Okay Sup Forums time for a jojo thread.
Who do you think is the best minor villain in the series ?
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Other urls found in this thread:
Either Blakmore or Akira Otoishi
For me so far it's n'doul, hol horse, yuuya, most of the assassins from part 5.
Damo's been pretty good
Hol Horse best minor villain.
Ringo Roadagain is hands down the most badass minor villain in any manga ever, anyone who disagrees isn't a true man
Akira or Magenta Magenta
I don't feel any SOUL from him!
Blackmore, Ringo, Hol Horse or Darby senior
Great, maybe we can get through one thread without somebody writing about rape...
>Killed Keicho for the arrow
>Only used it on a rat
>Uses his stand only to steal shit because he's too much of a NEET to get a real job.
What a faggot.
Daily reminder.
I think it's easier to list my favorite minor villains from each part
Oingo and Boingo, tied with Vanilla Ice
Tonio (he counts ok)
Probably Risotto
No idea, maybe Rykiel
Magenta Magenta
Aishou, so far
>implying you wouldn't use your stand to steal shit
Depends if my stand is capable of stealing shit.
I'd probably get a Cheap Trick-type given how anxious I am all the time.
I would use my stand for rape purposes. In fact, my Stand Name would be "I Became A Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It", or IBACSICTRVTAFI for short.
Melone, get off Sup Forums.
I'm not Melone, I'm his big sister, Anguria!
Melone, your stand doesn't count as a sibling.
>Akira could hijack Morioh radio and broadcast his guitar playing next episode
I know it's wishful thinking but please do this David
No, let's not add too much original stuff to the anime, that's just asking for trouble.
They've already added like half an episode's worth of original stuff so I don't see the problem
So can we all agree that DiU is the best anime adaption of JoJo yet? I'm not sure if it's thanks to the liberties they've taken with the art style and new content (like Morioh Radio) or just because Part 4 was better than the first 3 parts to begin with, but DiU has been hot shit so far. Hoping this quality continues and it doesn't just drop off into sheer boredom and pennies budget in the middle like SDC did
haha you are beat jojo
no i do this as i planned
haha you may have done that but i can use my power in this way
i was only pretending to be retarded i knew you would do that all along ora ora ora ora
I concur.
It's probably because of both reasons. David seems to be doing a better job of budget management this time around. SDC had terrible budgeting issues in the latter half and dreadful pacing.
I think they're conserving their budget for the good parts of DiU because the earlier episodes felt really stiff
But episodes 6 and 10 were god tier direction and animation wise
Damo, Hol Horse, Yuuya or Ringo
That was a great doujin.
Entire Equine
>he was probably intended to join the crusaders since he's on some group pics
>imagine all the bantz with Polnareff we'll never see
>Magenta Magenta
i don't get this at all. Magenta Magent is a horrible, insufferable douchebag with a whiny voice and a bad attitude. Wekapipo is an actually great minor antagonist, yet people like Magenta because.... i have no idea? 20th Century Boy is a shitty and boring stand too.
What happened?
So anyone kinda wish there was a stand called Daft Punk with 4 acts called Hader Better Faster And Stronger
not to mention Magenta Magenta licked his own sneeze. can somebody post the panel
all the reasons to like him, he is a horrible villain because he is shit at doing his job and because he has a bad personality, but that is what makes him a good "bad" guy. Also, 20th Century Boy is a great stand, shut up
Modern music sucks
Don't say that you love me!
don't forget to preorder
Johnathan became a vampire instead of Dio.
Define "modern".
C U C K!
show me your feminine ballsack
Hol Horse
Lang Rangler
Sounds cool, does Jonathan turn evil? Got a link?
When I grow up I want to be a psychopath too!
Vanilla Ice
Risotto or Ghiaccio
Giorno 2nd was announced just the other day, I believe. Nice to see more new SAS besides Baoh and yet another Rohan.
So if Gio was born with his stand powers, why did he only summon it for the first time just before part 5 started
im ognna wmilk awammusu fuck cow horny fuck moo moo milky tities boig man moilk titties wam muu wam moo moo fuck cow milk
what did he mean by this?
You guys better get out all your VitC lyrics, because Damo will be dead soon
d-don't do this to me user
who knows, maybe for some people it's like puberty. some get it earlier then others. joshuu did even seem to know he had a stand till the event of jjl.
What´s this guys ? Anybody knows moonrunes ? Looks really good.
Would you kiss enrico pucci on the cheek?
it's the colored jojolion trailer friend
It´s good, but i still think Wataru is a real Josuke.
David better not fuck up Kira and his VA.
Yeah i know, but anything more specific ?
What sound effect will they use for BITES ZA DUSTO?
what do you mean? that's all there is to it
it's just flavor text n lines from the manga
air horn
With my stand's hands, sure.
I wonder if they used the Soul Beat Replica guy for the music to this. It's got a similar vibe to it.
School setting means they cut down costs for backgrounds at least.
Looks like Pucci is just scraping by
But where ? For how much ? When ?
i hope Emporioposter gets banned. emporio a shit
Think you got rid off me ?
Wasn't that just taken from this?
Emporibros, sound off.
So why is Joestar so old? Josuke's mother still looks pretty young compare to him....or was he a Pedo?
C'mon, it's in the filename.
But, heck, i'm feelin' generous today. bato.to
they'll play a clip from fat people not good
As you know Joseph is a man of love.
you can't really buy it since the originals are jap text
most are translated already
Isn't that DIO?
>for how much
digital/kindle version is Y500 per volume, which is like $5, physical is roughly the same price (shipping not included)
volumes 1-4 are already available. JJCA has put the first few chapters of vol.1 on Bato.to, but i have no information on their release schedule for that
Thank you. Have this Joshuu pic in return. I good trade i would say.
np buddy, enjoy!
no problem! have a good one user
>comes with the bread
Release dates:
Vol 1-2 (2015/12/18)
Vol 3 (2016/01/19)
Vol 4 (2016/04/19)
we can assume the next one comes out next month
How can I download this?
So cool.
Is that even a question ¿
I'd imagine this is how Araki would've drawn Mary Poppins.
You glad now ?
all the giorno's come with the bread. the only difference besides the color is that you get giorno with no hair die
IMO they've all been pretty fucking fantastic in their own ways but I definitely have to agree in terms of art style and general direction this seems to be the best of all so far. SDC was a great manga adaption while DiU feels like it's literally coming to life in front of me.
Ringo a badass, he and Kira are definitely my favorite villains for style points.
Jesus fuck you're late