrifice on some issues to save others.
As someone who was effectively driven out of Auckland by the results of unfettered immigration, it's my number one issue this time around. National clearly aren't fussed by it, and I dont trust labour to actually go through with many of their promises. Winnie was banging on about immigration well before it became a hot issue. I'd like to think that it'll be the last thing he'd compromise on
You get a little more than just a pension
The greens had a long hard look at immigration reform for the sake of Maori, but ultimately did the maths and decided to sell the tangatawhenua up the river. A vote is a vote, after all. And there's 70,000 new ones coming in the door every year. Plus or minus whatever immigration were told to not keep track of
And judging by what I saw at the booths this morning, only a fool would rely on Maori getting out and voting
Labour + NZF or National.
Which would you lads prefer?
>only a fool would rely on Maori getting out and voting
>work with maori girl
>mention the election is coming up
>she enthusiastically says Winston is the man
>ask if she voted
>my face my soul .jpg
As long as Winnie is involved somehow
Both aren't fantastic
I meant, National without NZF.
I think Labour will get in solely because I think NZF will be kingmaker, and I don't see Winnie going with National. National could get in by itself, but it's a slim chance.
I don't see any alternative situation.
>Colin Craig is still throwing money into the hole of his own creation
winnie doesnt like ardern
labour will not offer winnie a higher position than national would.
fuck off labor concern shill
can you vote outside your enrolled elctorate? there are no trains until after voting ends aaaaaa
I don't see any reason NZF wouldnt go with national desu. There's certainly a precedent for it
I just voted NZF you fucking faggot with a Kekistani flag.
Winnie's gone with my vag leaders before, and with the leaking of his private information by National staffers, who knows how he feels about either and whom he'll go with.
This is my concern.
Nobody knows why he does it
Socialists, left or right are as much bludging cancer as each other.
Get a job you useless cunts.
Are they allowed to show any preliminary results before 7pm?
What kind of shitstorm would I be in for if I started a political party in NZ?
Should I use Colin Craig as a case study?
I don't think so. They would have counted the early votes already though so someone somewhere prob has a pretty decent idea of what's going on
No new party has ever done well here. Not since Alliance
>breaking the election law
you madmen are all going to the big house
Jokes on you m8, prisons are full already
>Three squares a day and no rent
Sounds better than having to live in Auckland m8.
>He didn't vote national
Who /Labour/ here?
Let's do this!
Just voted lad
I haven't found any actual policy, but are any of the parties going to overturn kiwi rail's decision to remove the electric trains on the main trunk in the north island?
if winnie goes with national.
fucking KYS live on cam ?
literally a libshit concern troll
>I just voted NZF you fucking faggot with a Kekistani flag.
you're doing gods work user.
lmao. another one of these MUH IMMIGRATION scared white bois.
fuck off concern shill.
just voted bois
party vote - NZF
candidate vote - labour, because muh nibba ron will probably be in as a list mp unless nzf gets fukt
Will my vote be ruined if I scrall FUCK SIMON O'CONNOR in big letters across it?
my ancestors stole this land fair and square, why the fuck would i want poos and chinks to take over?
Would kiwis vote for someone who maybe wasn't so smart but had good intentions?
No. All of our politicians are intellectual giants of impeccable character
>it's a "revealing you committed welfare fraud doesn't get you sympathy" episode
Thanks for making an australia thread, mate
I can't believe that they tried to double down in support of her. Tells you what they really think of their voters
Still, that won't be the last we'll see of turei. She'll weasel her way back to the trough
>our labor cuckold has bigger tits than their labor bitch
do you want to trade?
It's spelt labour
Nzf for party and outdoor for local
What's so bad about a China-dominated NZ? Judging by Hong Kong, Anglos + Chinks make master race.
Chinese only seem better by comparison to your main minorities, blacks/hispanics
they are still bad m8, a race of soulless autists
fuck off Wang
Legnth of rope for a rifle?
I voted Democrats for social credit for local. Some men just want to watch the banks burn
You can do that with a rag in a bottle of kerosene
Wtf i was told that i could enroll when i voted but they wouldnt let me! I wanted to vote for based winnie!
That's bullshit. Hong Kong is now a festering shit hole with tonnes and tonnes of gooks flooding over the paper border. Why do you think there's so many protests that shut down major highways over there?
t.Lived in Hong Kong during the handover.
How are there so many people in this country that dont fully understand MMP?
Electorate vote doesnt boost your parties seat count unless you vote for a party below 5%. Shit.
The number of people still in a FPTP mindset is retarded.
sorry to hear that bernie bro
desu hadn't heard of Democrats for social credit, fucking media only highlighting red vs blue
>To be eligible to vote in an election, you need to be enrolled by the Friday before Election Day.
You can enroll when you vote on ANY day except today.
Why you have to fuck that up m8.
>Electorate vote doesnt boost your parties seat count unless you vote for a party below 5%. Shit.
I didn't know that
Electorates should be a transferable vote so you can rank your electorate preferences. Would do away with tactical voting
>Policies included: A return to a mediaeval lifestyle, known as the "Great Leap Backwards"
>Raising the school leaving-age to 65
>Full employment by carpeting the national highways: this would also save wear and tear on tyres
>Using beer as a National Defence strategy: leaving bottles of beer on all beaches, so that any invading army would abandon its attack and get drunk while the broken bottles would prevent the army advancing any further
>Post-natal abortion: making abortion illegal, but any mother could kill her child up to the age of 18, provided she did it with her own hands
>The demolition of The Beehive, parliament buildings, and all other buildings on a last-up, first-down basis
R.I.P. McGillicuddy Serious Party. Sucks that the only joke party left is the Greens
Don't forget Act
Basically all the electorate does is just change the order of a parties list. If you win your seat you get to go into the house. But someone further down the list loses out.
Tactical voting in electorates only really happens in Epsom now due to ACT being below 5% so its the only way to get a seat.
The party vote decides the proportion of seats each party gets in parliament.
If you win an electorate, you're guaranteed a seat in parliament, but it'll take it off the person last in that parties list of candidates.
It's the way some small parties get a seat in parliament at all.
It's so you can vote for whatever local electorate you want without needing to worried about their party.
>It's so you can vote for whatever local electorate you want without needing to worried about their party.
This key fact is missed by about 90% of the brain dead nz public, and is why there's so many National MP's in rural electorates who are literally invisible for 2.5 years of their terms.
People in these dumb cunt threads do it too.
People talking about voting tactically in their electorate to "ensure national gets less seats".
M8 you got no fuckin clue.
Both the major parties are so middle of the road and flip positions each election just to appeal to the widest audience. People always bitch about MMP because "it gives the minor parties too much power", but they're the only ones with any principles. Fuck the Nats and Fuck Labour. NZF all the way bros
>all chinks
what did national mean by this
>it gives the minor parties too much power
That's good. I wouldn't want this to completely devolve to some completely shitty two-party system like the US.