Anyone else think that the anime improved on the manga?
They're kind of different in atmosphere though but I think the more faithful seasons improved on the manga.
Also Yuno is the sunshine in Hidamari Sketch
Anyone else think that the anime improved on the manga?
They're kind of different in atmosphere though but I think the more faithful seasons improved on the manga.
Also Yuno is the sunshine in Hidamari Sketch
I don't think they intended to make it better at first. It seems they enjoyed playing around with padding scenes; those did kept viewer attention in material that would otherwise be less intense.
Who /watched all seasons/ here?
I wouldn't say better, but I would say more creative with a lot of scenes. Which is good, it keeps the anime different and interesting, even if you read the manga.
I think the manga is cuter though.
>not saving Graduation OVAs for when you're really down under
I don't. S309 is one of the happier episodes.
Do you think we'll ever get another season Sup Forums?
S5 when? More Natsume when?
When Kirara decides to actually want money and SHAFT is free from Zaregoto, Kizu movies and SZS ending adaption of course
I think the first seasons bring enough new things to the table to make them enjoyable, while overall the manga is better.
In any case, Yuno is the cutest.
A Yoshinoya-less season just would not be the same. Then again we'd get Matsuri.
Is it bad that I started watching the show because of Popura?
They could, you know, just find a new voice for her.
>watched Hidamari Sketch graduation after my uni graduation
>watched Koufuku Graffiti after my grandma passed away
Got liver transplants both times.
I started watching that show because of Yunocchi.
Seems we both made the right decision.
Started season 2 yesterday. I'm really enjoying it.
Which season would you say is your favorite?
(Yunocchi is a cutie)
haven't seen past hoshimittsu but that was my favorite because nori and nazuna. think they rounded out sunshine apartment's dynamics well
Which seiyuu do you think would be a good choice?
I've heard some people suggest Saori Goto.
Noriko Shitaya replaced her for the Zestiria anime. Yui Horie replaced her in some other roles. Either one would be passable, but I believe Hocchan can deliver the Yoshinoya personality better.
The fourth. It had Busou Shinki air right after its time slot.
Hoshimittsu and Honeycomb
Mainly because they had the most episodes that involved more characters than just the main six.