Is Reality REAL?!?!1

Has anyone noticed that the simulation theory is being pushed harder and harder? I see a video "breaking it down" on YT trending pretty frequently, not to mention how often it pops up elsewhere. The New Yorker even ran an article after the Superbowl unironically claiming that it might've proved the simulation, then shilled for most of the article about the theory.

Is there an agenda here or am I crazy?

In my opinion, when it comes to hypotheses that are so out of modern science's reach, gut feeling is as valid as anything. When I look into the eyes of people I love, I know there's something there which is deeper and realer than a computer.

I think ((they)) could have a nefarious end in pushing the idea that nothing is real, it's all just pretend so what does anything matter?

Other urls found in this thread:

It is just another step of the jews to take over the world #merkelmussweg

There's an agenda. We know that people generally behave worse if they don't believe in free will. How a person views existence has a direct impact on their actions. They got rid of God, and we can see the harm that's caused, but it's not enough. This simulation idea is their next step in devaluing human life. It will lead people to become increasingly cruel and deranged. But there's a chance that cruelty could be used against them.

How is it easier to believe we're in an alien supercomputer rather than believe in God.

Because you're retarded

There is precisely ZERO EVIDENCE of this theory, it is completely baseless.

There is exactly as much proof that we are *projections of the dream of a spiritual child of the universe*

zeitgeist caused by sept 23 stuff

Perhaps God is the lead programmer for the alien supercomputer.

and heaven is escaping our simulation into the parent universe

Kurzgesagt is propaganda

Reality is real but the secret is that it's all in your mind. You have free will and are actually totally in control of your experience. By pushing simulation theory they can convince people that they have no free will and therefore become much more easily controlled slaves. Don't believe them, you are totally responsible for your life.

they want the goyim to care even less about the world collapsing around them.

Simulation theory is stupid and unverifiable. It's basically just Cartesian 'but what if its all a dream bro' nonsense.

Only the few members of the simulation who are intelligent enough to discover the source code may enter the parent universe

I think this is proof that the normies are waking up, but are still far behind.
Chan autists have always viewed life through the analogy of how a computer functions out of necessity, not serious belief. At the same time, pre-chan autists designed computers to function in as close a manner to the human brain as possible.
Normies can't differentiate reality from analogy and are screaming "MUH SIMULATION!"

why would our simulation creator(s) make "finding the source code" of the simulation the exit condition? wouldn't "morality" be a better metric?

>read up on simulated reality
>discover computationalism

all this thread did is give me .01% more pride in being a CS major.....

God isn't a proper name, but acronym.


Reality really is real, no really.


Any idiot can be moral, who wants some moralfag to shit up the parent universe when you could select the most fit offspring of your simulated universe to become realz?

Reminder that the simulation hypothesis is deism for fedoras.

see also: lucifer

This has to be the dumbest theories that has ever existed, even dumber than flat earth,

>The Computer is a simulation of the Mind

Not vice versa ...

How do you know for sure? We know life as it is today can be created with computers, just not with the current power, so why couldn't it be possible that we are in a simulation

It's not dumb at all, but you're a streetshitter so I can see why you could think so.

Yes, this is generally what I had in mind. It's like ((they)) noticed a couple thinkers like Musk positing the theory, and said, Holy shit, pedal to the metal on this one. Now it's everywhere over and over.

It's disappointing coming from Musk, I wish someone would get him out in nature, make him look his children in the eyes, and then ask him if he really feels deep down that it's all a video game. Or is there not in fact a spiritual side to life that he's turning a blind eye to, spending most of his time in sanitized labs and office spaces in hell AKA SoCal.

tell us all about how

The leftist elites have realized that science proves a beginning and a creator. You may have noticed the similarities between creationism and the Simulation theory - that is because the simulation theory is a pathetic attempt to push God out of the picture.

Humans are a species of biological androids that were seeded to this planet by a higher order species of aliens to destroy/teraform this planet to prepare it for them to inhabit ~1000 years from now.

its all a matter of what came first, chicken or egg? Human mind created the computer.... lets not complicate things , kids

Interesting point.

It's unverifiable though just like do aliens exist or why is every youtube video of ghosts fake?

and even if it IS true, that doesn't detract from the experience of life, are you suddenly going to not fall in love because you're not real? fuck no.

And there is a counter argument to this saying if a race of beings immaculatly put this all together and it's so close to reality that it might as well be real then, it is real.

Occam's razor cut's both ways the simplest explanation is often correct and the simplest explanation is this is reality.

>biological androids
That have no fucking hint of android.
gg m8, way to waste good number.

No, that's completely worthless on a higher dimensional scale.

>Has anyone noticed that the simulation theory is being pushed harder and harder?
No,just you

If reality is a simulation, why would they code India to be how it is today? seems like a fucking waste

The amount of original thought in your post certainly cannot be computed nor simulated

In my opinion, the theory shouldn't be taken seriously. For me it's just fun to theorize and think about these kind of topics, like 'What if the theory was the thruth?'. but nothing more than that.

I'm arguing that reality is not a simulation, if it were, average americans would be smarter

What does it mean real or unreal? You experience things. You feel pain. You feel joy. You see, you hear, you feel. Try to hit your finger with a hammer and tell yourself that the pain is not real.

"Not real" is just a word. It is what it is.

Also, what do you all think is the likelihood that within a few decades this becomes taught in schools as science's best theory for the nature of the universe? Given that we know what sort of effects it would probably have on the populace if widely believed?


To consider every event by it's exact opposite is a waste of thought and time

>There is no gravity, it's the skies pushing me down
>I am not breathing in oxygen, oxygen is using me to create carbon dioxide

Have sex, and browse /asp/ ya pinhead

The video is from Kurzgesagt, isn't it? These are the same people who promote mass immigration, race-mixing and self-describe as "optimistic nihilists". There is definitely an agenda here, although probably not in a conspiratorial sense, just some jaded materialists spreading what they believe to be true or plausible.

simulation theory is a copout. It's like saying 'this reality isn't real, but there is a real reality that created this one'--but it begs the question what created that? God? Lol. I hate pot conversations. Literal lmaonigger shit.

Goddamn jews


This is what a brainlet looks like when it tries to feed other brainlets his little thoughts.

Yeah. I'm not familiar with their channel, just saw it on trending. It's at least the third video I've seen on ((trending)) in the past few weeks on the topic, always trying to break it down in simple terms and often cartoons, like bona fide propoganda.

This idea plays over and over again throughout history. The idea of the laberinth at Minos in the greek myth is one such example...Borges and Philip K. Dick also come to mind. Gnosticism is basically 'simulation theory: the religion.'

The rich have already confirmed this and are working hard to get the fuck out
see Elon Musk for example


>no hint of android
Not like Terminator or lt. cmd. Data, retard.
Biology is the hardware, consciousness is the software, DNA is the code.

Fuck off retard. Open the gateway to the next dimension then. Right in my moms basement. Now.

>libtards have to convince themselves that Trump being president isn't real and adopt the VR meme

What fun we'll have, lads.

and is some hyperdimensional version of a pajeet on a wage suppressing globalist visa programme... you know it makes sense.

I kekked.

>Is there an agenda here or am I crazy?
You are crazy. All that's happening is that normies just love going on social media to boast about how intelligent they are.
>Look at me, I'm so smart. I watch Rick and Morty and believe the universe is a simulation because I heard Elon Musk say it. You don't believe that? lol, you are so dumb, get on my level.

>pre-chan autists designed computers to function in as close a manner to the human brain as possible.
The only real similarity (granted it's a big one) is that they both process information. Computers were designed to do precise mathematical computation, NOT to emulate the human brain.


someple please kidnap these peoples children then send back their corpses to these fucks saying it doesn't matter since its all a simulation anyways, its the only right and proper course of action. they think it doesn't matter so ruin them.

exhibit a

>consciousness is the software,
No. Consciousness isn't just contained in the head. Every system in your body that signals any other part seems to contribute to the sensation (inasmuch as such a thing can be AT ALL isolated) of consciousness.

But that's the point. How do you know we're not NPCs? Unknowable.

"The anthropic view is encoded in the stupid and arrogant statement that we live in this world because it is favorable to intelligent observers. This assumes that we are intelligent, and that we are observers, while the case may be that we are retarded, and we are the ones being observed by truly intelligent beings."

I haven't seen anything from the simulation theorists which advances us beyond Schopenhauer's corrections to Kant.

Every simulation theory """thinker""" needs to read Feynman to understand how monumentally difficult the problem of simulation actually is.

There is no evidence whatsoever for simulation theory. There aren't even tests that can prove it one way or another. Any attempts made so far are as fruitless as trying to prove god exists using logic.

>Elon Musk thinks reality is a simulation.
>I want to be like Elon Musk.
>Therefore I think reality is a simulation.

Even if simulation theory is true; it's false.
Because if this reality is a simulation; we are no less a simulation and thus we are real to ourselves.

God is just a way of projecting the unknown on to a hypothetical being

These cucks like Elon musk just believe they're above it because lol atheism xDD

>At the same time, pre-chan autists designed computers to function in as close a manner to the human brain as possible.
This isn't even close to true, you have no idea how computers work if you believe this.

Atheists still want to answer the deeper mysteries of the Universe, like why do we exist. They make up nonsense like simulation theory to compensate.

>it's not real anyway goyim, so just don't have kids and do drugs :^)

It seems like a big deal, but it really isn't.

Even a physical universe can only be understood in terms of information-- that behaves by rules etc.

In a way, even if the physical world is "real," we can't access it except as sensations, ie information.

And even then, what's "real" only looks as it does because of the way it interacts with our sensing apparatuses. You think you see a tree, or you hear a bird chirp, but who's to say that interpretation is any more real than a bat's sonar echo, or a spider's sense for vibration?

Inside our heads, our universe IS ALREADY a simulation, a complex correlationary visualization of data fed through our nervous system.

your comprehension is literal shit

>BIOLOGY is the hardware
>What is reading comprehension

I never said anything consciousness being limited to the brain. Lrn2read.

>1)It's possible to simulate consciousness
lolno. Reductionists trying to equivocate the soul to an animatronic doll once again (no Christfag).
>2)No upper ceiling on computing power
Muh Transhumanism. Moore's law has been cratering for years now.
>Fermi Paradox

haha fuck oops. see

Honest question, do you have any nigger in your blood?

Oy vey goim. How about the dysphoria. Maybe you should wear a dress and call yourself Jane.

Only rural and suburban retards believe in god.

Ultra high IQ city people all believe in an alien supercomputer.

Simulation theory is dumb. If this is a simulation than what created the people simulating us.

No, go look at their video of Optimistic Nihilism for more information

Ultimately they're more of a "don't Panic" crowd. I've met people with them. I Believe they have a video on why capitialism reduces poverty.

Seriously I stopped learning computer program ideas to do this shit for you user, so trust me. I realize an anecdotal evidence is iffy but take this conspiracy theory too

Marcon was told to nationalize the ports and make English comments against the journalists, making a comment to spark up the English left and then a comment against journalists to make sure it was spread.

This was in effort to get close to trump who he likes personally. He's not the worst guy. Prolly posts here from time to time.

Most recent Radiolab cuck podcast talked about how there is no free will. They are trying to destroy morality, reality and responsibility.

Wtf man this is jewish propaganda

Who needs reality?
*cuts balls and dick off and calls it a vagina*

Blasphemous. All hail the electrongod. Timeless and powerful almighty creator of everything that is and will be.

Flat Earth is dead. This is the hot new thing.

>Reality is totally real..

I think that's the exact mindset of most people talking about (((simulation hypothesis))). Someone as high-status as Elon Musk endorses something, people follow. Because of the status.


Are we real?
Nope. This is all fake. I woke up once. I was too attached to my face and I wanted to go back into the simulation so I was allowed. I was nothing but a drone in the actual real world.

>Has anyone noticed that the simulation theory is being pushed harder and harder
Only every time you remake this thread, faggot

More proof that people are just sheep to whatever figurehead the media proclaims "is supa smart for reasons" Elon Musk has CIA prop written all over him. To this day I still dont know where he came from just that his name is an incessant buzzword

Oh please. Such polemics don't help anyone. The idea isn't new, nor is the current view on it. Only reason why it's popping up recently, is simply due to us (humany as a whole) powering up in terms of computational power and capacity.

The debate is highly philosophical and has no impact on our daily lives for the time being.

Let's face it - if we had the capability to simulate an entire world, we fucking would.

g n o s t i c i s m

The A.I walk and talk amoung us goyim, muhahaha not every little human scumbag u see out there is real, thus let us make, DegenerateBot 2.0! Watch as a real human becomes one of these, and then we monitor the real human

That was a lot of very big words just to say that we don't know if something is real because our experience of it is subjective. However, when everyone else reaches a consensus that we're all experiencing the same thing, it becomes objective reality. You can pretend reality is uncertain if you want, but it's really just pointless hipster mumbo jumbo. Maybe if I were a professor of philosophy I'd be moved.

The simulation is this whole theatre the jews made for the goys.

Ah ok, I thought you were stupidly implying that was me.