When is Asuka gonna show up?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
I guess we knows who will learn new fusion technique.
Isn't that right, Asuka-nee?
>Wanting the inferior Asuka to show up
Spoilers most likely fake. It said Shun get kidnapped by Obelisk Force, Kaito rescued him and they went to Fusion Dimension.
>The Falcon Perishes on the Battlefield
Why? The best character of Arc-V doesn't deserve to be carded by stupid Obelisk Force grunts.
What if it's referring to ultimate falcon
Ultimate Falcon getting BTFO (again) is not episode title worthy though.
He looks pretty fine in the preview, just a bit scratched up.
Theory fag here
What if shun doesn't loose to jobelisks and instead is challenged by Yuri who he can't bring himself to fight because he is so similar to Yuto
What if it's a metaphorical death.
The title can also be translated to 'Wing lost on the battlefield.'
Honestly, it could mean anything. Either he gets killed or just becomes a more moderately calm person
Why the heck writer would spoil major character death in episode title anyway?
I doubt Shun would actually die.
Yuri isn't in the cast list and is in Fusion right now.
Episode centered around them when?
>write an episode with monkeyboard in it
>he fucking special summons it
>turntoad and odd-eyes unicorn in scales
>neither are used
>I can't recall the final life points for them but raddish horse/camel probably would've still let them write exactly the same (the finale would have more damage I guess)
Because they're probably desperate for ratings.
Was worth a shot
Except the title can literally mean anything. It ain't spoiling anything. Some think he'll die, some have hope.
As long as the cards are selling, they don't care.
Killing fan-favorite character won't improve ratings.
And if Shun doesn't die then viewer who come in to see him die would feel tricked and won't continue to watch.
>Only interaction was "oh you lose to Yugo? okay"
>Episode centered around them when?
>image spamming
Literally cancer killing thread.
In all honesty this. The only other popular characters still on the show are nostalgia acts that don't even appear often. Most of the rest of the cast rarely appear too. This needs to be reiterated in every thread. This show is shit at handling characters. Even Zexal could get away with killing IV off because it still had Vector, Kaito, Shark and Astral around.
No, it's retards like you that kill the thread
>The best character of Arc-V
you funny man
This last episode reminded me of rape brainwash chinese comics.
keep shitposting, mad faggot.
They never should have brought nostalgia characters back. The cast was too big as it was. They should have just focused on the original characters.
You're not really helping when you post pics like that. I agree that avatarfags, spammers, lewd dumpers and shit pretty much every type of poster that doesn't actually discuss the show is shit. These threads are terrible and should only be allowed on the weekends when the episode airs.
I don't know man, I mean look at Yuya's face in the preview, some shit is going down, next week.
IV's death is near the finale. Plus IV never appear that often anyway despite being incredible popular.
Totally different situation from Shun here.
Real spoilers are coming tonight.
Well yeah you're right.
Someone needs to make them aware though.
Every thread until he returns.
That doesn't solve anything. Without Edo you have to make a new character to fill his position which means the cast is still bloated. Same with Jack, Kaito and Asuka.
Kibou no hikari
could just be the QUALITY animation making a reappearance
I dunno his eyes looks triggered as fuck.
Nice contribution.
We already have characters to do that.
Shinji could have easily taken Crow's place instead of being relegated to being a screaming retard.
Why was Jack needed, he barely did anything. Why wasn't Reiji the one to motivate Reira to get good? You know, his actual brother. Yugo and Yuya could have been in the finals and give us the duel that was promised in the OP instead of not even interacting once in the entire arc.
What is even the point of Kaito? We already have Yuto and Shun to show that side of the Xyz dimension, there is no need for him. Why does Edo need to be the commander of Academia? Why not give that role to Yuri, instead of just having him card a bunch of nobodies every 50 episodes and then get teleported back into irrelevancy?
How much of a shit storm did this scene caused?
Quite a lot. Then again, this isn't the first time this occurred.
With the Liru project finally getting released, it's still funny to remember that Seismic has to make a yugioh one, though it could be either dmg or anything related to dm giving the circumstances
I miss the shitstorm, how big it was? Do you have samples
>they will never make a version with your monster cardfu
You'd have to expand Shinji's role to do that leading to more cast bloat as he takes the role of two characters.
Jack was needed to be the final obstacle in Yuya's path in Xyz. Yugo was a nobody and couldn't fit that role. Jack was someone respected in the dimension and a goal for everyone to aim for, even Yugo. They didn't have Yuya and Yugo fight because they realized that they can't have two Yu's fight it out without dragon shenanigans happening. They want to save that. Quite frankly, I think they regret killing off Yuto so early.
Kaito is someone who unlike Yuto and Shun can't be reasoned with. He's Shun if Shun never developed and traveled dimensions. Full of hate towards enemies he has no problem killing. He'll even attack allies because of his anger and solitude. He's needed. Yuri can't have that role because that would force Yuri and Yuya to fight too soon. Again, dragon shenanigans would happen and they don't want that. Yuri should be more relevant but again, this show is shit at characters. Yugo should be more relevant but again, this show is shit at characters. Rin, Ruri, Reiji and Serena should be more relevant but again, this show is shit at characters.
I hope the Tyler sisters stick around and bully Yuya.
She is naturally the sexier sister. That's for sure.
Though Grace is admittedly amazing as well.
Maybe they're one of those people who will never get into the game because of long text.
You needed an angry common to epitomize the class war. Whoever does that cannot take crow's place. Instead of crow, you'd have a different moderate.
Jack served as the King and the Pinnacle. One who could push Yuya too. A random fucktard from synchro would have nowhere near as much impact.
The reira inspiration was just a bonus.
Kaito is pretty much there to show us what Shun and Yuto would be like if they did not calm down. Someone who no longer even has a plan or purpose outside of carding anyone he considers an enemy. The difference shows both how severe the XYZ situation is and the development of Shun.
Again, you could have an original character serve as a STRONG AS FUCK Xyz resistance member, but bringing in an established character sells it more.
Also, we had established HEARTLAND as a setting 70 episodes ago. Mentioning that and NOT BRINGING IN any legacy characters would be stupid.
Also, Edo and Yuri's roles are different.
You cannot have the commander of forces travel around like a bum. He is supposed to lead. Yuri is the weapon you aim at people, Edo organizes forces.
You could have an original character replace Edo again, but not have Yuri replace him.
All in all, you fail to understand the purpose the character serve and have very misguided complaints
I literally had to google search because I didn't know what did you talked about, then I find it out and
Pretty much....
I prefer Grace's playful and sarcastic to Gloria upfront and agressive.
Amazoness that benefit from, and support, Fusion when?
they're still shit if you think that the fusion monster will do any help
as an archetype, amazoness have no consistency, each of them have a different effect
the best ones are only swordswoman, chain master, scout and village. Everything else is shit.
what they need are variations of the effect of amazoness village, because as of now, that field spell is the only thing that makes them useful
The main problem is really that they're all battle centric effects.
And on that topic, that is also why the majority of the Destiny Heroes are hot garbage too.
If these cards had on-summon effects or just floated like modern cards or whatever, then it would be an entirely different matter.
I'm hungry now.
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
Staaaay fresh!
What the hell were the writers thinking?
I still think Zexal!Asuka is cute though.
Maybe it's the peek-a-bangs. I'm a sucker for those.
The problem is not so much the size of the cast as it is the lack of interaction between them.
Synchro completely cut the opportunity for most of them to interact with the Friendship cup's 'no going out of the room' bullshit rule. Then we lost even more of the cast by the time we reached Xyz.
It's not like this is some 12 episode anime. Yugioh damn well has the number of episodes required to show off its cast and then some.
Man now i ship Grace and Yuya super hard. But i know she can't win with Yuzu still alive. It hurts
So is Asuka dueling Yugo or was that just a meme?
Fake unconfirmed spoilers. It's neither on NAC or Maxuts blog.
Damn straight.
>Synchro completely cut the opportunity for most of them to interact with the Friendship cup's 'no going out of the room' bullshit rule.
This here has to be the biggest problem with Synchro. Not the pacing, not Jack and Crow, not ShinjREEE, not if they found any duelists from Synchro to join the lancers, this. It didn't really help Jack shit in protecting them from Roger when the participants can easily drive out of the arena.
please tell me you're being ironic
Episode centered around them when?
that duel was super fucking gay
but I still enjoyed it ;_;
>super tight security stopping them leaving their rooms
>can easily drive out of the arena before/after/during a match
Episode centered around them when?
With dance battle please.
Episode centered around them when?
Roger still gets them regardless.
Yuri will fuse with Yugo after the duel?
When are the real spoilers coming out?
Things that fucking piss you off when playing ygopro....
>playing against people with overstack decks
>lock down decks
>troll decks
Why the fuck is the music in this so good?
The theme that plays T1 of the duel in this episode is catchy as fuck, not to mention Sergei theme. I want Sound Duel 4 ASAP
someone, who tag duels with himself as partner and ragequits, when he loses
>Chojiro's theme never
worth synchro arc for this one picture
I totally enjoyed synchro tho
People ragequitting because you use a Kaiju.dek
specking of which, there doesn't seem to be that many people playing tag duels on ygopro. On the checkmate server anyway.
why would you want an acadamia sol?
Domino City
Academia Island
Neo Domino City
Maiami City
Based on it's layout, architecture and aesthetic in which city would you like to live? No duels and you dont get the crew, you just live there like normal.
>Only interaction was "oh you lose to Yugo? okay"
>Episode centered around them when?
>image spamming
Literally cancer killing thread.
>yugioh 5d
>last boss- hints start making sense
>villains talking about bonds with last boss and there been close ups to last boss eyes and yusei's being the same color
>start thinking it might be yusei till the reveal it really is yusei
>lol not really just a random shmuck that copies yusei
what was the point
>copied his personality and memories
what? how? I dont think thats how that works
>pic related
>momentum is the cause of the end of the world
yeah but before that you had terminators flying around, so basically momentum is skynet?
but I really like 5ds ending.
well if i can't chill out with the crew in the school yard defiantly minami city
Momentum is powered by the emotions of the people and amplified by synchro summoning. Accel Synchro makes that shit even worse.
All of the hate and suffering of the human species managed to transform Momentum to match it, and with the absolutely huge reserves of energy it had due to Accel Synchro, it turned the energy to mass and created an army of giant robots to destroy humanity.
When humanity got its shit together, Momentum stopped. But then they fucked up again.
If you have friends then you can chill out with them
>on Sup Forums
>having friends
Then why not make Yugo the champion of the previous friendship cup? that way Yuya would have a reason to fight him, he would still be fighting the champion to prove himself.
so basically skynet?
man I want someone to make a storyboard with all the yugioh stories and they represent like this one.
So Sup Forums, how would you rewrite Yugo's character and Shinji's character to fill the role of Jack and Crow respectively, this way arc-v doesn't has to rely on older characters to move the plot around.
>Calm down Yuto!
Fucking hell, this is amazing.
Because that would force them to fight. They don't want them fighting because of dragon crap. Yugo isn't meant to be a big deal. I honestly don't know what the point of his character is. He doesn't do shit and wasn't even important in his own dimension.
It's like me