Jew here.
Wanna convert, goyim?
Jew here
If I actually convert, do I still get birthright trip to Israel and get to join IDF and waste Palestinians?
>Babylonian devil worship
no thanks schlomo
LOL @ believing in god!
Do I get gibsmedats and a chance to join the Jewish overlords to rule the world?
If not, I'll pass.
sure thing come closer
I thought Judaism was a sekrit club that only admitted you by blood.
You know you're fucked right?
You get a chance to defend the state of Israel, no greater honor than that for a goy
> sacrificing animals to god for your sins
Yes, but I want to keep my foreskin. Let's make a deal, jew.
Yes but you have to keep your conversion papers bc the security to get into israel is very suspicious it helps if you marry a jewish woman too
You've confused Sup Forums for an atheistfag board. Even the Jews are higher regarded here than the atheists even if most people think they're behind the destruction of the West here.
You got to give them something, they're a smaller minority than atheists and yet they're top of the food chain in finance and leader postions whilst the so-called "intellectual" atheists are Antifa-fags surviving on welfare checks. Jews also actually face real discrimination.
Hate to break it to ya but being offended by a cross is not discrimination.
> gibs me your woman jew boy
>show you how a real goy fucks
Suck on my foreskin master.
fuckin jews
>bow down to Yahwe
Abrahamics, not even once. You do realise you give prays to a curse diety?
I'll convert your people into ash, Chaim.
Is that where the Rabbis in the crowd stood for the teachings of Barabbas over Jesus??
already converted to islam so no
I used to think Hitler was horrible, but after this thread i can see where he was coming from.
Jesus said it s ok. He knows what he is talking about he is the King of the Jews
A friend of mine once considered converting because he legitimately thought it would make him a better accountant.
Pop quiz Jew:
How did Jews make leather after they left Egypt and what dye did they use?
How do you explain the similarities between the Kaaba and early Jewish settlements ?
Why did the Jews regress after babylon and could not build on same level as Solomon?
no because those who accept Jesus Christ as the messiah are the seed of Abraham are the rightful heirs of Israel and are God's chosen
remember when you killed Jesus and were kicked out of Israel?
America is the new Jerusalem
My family says I look like Yair Netanyahu but with a smaller nose. What did my DNA mean by this? If I get tested, what % do I need to be to get access to the gold? Do I still need to convert?
I wanna convert you to ash Mr merchant
we could only hope but the longer time spans on we look more like Babylon and we threaten our covenant with God
>Eurabian flag
>Irrational hatred towards Jewish people
Seems about right. Who would have guessed 30 years ago that Europe would fall so fast and so low?
Yes. I do. But I'm too poor to move to an orthodox community. I'm staying noahide for now :(
Already did
Ill bite. How does one actually go about converting?
Probably just get myself a big titted wike and ride it out on her old man's yacht.
jew magic
You mean Egyptian.
Even the Christans Jesus went to Egypt and came back a stronger jew.
Kabbalah is better understood when you look at the older manuscripts. It's a retelling of Technology taken from Egypt.
>America is the new Jerusalem
I dont think so and here why:
>ome Jewish historians say the Hebrew word for 'Poland' is pronounced as Polania or Polin in Hebrew. As transliterated into Hebrew, these names for Poland were interpreted as "good omens" because Polania can be broken down into three Hebrew words: po ("here"), lan ("dwells"), ya ("God"), and Polin into two words of: po ("here") lin ("[you should] dwell"). The "message" was that Poland was meant to be a good place for the Jews. In later centuries up to 80% of the Jewish world population lived in Poland.
No doubt a special place, but no where else but America do you see a mix of all the possible descendants of Abraham.
I'd rather die
>Jews also actually face real discrimination.
t. Shlomo Shekelsniffer
Poland is indeed the ethnic homeland of many Jews but lucky for you the Polish antisemitism is enough to keep most of us away.
>Polish antisemitism
Myth of polish antisemitism but yeah, only muslims crimes can good covert fact that polish jews loudest welcome liberation from east.
I'm 1/4 Ashkenazi
Find my a qt jewfu and I'll consider
No, I don't want to go to hell because I joined Satan's army.
Tell me how master.
>Myth of polish antisemitism
I wish, kolego! Even dead Jews can't rest in peace in Poland without some drunken bydlo digging them up and painting swastikas on their graves.
>only muslims crimes can good covert fact that polish jews loudest welcome liberation from east.
That's a big problem I grant you that.
So you fly the flag of a regime that invaded a dozen countries and murdered millions of civilians? Is there a difference between Lucifer's and Satan's Army?
Don't let them. Or at least IQ test first. The modern white man is nothing but a genetic dead end and low IQ sub human. It's why they rely so heavily on cucked bullshit like Christianity, because they are unable to lead themselves anymore. The white race will become a horde of mulatto slaves in the near future. The Jews should interbreed with the top 1% of East Asians to form a true master race.
Oh and kick all those lazy Dossim off welfare. They are dragging you down.
Is she Ashkenazi? Cuz damn.
>So you fly the flag of a regime that invaded a dozen countries and murdered millions of civilians? Is there a difference between Lucifer's and Satan's Army?
God told the white Isralites to genocide many tribes. There is nothing wrong with a just war.
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” (1 Sam 15:2-3)
Yeah, her grandfather (((survived))) Auschwitz
Dont touch my dick.
Don't quote the Bible if you don't believe in it.
are you the kike i rekt on today? I thought i told you to get in the oven...
What are you talking about?
I'd lie for the rest of my life to wife her TBQH.
> drunken bydlo digging them up
I dont hear about it lol
>painting swastikas on their graves
When you compare this with knife in chest from muslim... it dont looks that bad.
>That's a big problem I grant you that.
It part of bigger problem which jewish separatism from polish society. It easier betray stranger than friend. I even think thats better when we dont have one but two states if polish jews dont want care same as polish christians.
I like my foreskin fampai.
I can't speak for other Jews but I care a lot, Poland is always my ethnic homeland.
You don't have a homeland except for the one you stole from Palestinian Arabs. You don't belong in Poland
If go to a reform synagogue and ask to start the conversion process, will you get the same kind of response as if you went to one of the curly-haired weirdos and asked to convert? Who is more resistant to goyim converting? I would assume the weirdos.. Are there any that outright reject conversion?
Go there and find out.
How to get Israeli art-student gf?
Have you ever been in Poland? Or just like on these trips from Israel where everyone says kids that we are nazis and shieet?
If I become a loving faithful Jew, do I get business knowledge that I can use to make shekels in return? Important question!
Been trying to convert for 2 years. The god mentioned in the Torah is not the same god that is being worshipped by the Zionists. There is something powerful in Judaism that resonates with me, Chaos or Lilit is the god of the state of Israel. A great sacrifice to Her is about to begin.
Ukraine making complete sense
You're the cow and fuck no
Jesus is the only way.
>Le cuck Jew