At which chapter exactly did this turned out to be the best ongoing battle shounen?
At which chapter exactly did this turned out to be the best ongoing battle shounen?
The moment gowther raped guila
I want to fuck the girl on the left.
Your dick isn't big enough and you would not survive
I don't know, but it is so fucking good.
It isn't good. It is black clover tier
She gets smaller.
Kill yourself
Probably the Edinburgh bonus chapters.
Not just because of Escanor
It's terrible, but I can't stop reading. I just want to see how much more ridiculous the powerlevels get.
Take your (you) and go
No, it's pretty generic.
Yes, and?
This 100% facts
Magi is garbage though. Even the art of NNT alone outplays magi.
This guy knows what's up
Who's best sin?
Gowther is so cool. Best Taizai. That was not rape tho, she was willing, because of her memories. See, Gowther did nothing wrong, again.
Never ?
she would split you in half with her clit.
I prefer the fights in Toriko.
Kongou Banchou is better.
Chapter 1.
Compare the art of magi with nnt and you'll understand
Century Soup arc was Toriko at its best. It's been ridiculous since the Bambina fight.
I want King to bear my children.
This series wod be cool if all of there characters weren't fucking gay and if the story wasn't fucking retarded.
Never read Magi.
Is it good?
The one where sexy Ban was introduced.
NNT only has one good character which is Ban.
Fuck everyone else.
>all of there characters weren't fucking gay
There's one gay and one lesbian, everyone else is straight.
Yes it is but don't expect as much Fight as Black clover/NNT
lol this is not toriko
No one's discussing the worst battle shonen.
That's not WT
I hope you don't mean World Trigger with that because that's one of the better shonen right now.
More like one of the most basic shounen ever, nothing special or appealing about it, not the worst like he said though.
I wish he'd kept the beard.
Interesting that Ban's body isn't growing older overall, but he can still grow a beard.
the hair, and nails of a body never stop growing, which makes sense in him
Post YFW
Everything was going pretty well until it was like "lol people die? nop, just tired."
I need character development not a ah that never happened moment so fucking stupid.
>"lol people die? nop, just tired."
What do you mean?
When was this I'm up to date and don't recall
I stopped reading the moment power levels became a thing. Not sure how a Manga can go to shit so fast.
>I stopped reading the moment power levels became a thing.
So, you want to say you are still reading?
Shounenfag here. I fucking hate Magi and I find Fairy Tail more enjoyable. Guess that means I wouldn't like 7DS either?
Century Soup was fucking god-tier shonen. It's all been downhill from there, with some bright spots of fun (Monkey king, Livebearer), but mostly just stupid retarded shit.
>I find Fairy Tail more enjoyable
there yo go... youll love 7ds
you hate magi? a man of taste
Fairy Tail is for people who found One Piece to be too cerebral. If you like that shallow stuff, I'm sure you'll love NnT.
>mfw I like all 3
Magi is more world building and politics than anything
7DS and FT are the same kind of manga as Needless , you read it for fun, both series don't take themselves seriously people just try to hard to hate them sometimes, specially FT
NnT is closer to Magi than Fairy Tail, so you probably wouldn't like it. Also kill yourself if you think FT is any more than softcore porn.
Because FT is just too ugly for most people.
If by most people you mean One Piece shitposters that just meme'd their way into hating FT after the wikispammer like with Naruto, then yes
you don't understand shit
Fairy Tail and 7DS both take themselves quite seriously at times, they honestly attempt to get emotional reactions out of readers. 7DS especially goes out of its way to set up story arcs and foreshadow things, it's not just somebody dicking around. Yes, both know how to have some fun, but if you can't tell them apart tonally from Needless (a parody of shonen manga) then I don't know what to tell you
and what are you on about, FT has pretty great art, that's about it's only above-average quality. girls are drawn like pure sex, and the fights/effects are cool and well-conveyed, if not well-planned out.
>Fairy Tail and 7DS both take themselves quite seriously at times
Oh don't get me wrong, yes they do sometimes, I meant during fights and when it comes to powerlevels and stuff,
I actually really like FT people just love to over analyze it, the author did plan things out and there's hints of stuff here and there
People just hate it because of the time the author kind of tried to steal One Piece's art style, then developed his own style and it's better
Almost all villains look ridiculous, some members of FT guild look OK but almost all have shitty outfits. Animation (at least before I dropped it) wasn't great either.
No shounens have amazing or immersing plot, so they really need to look good to be worth watching. Anyway there's no way to stay hyped with a fight when the villain looks laughable.
it's okay, you'll stop being 15 at some point in your lifetime.
>they really need to look good to be worth watching.
Any long running shonen will look like shit animated.
Mfw 2 of these died in the most recent chapter. Bwahhaha
I mostly meant character design. Compare this ridiculous bullshit with Bleach. (The animation is way better too.
Is there any long running show that even tries anymore?
Naruto and Bleach used to have great animation during fights at least
One Piece is just a .pps being shown on TV with not even a good OST
FT also suffered from this, the animation could be better, is not bad, but it doesn't exactly shine even during fights. the OST is GOAT though
Shippuden has 1-2 canon episodes and then a 6month-1year filler arc that just wastes money and tries to keep the series running when the manga is already finished
>I actually really like FT people just love to over analyze it
Aren't confusing it with One Piece fags righ now?
My biggest complaint in mangas is using numbers as ways to measure power levels.
Lets say a human man has a PL of say 3 and a gorilla has one of 8, then a guy who can blow up a city has a PL of 230 and a guy who can blow up a planet has a PL of 3 billion it gets ridiculous.
Rather have the power levels defined by words
High Class
Super Class
Mega Class
Giga Class
Hyper Class
Tetra Class
Alpha Class
Omega Class
God Class
Absolute Class
These define power levels much better than fucking numbers. especially since PL correlates to your overall destructive potential and not individual traits like you being able to move faster than a guy who has a higher than you or something like that.
>Rather have the power levels defined by words
Not much of a difference.
The Holy Knights have this. Also, if you genuinely think that this series uses powerlevels for anything but Hawk jokes, you're retarded.
>PL correlates to your overall destructive potential
That's the idea behind it. In NnT three low PL supports took down someone with much larger PL with some planning. PL is only about how hard you can punch, not about who wins a battle. I guess NnT only started using powerlevels, because the author wanted to let everyone know that the enemy is capable of destroying a city, without actually showing him destroying a city just for the purpose of showing that he can.
If I recall Escanor had a PL of 100,000 in his sun form btw that power is pretty dumb since it makes him useless until a certain time.
A PL of 100,000 but what can Escanor destroy exactly? All of Britannia?
Also fuck this manga for putting this crap in the real world and not a constructed fantasy one.
Galador or Gallal whatever the fuck his name is had a PL of around 10,000 while the Sins usually have around 3000 so this begs the question what the fuck can destroy anything in between these levels.
The Sins seem capable of destroying islands at their max capacity outside of Mel that could probably destroy a country so if 3000 is the island scale then what is 10,000?
See numbers make this stupid.
>The Holy Knights have this.
Do we know the order?
Crystal < zaphire, emerald, ruby and stuff in whatever order < Platina < Cardinal < Diamond
Nope, they never said what his noon powerlevel was, and it doesn't really matter, because "in words" it's higher than everyone else introduced so far. Who fucking cares what the numbers mean?
It is a fantasy world, in the same way Arthur's legends are. It just happens to take place on Earth.
Supports are fucking broken in this series, and that's probably the best part about it.
Diamond, Platinum, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Crystal
Cardinal is not a rank, but a position.
Well most characters have hax that allows them to lol at power levels anyway, Gowther can technically defeat anyone by erasing the memories of them wanting to fight him in the first place. I have no idea what Merlin cant do she seems basically capable of doing anything. The Commandments have some really hax abilities like that guy who instantly kills you if you kill someone.
>The Commandments have some really hax abilities like that guy who instantly kills you if you kill someone.
>Believing Fraudrin's lies
You have to take into account that in NnT, powerlevels are the sum of three sub-powerlevels: Spirit, Magic and Strength.
Galan was pure physical, that 10000 is all Strength, and 0 Spirit and Magic, thats why someone with half the powerlevel, but much more Magic stats could easily trick him with magic.
Jeez Nakaba, you should hire this guy to name your characters.
Magic is the source of the crap the characters in this manga do anyway so it should be in the same category as strength since their magical power is their source of strength in the first place. Maybe demons are different they dont use magic they use something else like in Fairy Tail.
>their magical power is their source of strength
No. There's nothing magical about a punch. The whole idea about Full Counter is that it can work on magical attacks, but not on physical.
And demons do use magic, it's just Galan is a pure physical type. His only magic is increasing his Strength.
Fucking speedreaders
I dropped Fairy Tail when the 7 years past arc happened, it dropped so much quality, and it just became generic bullshit, also it was the first time and last where I actually complained about the levels of fanservice being too fucking ridiculous, and I read HSDK and thought it was fine in comparison.
I dropped this series when they showed that the main villain that died was supposedly still alive and making a new keikaku.
is it worth picking up again?
>implying i want her to get smaller
do you even /d/?
>main villain that died was supposedly still alive and making a new keikaku
Are you talking about Hendricksen? If yes, you should go back a few chapters where you dropped and actually read it instead of just looking at the pretty pictures. I would say read it till Escanor appears and you will know if you want to continue or not.
My nigga
Mel going insane and destroying a country was more like between 50.000 and 100.000. Not 3.000. And it won't grow higher than that, except maybe for the final fight if it ends like Kongoh Banchou.
Also, it wasn't really a country but a city actually. Shit won't go higher than this level of damage, because the strongest forces are also set, compared to most other shonen where it just keeps meeting stronger opponents.
Its a piece of shit. It started out well but the fights are awful and the powerlevels got ridiculous.
I actually kinda liked the anime, what chapter should I start with to pick up the manga?
Like, the first?
Depends. The anime left out some important bits. They made such a poor job, there will be a 4 episode patch in august. If that's end up covering the missing content and you wait it out, chapter 100 is a good place to continue. The best is to start from chapter 1 though, the art is so much better than the anime, so it's not much of a chore.
Remember to hate Gowshit every page.
Don't bother, it's shit.
I'm sure he's talking about that knight/demon/whatever that "slipped" and almost killed the annoying main heroine.