>some countries make it illegal to deny the holocaust
>nobody's made it illegal to deny the armenian genocide
Some countries make it illegal to deny the holocaust
Because one of them has Jewish interests tied up in it.
the truth fears no investigation
It's almost like jews have a special (((privilige))), huh?
really troubles the doubles
The armenian what ?
Stop making stories up
was just about to say, well if i had all the money from the capitalist system after world war 2, obviously I have the power to spiel what seems to be reality, relative to those who don't have the same resources as me to spiel the reality of the suffering they have encountered
lol that face shit is getting pretty ridiculous
The holocaust never has never happened.
The jews made the whole thing up to give them social credit points- #taketheredpill
We should really be pushing Germany to pass a law against denying the Armenian genocide. That will get the turkroaches to chimp out big time.
If tgey were gebocided why are there still Armenians? Checkmate hobbits
Just a coincidence.
What is it called when a Muslim acts in such a way that it re-enforces negative stereotypes of muslims?
>What is it called when a Jew acts in such a way that it reinforces negative stereotypes of Jews.
What is it called when a black acts in such a way to reinforce negative stereotypes of black people?
Why don't these words exist? Why don't they have to self police?
>law passes
>entire country is ripped apart from the inside by muzzies siding with the roaches
>Every Armenian I've ever met has been batshit crazy
Some places have, but it was only because people kept bringing up the question of why it wasn't when holocaust denial was
Sounds like a win for Sup Forums. A civil war with muzzies and roaches is probably the quickest way to red pill the entire German population.
Sounds like it's time for turkey to FIRE UP THEM SANCTIONS
They won't sadly, to busy trying to get their roach arses into the EU.
Jewish power, improportional to their numbers. Influence, politicking.
All the Armenians here in Los Angeles are basically niggers. They drive the most expensive cars, play the shittiest rap music, hollar at bitches even though they're hideous dark skinned goblin people and most perplexing of all, they don't have jobs or work the lowest paying lowest skilled jobs you can imagine.
They're criminals, perhaps a step above a Turk, but all in all, they're shit people and should be wiped out along with their muslim turk oppressors.