Other chans have been working hard to find it. They have located the location at 27 Belsize Square, London, England. It's locked in a building so we are stuck at a dead end. This information was found almost a month ago but the mods here are a bunch of sjw cunts and keep deleting these threads. Will be dropping images of the building below.
He will not divide us flag location
Other urls found in this thread:
More images
Remember Anons, it is locked in a building at 27 Belsize square London england
bump. OP is doing god's work here
Since breaking in is illegal, we should probably just throw some party nearby and broadcast some autistic shit. Or we can get some lasers and point symbols at the flag on stream.
How long has the stream been back?
it's been up for a while. like a month or more now. Shia is being a huge faggot and can't stand losing anymore so he hides it in a room. Fuckin faggot
Shi here, wrong
prove it shill. the info has been verified on stream
That is exactly what we need. Maybe throw in a pepe or two just to piss off the faggot furie too.
Yes, please
they may have tec that can cover window. also small attacks could raise security.
Get in here anons. This is gonna be real fun.
What do you think we should do then?
if you cant go in, well spay pooo, literally. start rumors its the british kkk hq or something, print flyers, something islam related etc. send pic stuff there
I know this sounds stupid but maybe if we get enough people (like a lot of people) to do stupid shit (i.e. twerking, yelling, playing meme music, praying to Zeus, etc...) Shia might get annoyed enough to get rid of the flag! (or at least the people would have a fun time!)
Nah, that's a great idea. Keep this thread bumped.
one attack, one big one that will earn a take down. it isn't a bad idea If it doesn't raise security. I need more time.
this. Start this rumor. Tell people that's where the house the KKK. Start distributing flyers.
Like when Shia Lebouf was doing his first livestream and Sup Forums trolls did stupid shit (i.e. holding up Pepe signs, screaming, drinking milk, shouting out memes, etc...) so get a bunch of people and do that same shit but do it outside the house! 9also can use drones to put a statue of Donald Trump on the Roof or in front of the house!)
forgot about this shit, If shoah lakike has to resort to hanging up a flag inside someones house it already defeated the purpose of what he was aiming for. just hack the site and be done with it.
I think we need to cause some lulz for one last time.
Oh wait, how about you all dress up as Pepe or/and Kekistanis and plant a Kekistani flag in front of the house
shine a laser pepe at the flag on stream
Kill yourself. And also, you have to be 18+ to post here.
I got it London has goat fuckers, London has kuck flag. problems can solve each other, goat fuckers are dumb as fuck convince them that this house belongs to a fag (it do) or that he drew a picture of goat fucker profit
WAIT I'VE GOT IT troll a bunch of SJWs so they will think Shia Lebouf is an Anti-SJW or something and make them protest this house!
and how will you do that?
I give this thread 3 more minutes before they "shut it down".
Now I really think you are underage now.
>forced to hang it in a locked room no one can see
That's a checkmate right?
I can confirm that Sup Forums has been compromised and mods are banning without good reason
No. If we defeat him once more, then he will be left with no options. What's left? Put the flag in a bank vault? Put in a shark pool? He has no options but to shut it down without looking completely retarded
agreed but not many options are left, doubt any user is dumb enough to commit a felony by breaking in to steal the flag but ive seen people do dumber shit, so who knows.
in relationship to this thread?
Archived for when mods delete
This makes my dick hard. So is this shit starting up again?
We don't have to commit crimes. Just a big ass party outdoor, shine some things at the flag, and maybe even convince the sand nigs that big fags who draw their goatfuckin god lives there
Other chans have been working really hard on this but simply don't have the numbers to carry out this operation.
I had something related to Pizza gate shut down this week
What alternative Chan's are good, I want to leave Sup Forums due to censorship
send letter with cartoon of goat fucker profit, return address, this house.done
I'm going to go there myself, and if I see any of you cunts trying to take it down, I'll snap a picture and report you to the police. Get fucked cunts.
I'm not sure but maybe if we pose as SJWs on tumblr maybe we can trick them! (we also could post fake news)
Bump for the lulz
Call the British police and inform them that someone is using a flag that is hate speech. /HE/ is referring to allah. That offends me as a Muslim
I don't even see it
Fuck off shill.
Look at the stream
>Tell ANTIFA there will be a alt right rally in front of the house
>ANTIFA trashes entire neighborhood
>ANTIFA gets bad rep
>shia hopefully hangs himself
You all realize the best thing to do is order pizza online, you can select to pay up front and just order it to a bunch of niggers (Dominos)
Lose some weight fat burger cunt.
you might be onto something, anons can pay some bums or poor rapefugees strapped for cash to sing shadilay outside of the window for hours.
And you do realize that no one lives there and that it is completely locked right? Those methods don't work on this round now because Shia is such a faggot
Get some better teeth britfag. No one likes shills here.
Are there street cameras on that street? If not, then arson is not an easy conviction without tons of evidence or the retard confessing. "Accidentally" smoke in front of the house and light the bush on fire and it all goes up in smoke.
Keep this more fun. Don't turn this into some destruction shit. That's what separates us from the antifags who just loot
i don't see a flag how do you know it's there
The flags on stream and people checked by pointing lasers through the window
Holy fucking shit do it!
Do you not know how to use a search engine?
And live stream it
We also create tumblr accounts and pose as SJWs and Feminists then we spread lies that Shia Lebouf is an Anti-SJW/Feminist and that he does not belive in the wage gap! Then we organize a protest outside the house!
>Buying a house just to hang up a flag
Why do Hollyfags make such bad ideas.
Stop now. Please. Get offline and go play with your friends at elementary school.
HERES THAT LINK TO IT: hewillnotdivide.us
Discords are compromised.
what is this about
is there audio? slip mp3 players with shadilay on loop under the door
checked what? how do they know the flag is in there?
Just fucking throw a molotov in there. Stop acting like a bunch of pussies.
verified on stream when another user from other chans pointed blue light through the window
some codefag on hwndu said that after anons found the location, the feed is an swf file on a loop
They pointed lazers
>Not knowing what hwndu is
GTFO newfag
Someone pour a little gas and set it on fire and run
this is getting off topic. only one or two real ideas put out. new fags are just asking "how know"
why would i try and keep up with stale 2017 memes
no need for that, he already ruined his credibility by telling a nigger cop she was going to burn in hell for being a nigger.
molotov your butthole, countrylet flag
Please don't. That just gives the libtards more ammunition. Make it funny, but not dangerous. Make it hurt only Shia, not the neighbors.
Use a convex mirror with a long focal point (or a smaller covex mirror with a few objective lenses to intensify the beam in a short distance from the mirror). Stand across the street, melt the flag through the window. All provided there is line of sight.
Learn from history
>use drones
What about a drone with a laser attached, powerful enough to discolour the flag?
Bumperino bumperoo
Wait, is there ANOTHER flag?
that's just a hard way to burn down the house dumb ass
Exactly, you wouldn't. This place isn't a place for kikes.
So many ideas here. But which user will have the balls to do it
i simply hope that this is not an psyop and in this house no right wing bomb crafting terrorists live, and if so, that theyre been reported
bother the neighbors then the flag has to get the hell out