Since when did you turn commie, Sup Forums?
Since when did you turn commie, Sup Forums?
Antifafu can't see my weakness if I hide behind a mask and use it to project chad strength
I wooonder if any of these antifa realize "anonymous" existed to trade CP back in the early days...
the cold steel gladius is a bit on the faggy side
would have been better off with the blackthorn
Was he trying to be Taskmaster?
BAMN and all that all the way to the top with Trump & Clintons with EpSTEINES!!
This has got to be a trap, isn't it?
That magazine looks like it takes .22 LR, lol
>that fucking sword
Put a bolt carrier and charging handle on before you larp with daddies guns
>How to deal with antifa
Pic very related,
wooden 10/22
>"Anonymous" is people from vaius *chans known for trolling Habbo hotel, crapflooding random forumns and constanly posting gay porn to that guy crying about his girlfriend dumping him on the faux news report where we all laughed about them saying we were domestic terrorists
>Anonymous is an anarcho-socialist terrorist organisation almost directly opposed to the *chans now
What the fuck happened?
The FBI happened you nazbol shitstain
They captured most of the high profile hackers in "Anonymous" and turned the idea into a group
Now edgy teenagers on Facebook really believe that Anonymous is fighting some secret war against the "terrorist dictatorship of capitalism"
Mainstream media happened retard.
It all started going to shit when Anonymous tried to play batman and the mainstream media mentioned them, all the self-righteous pretentious faggots jumped on the wagon, and well..
It's probably the way he prefers to store them. I do the same in all my ARs except for one. Still nice, better than anything I have.
Who is this girl? I've seen her in so many different videos and discussions about lefty degeneracy. Is she a meme?
Nevermind. Used Google image search.
Just Fake Anonymous appropriating our culture again.
Is 10mm over kill for defending ones self against a BAMN hoodlum?
I got an AR-10 (my first guns were pistols and a tavor)
I'm supposed to take the bolt out to store it?
Chanology happened.
>with your shield or on it
>arrested by police.
what a cuck.
>with your shield or on it
>got confiscated
You had one job
he might have a side charging bolt.
anonymous has been lefty faggots for years now
Jew False Flag operation.
everything on the fringe goes mainstream eventually
because middle class suburb brats spend more money than anyone else
What scope is that?
Why would they reference spartan civilization. Its an authoritarian one, which is what they oppose.
>b-but that movie wuz so kewl xxxDDDDDDD
they are authoritarians, they just want to be the ones in charge
>opposed to the *chans
Sup Forums and cripplechan aren't really the extent of them, you know?
Daily reminder that Chanology was a mistake.
slide shill thread, sage
Don't forget that "Hitler did nothing wrong" was a favorite line of theirs to spam everywhere.
as if Sup Forumsacks have anything in common with 'user for the lulz' fags
gotta appreciate a nice little wood stock 22 sometimes
Thats one tiny gun or a large ass battery
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>calling Hitler a dindu
We grew up; they didn't.