Developments Sep22 >DeZ:SAA liberates Khasham town from E Euphrates >Kurdish forces capture IS oil fields without a fight, E of DeZ, outrace the SAA >Israeli warplanes attack civilian airport in Damascus >N Hama:SAA carried out several attacks near the town of Sukeek >US accuses Russia, Syria of hitting civilian targets in Idlib, Hama >Russian Navy fires several cruise missiles at Al-Qaeda targets in Idliba fight >SAA is now 6km away from Maadan >HTS&Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham launch joint attack against SAA troops in east Hama >E Ghouta:Rebels from Al-Qadam agree to surrender to SAA, might be bussed to Idlib >Sy opposition claims US-backed forces reached agreement over withdrawl of IS from Raqqa to DeZ >Unconfirmed: SDF shelled gov troops crossing Euphrates, killing 9 >Jihadists move forces to western Idlib amid Turkish Army build-up near Syrian border >900 days of Saudi Yemen aggression:12907 citizens dead,21k injured, destroyed 15 airports,14 ports,1941 bridges&roads,296 hospitals&medical facilities,791 schools,114 university facilities /sg Army 2017 -
=== NGO’s and hybrid warfare: === WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade - Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria - ===
>2017 >still hating Israel >still blaming the Jews for all that's wrong with Syria When will /sg/ grow the fuck up?
Oliver Lee
Samuel Phillips
I will bake you.
Eli Russell
Calm before the storm
Lincoln Nelson
can someone edit a bbc into this?
Josiah Sanders
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Andrew Ward
Elijah Stewart
→ → → →
AHAHAHHAHAHAH Gommie fell for it
Carson Perry
Go be a soap somewhere else
Jaxson Gomez
mubarak akhi !
Carter Ross
Alaykum wa salam
Landon Baker
thanks habibi
Eli Rodriguez
Sucking dicks for a living must be your dre job
Ayden Smith
no problem akhi, anytime ! al urduni is happy to help you
Justin Foster
New maps by Polandbro! did not have time to split them
Adrian Butler
>/sg/ will die within the year 2017
Joseph Green
Thank you akhi. How do you do?
Adam Myers
>Be only thread on Sup Forums where posters are not immediatly anti muslim, antitowelheads , anti churkas and durkas, anti roach.
>Get invaded by attention depraved retards proving stereotypical points.
On the other hand now I know why people on Sup Forums immediatly dissmis muslim turkroach/Arap inbreed retards.
>pic related Armenians killing Azerishits in recent escalation last year.
Carson Price
assalamu alaikum ya habibti
Jeremiah Miller
you truly are a great person, i don't know what we would do without you my friend, truly.
Carter Diaz
Alhamdulillah good. Alhamdulillah
Ethan Cooper
Swiggity Swooty....I think this is the right thread, yep right thread, I'm coming for those oil fields.
Angel Butler
esselamu aleyküm ve rahmetullah ve berekatuhu
Kevin Lopez
We can only say alhamdulillah for giving me powers to rule over /sg/ my brother
mashallah, bismillah
Gabriel Roberts
شو اخبر اليوم شباب؟
Brayden Martin
Even the non-trolls are joining in just fir shits and giggles. Meanwhile, the janitors are browsing /ptg/.
Hunter Sanchez
Logan Clark
That's good habibi. I am glad Allah subhannahu wa ta ala is watching over you
Grayson Gray
that's pretty much it! /sg/ is the most welcoming thread in Sup Forums, nobody cares about your flag... all we care is discussion and we want quality discussion but attention seeking teens who heard of Sup Forums and try to be edgy really bring quality down
Andrew Perry
Carter Green
Jaxon Myers
bi'iznillah akhi, i was never mistaken about you, i always know you had the power in you, ASShatists shake and tremble when they think of you
Jonathan Edwards
Salam alakum /sg/, what did you do for BLACK BULL (ALLAH) today ?
Jordan Lee
Aiden Thompson
Ryan Thomas
Did the syrians play hearts of iron before planning?
Connor Wright
wassalamu alaikum, ukhti
Mason Miller
>2017 >not supporting the based black state (BBS) of israel >being swedish
really jogs the noggin'
Ian Phillips
dude this IS hilarious
Jaxson Gutierrez
Gavin Young
S H I T P O S T H I T P O S T I T P O S T T P O S T P O S T O S T S T T >/sg/ - where mods don't care - shitposting general
Dominic Cruz
I want a cute Turkish bf. I'd teach him how to behave like civilized human being
Kayden Moore
Thats haram
i command you for 10 astagfirullahs
bismillah !
Justin Foster
>quality discussion >Literally a pro Assad circle jerk echo chamber Alhamdulillah
Mason Morales
i want a qt turkish gf but they don't exist anymore
Robert Edwards
Wyatt Davis
when your mouth opens gold pours out, i am truly amazed and speechless by how wise and great you are lord al urduni
Gabriel Foster
You've a circlejerk chamber in your arsehole
Christopher Cox
May you strive to be like Rasoolallah salallahu alaihi wa salam
Ryder Moore
I know you want this too
Anthony Ramirez
Unlikely. NATO is supplying the Kurds and urging them to attack Assad. The Western media is going full on "Kurds are heroes" mode, so that when the Syrian Civil War becomes a simple 1v1, Assad v Kurds, then the docile Western sheep will be more pliant for intervention.
No, this was isn't over. The Jews want Assad gone, just because their favoured proxy, ISIS, is dead, doesn't mean they'll stop with their goal.
Kevin Lee
I want your mother
Jonathan Perez
Nathan Brown
I would join in postin yaoi but I don't want m*ds to b*n me again
Thomas Clark
Thank you for the kind words ukhti. It means a lot wallahi
Alexander Green
Grayson Lopez
oh my brother, no need to say that, allah is truly the magnifecent and all powerful, without him ASShatists would be having normal conversations right now
Connor Rivera
>not supporting pic related >2017 I hate /sg/ with all my heart. I can't wait until the big black bulls break into your NEET stacks and beat the shit out of you
Lucas Cruz
Michael Morgan
Turkish BLACK bulls shall take over Syria, inshallah.
Lucas Clark
and what is /ptg/ what is Sup Forums if you want to put it that way.. quality discussion no matter what the circle jerk is, still is quality discussion... you can go to isis circle jerks and have a quality discussion abt what ever subjects so your point does not stand
Brody Ramirez
inshallah brother
Dylan Jones
I stood on your mother, scuttle scuttle!
Jordan Parker
man i miss when we had comfy breads drinking beer like last new years. but this is just retarded no discussion just spam like its going to change some thing . to be honest i miss mahrebli posting at least you could have a discussion whit him
Liam Evans
my heart melts away as i hear your words of wisdom, can we even live without you Mr urduni ?
Xavier Brooks
Wallahi I am glad to make you smile habibi. Subhanallah
Jaxon Barnes
>faggots Absolutely disgusting. I'm a girl
Landon Baker
those are the times when one can appreciate how rare /sg/ is. It's a wonder it doesn't get swept away more often by shitposting
Jonathan Watson
It'll soon be their bedtime, fear not!
Samuel Baker
Daniel Reyes
mashallah akhi
bismillah inshallah
Austin Morgan
mashallah, ar rahman ar raheem
Thomas Martin
I thank Allah everyday for creating me as a BLACK man.
Jacob Wright
>Girl >On internets Pick one
David Hill
habibi allahu akbar
bi'izn allah !
Parker Young
Subhanallah habibi
Kayden Rivera
Lol, Roaches sure love green coffins.
They like to fertilize the ground because it's only thing they are useful for.
Logan Peterson
mmmm of course you can be a girl. So can I.
Jose Green
it's fake, burger
Noah Roberts
Joseph Brooks
that ID was a fake id, you know it right?
Jason Roberts
>Thanks god for being a ROACH Insect education everyone
Joshua Morris
inshallah, ameen !
subhanallah akhi
Dominic Gomez
Here's the uncensored version
Justin Bailey
James Price
>real jewish MEN are BLACK men (who are based) >jewish (real) BLACK MEN destroy sorry little arab bois >tfw /sg/ has no argument >tfw this is the down fall of /sg/ before our very eyes
Ethan Wilson
I wish my dick was small so i could fuck your mums cockroach cunt
Michael Morgan
Dude you're a wh*Te subhuman. You are inferior to roaches. It doesn't matter if you call me roach,rat, monkey or *insert animal/insect name here*, You would be still inferior to those insects/animals listed above.
Juan Ward
Grayson Peterson
ya ikhawn tasbeeh !
Kevin Gomez
Adrian Wood
I mean , when i see a pic like that i kinda get why they want to get the fuck out of there
Nathaniel Butler
Brandon Green
>man i miss when we had comfy breads drinking beer like last new years. but this is just retarded no discussion just spam like its going to change some thing . to be honest i miss mahrebli posting at least you could have a discussion whit him
I really miss Ebin, at least with him thread felt like it had someone consistantly commited to it. Now it's full anarchy.
And I was the one posting anti Ebin memes.
Ebin pls return.
Alexander Walker
Easton Roberts
Joseph Lewis
Shut up you filthy subhuman wh*Te pig dog Mashallah