Can any of you give me a legitimate reason, outside of being Jewish, that we shouldn't listen to anything Ben Shapiro says? Because it seems to me like he makes more sense about anything in 30 seconds than Sup Forumstards typically do in over 300 posts.
Here he is wrecking socialism:
And his strategy is actually effective. How can you argue with this for the mere fact that he's Jewish?
Ahem, sweeties
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he ignores the good abortion does for society in order to virtue signal to his audience
It really damages his credibility
because he's dishonest and disingenuous on questions of race and foreign affairs.
Never trust a jew.
End of story.
After a few too many (((coincidences))) you stop seeing it as (((pure coincidence)))
he's a manlet
>Can any of you give me a legitimate reason, outside of being Jewish
>Can any of you give me a legitimate reason that it's cold, outside of the fact that we're in the Arctic?
These are selective issues, though. My question is, why not listen to ANYTHING he says, when he's clearly right about so much, so often? There have been times when he was wrong, granted - he said that polls were science, and since they said Trump was trailing Clinton, he would probably lose, and that people were making shit up in saying they were rigged. Obviously, he was wrong. However, his stance on race is his own opinion. But when he's right about so much, how is that not worth listening to?
>outside of being Jewish
sorry we've made that mistake a few hundred times now, there's no redeeming the eternal kike.
hitler was the closest to finally revealing it all, but he fucked up. but it was only 70 years ago, and the internet has all but completely reversed denazification due to information readily avaliable online.
the next time will be different. information can't just be burned away as easily as in the past.
give it time.
This. Im pretty sure most Sup Forums users will agree that Ben is smart and we should listen to him but on the other hand we cant trust him to represent any of us here.
Easily the shittiest and most hamfisted attempt at an analogy I've ever seen in my life. Spend the extra 30 seconds to prepare a better one next time if you want people to take your attacks seriously.
I'm not asking that we make him some kind of de facto Sup Forums representative, only listen to what he says whether we agree with it or not, to find the shit we DO agree with and use it as a bludgeon against the left. You don't necessarily have to credit him for handing you the club, you just need to beat them over the head with it.
>But when he's right about so much, how is that not worth listening to?
Because he's PROVEN himself a slimy kike perpetuating the extinction of white people. It's that fucking simple. This isn't some "le ebil jew boogie man" we are making up, this is ANOTHER kike pretending to be on our side while OPENLY expressing his desire to displace us and being caught in numerous dishonest schemes and lies, like the whole trump campaign manager assault things.
He's a slimy, dishonest, scheming kike. It's that simple. Like I said, after so many it stops being a coincidence.
here I'll help a brother out
>Can any of you give a legitimate reason we shouldn't listen to Ben Shapiro about politics, outside of his being Jewish
>Can any of you give a legitimate reason we shouldn't listen to Jerry Sandusky about the proper showering procedure for little boys, outside of his being a pedophile
That made you understand?
Can you provide me with specific links/examples of what you're referring to? Because if you do, I will immediately drop whatever support I have for the guy and preheat my oven. I'm not here to pull people's legs or bait, I want to know why I should or shouldn't pay attention to him.
Yeah, I like him. He is very intelligent. People just don't like him because he isn't pro Trump, he's right wing or because he's jewisj
It's a huge improvement over the first attempt.
preety much this.
proof of the eternal kike shills (inc OP)
this pic never gets replies. there is no way to give a justified reply of your people getting kicked out of over 100 countries about 360 times. they will always ignore it and continue to shill.
ever reply after this one is paying him shekels.
This alone was enough to put me off of him, just goes to show a small sliver of what he truly believes about anybody non-Jewish aka basically we are inherently lesser and it is immensely racist in it of itself to even consider ASKING such higher beings important pressing questions
hey, not 360 times yet man! We gotta bring this bitch full circle.
Just go listen to his debate with Cenk Uygur.
Shapiro gets spanked left and right.
He's a good speaker, but what does it matter when nothing you say is true?
I posted an example already of his desire to replace white people. He doesn't think "color matters" when it's replacing white people yet he's a hard core Isreal first zionist who would consider it another Shoah when it comes to jews being replaced in their homeland.
As for the other thing I referenced he got caught red handed in a lie and destroyed all his credibility during the election on one of trumps campaign managers. He testified that he witnessed one of trumps staff assaulting a woman, he testified multiple times that he saw it and took her side and did everything he could to try and get the guy fired, then it video footage was discovered of the event and it turned out to be a big fucking lie and he was caught red handed.
You've received your answer in this thread. Your question was why do we hate him and it's been explained to you in very clear terms. You refusing to accept it at this point is just outing yourself as another kike
I remember a time you could ask a question expecting legitimate answers backed by facts without being called a fucking shill. By now, the word has lost all its meaning. Reading it is like ambient noise for my eyes.
>hurrr his post came after mine, see he got paid
This is why nobody takes anyone here seriously.
You are a little baby that needs e-celebrities to guide your thoughts.
You're honestly not much of a priority for Sup Forums.
If you think that criticism of Jews is simply about being Jewish, you don't understand much.
The problem is not Jews as much as the behaviours of Jews, some of which Shapiro demonstrates himself.
He's an otherwise sound guy, but the double standards thing is a problem for us.
We don't need Jewish representatives. The old world is crumbling. The radical left are more hated than we are. The flood gate has been opened to us. We don't need a Jewish spokes person to shield us from being called racist or anti semitic.
When people call us "nazi fascists" etc, we just laugh now.
>As for the other thing I referenced he got caught red handed in a lie and destroyed all his credibility during the election on one of trumps campaign managers. He testified that he witnessed one of trumps staff assaulting a woman, he testified multiple times that he saw it and took her side and did everything he could to try and get the guy fired, then it video footage was discovered of the event and it turned out to be a big fucking lie and he was caught red handed.
This is where I was convinced, and was about to thank you for clarifying in detail, instead of just saying "because dude jews lol"
And then
>You refusing to accept it at this point is just outing yourself as another kike
If I would consider what someone like Shapiro said with neutrality, why wouldn't I do so with people here when I made it very clear that was my intent? Not every goddamn question is an attack. Chill the fuck out.
Sure is a long post for someone so low on your list of priorities, retard.
Anyone have that article Ben wrote about ethnically cleansing Palestinians from Israel?
It was from the early 2000s
I really don't fucking care, you're asking me why someone isn't a credible source, but telling me not to use the primary reason as to why they aren't credible. You're discrediting the primary reason why he's not trustworthy, and I can only assume it's because you are either Jewish yourself, or because anti-semitism hurts your feelings, and you just ignore any arguments based around it.
Found it
Ben stop posting these threads
it's sad brah
just as is being a young republican
get out of here you michael j fox wannabe
It wasn't a very long post, and it was also written for a wider audience, not just you.
>If I would consider what someone like Shapiro said with neutrality, why wouldn't I do so with people here when I made it very clear that was my intent?
Because you've already made it clear you're disregarding any answer that has to do with the fact he's a jew. You're asking 2 + 2 but prefacing it with the fact you won't accept 4 as an answer.
One day you'll see enough of the (((coincidences))) to understand it's not a coincidence and then you'll understand how tiresome it is to have people refuse to see the trend when EVERY SINGLE KIKE is like this without a single exception to be found.
>it's ok when we do it goys
he is right, though. Muzzies can GTFO and take their terrorist attacks and rape gangs with them
What is this faggotry that keeps coming up.?
This is something gross tumblrites say when they're trying to be sassy.
Referencing that gross old tranny Mary Sue woman in Doctor Who.
Because he's a manlet. All males under 5'10 should be put.
But I'm not disregarding your answer. I was specifically telling you I accepted it. What part of that does not compute for you?
>and I can only assume
Glad we found something we both agree on.
So basically, you're saying you hoped you could leverage Sup Forums groupthink in an attack to gain brownie points and (You)s from people who approve of your post, without directly addressing anyone but me. Nice priorities you have there.
This is something people here say when they're trying to have an actual discussion about something and must resort to triggering shill paranoia to draw their attention away from "You're not white!" threads. Was it low? Sure, but this is Sup Forums. Was it effective? You tell me.
He is smart and makes good points but tries to coopt debates for Israel. He should move there and renounce his US citizenship. There is no room for duel loyalty in the coming MAGA.
>can't mention him being a Jew
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Didn't get a chance to read this til now for responding to other posts, but thank you for providing it. It's very telling of Shapiro's ultimate intent.
YouTube is the most wretched scene for politics that you could ask for. If you follow any political YouTuber, I assume your IQ is below 95.
Well yeah, if he fucking loves Israel so much and puts it on a pedestal while passively ignoring the praise America deserves for hosting and educating him, then maybe he needs to take his ass there, instead. Agreed.
>So basically, you're saying you hoped you could leverage Sup Forums groupthink in an attack to gain brownie points and (You)s from people who approve of your post, without directly addressing anyone but me. Nice priorities you have there.
No. I felt I would address your question, but not just for you. Rather than simply calling you a baby, I expanded on the issue and gave a valid reason why Shapiro is an issue for us.
As for "group think", nah. Sup Forums is more like a right wing Korriban from the star wars universe. A bunch of sith lords taking swings at each other but occasionally taking swings at everyone else with destructive effect.
We don't really worry too much about e-celebrities, mostly because we don't need much guidance, especially not from a Jew with double standards.
As I said, Shapiro is an otherwise ok guy. I watch his show from time to time, but I simply do not need him as a spokes person or a leader and I genuinely take issue with his double standards on the issues of White Nationalism.
If Jews were to strategically ally with such a thing, they might be surprised how much they make life easier for themselves, but I doubt they will do it.
Sometimes I think they are psychologically incapable of allowing others to behave and operate as an identity group in the way they do.
When people say that he is a "Jew" who does "Jewish things", it's not just some throw away comment. Do you ever stop and wonder why people fixate so much on Jews? It's not something we plucked from thin air just because we wanted to make life harder for ourselves. It's something that we mentioned because it is an existential problem.
For me, Shapiro doesn't need to be attacked as much as avoided by us. We don't need an alliance with him. He strikes out at common enemies of our people, and that's fine, but we don't have to throw him much or any support. He certainly isn't going to throw us any.
I. Do. Not.
I didn't even know what Sargon was about until a week ago, because
A.) I don't follow YT e-celebs, so I wouldn't know, and
B.) Therefore entirely ignore threads about them.
When I finally asked, I got the piss taken out of me for not knowing. Go figure.
He supports Israel.
>No. I felt I would address your question, but not just for you. Rather than simply calling you a baby, I expanded on the issue and gave a valid reason why Shapiro is an issue for us.
Fair enough.
>As for "group think", nah. Sup Forums is more like a right wing Korriban from the star wars universe. A bunch of sith lords taking swings at each other but occasionally taking swings at everyone else with destructive effect.
I like this comparison. The Sith did nothing wrong.
>We don't really worry too much about e-celebrities, mostly because we don't need much guidance, especially not from a Jew with double standards.
And I'm glad that the people itt have pointed those double standards out. I don't need guidance from him, so much as, I was bored at work and wanted to listen to some differing political commentary a couple of days ago.
>As I said, Shapiro is an otherwise ok guy. I watch his show from time to time, but I simply do not need him as a spokes person or a leader and I genuinely take issue with his double standards on the issues of White Nationalism.
If Jews were to strategically ally with such a thing, they might be surprised how much they make life easier for themselves, but I doubt they will do it.
Sometimes I think they are psychologically incapable of allowing others to behave and operate as an identity group in the way they do.
This was one of the deciding factors in my intent to start a thread about this. I noticed that he finds keeping Israel Jewish sacred, while dismissing WN as ridiculous and outdated, at the same time making agreeable points.
>When people say that he is a "Jew" who does "Jewish things", it's not just some throw away comment. Do you ever stop and wonder why people fixate so much on Jews? It's not something we plucked from thin air just because we wanted to make life harder for ourselves. It's something that we mentioned because it is an existential problem.
Up until this week, I didn't question the notion that all kikes are evil people. But I feel like that was indicative of a waning in the part of me that drew me to white nationalism to begin with: Questioning authority. Sup Forums is, on the whole, a reliable authority on the JQ, but no person is infallible, and I thought I'd poke my head out as an individual to see if there was something Sup Forums might have missed. That's just to clarify my intent here.
>For me, Shapiro doesn't need to be attacked as much as avoided by us. We don't need an alliance with him. He strikes out at common enemies of our people, and that's fine, but we don't have to throw him much or any support. He certainly isn't going to throw us any.
As I said here >and I know my ID keeps changing, bear with me
We don't necessarily have to join the Shapiro Young RepublicucksĀ® Club to take what we find useful from him and wield it against people who stand against our right to exist, nor give him credit for bringing it up. To me, that's basically jewing the jew, in a big way, because you take what you like and trim the fat without serving the public the message with the fat he prepared it with.
Ben Shapiro is a kike who fucking defended another dumb jew against Trump. Regardless if it was Trump or not the fact that he sided with another fucking kike over bullshit that had fucking video of the altercation that he is no better then any other fucking kike as we already knew. He is useful of course but hes still a kike. Stop posting about him you the_donald fuckheads.
First off, I didn't come from t_d, I came from here. I simply didn't listen to him about anything up until now as a direct result of being a Sup Forumstard, and not being interested in the slightest in listening to YT celebs. That most Sup Forums users know more about e-celebs than I do should, by default, make them more Plebbit than me, because I actually have to ask, since I've ignored every e-celeb thread on a daily basis for close to five years.
Secondly, listen, you little faggot: I'll post about whatever the fuck I want to here, because I'm not breaking the goddamn rules. I'm not posting another "ROLL FOR HAPPENING!" thread where someone scores trips, the date comes, nothing happens, we ignore it and make the same thread again. I'm not posting "U MAD WITE BOI?" threads that archive out at 350 posts by people who have been here for years and still lack the self-control to not fucking fall for it. I'm asking for an actual political discussion, which is the entire point of this board's existence and, thanks to retards like you, less than 20% of its actual content. Go fuck yourself.
This tweenage hero-worship-driven adulation of e-celeb provocateurs is so pathetic and cringe-worthy. It reeks of Sup Forums-tier level of discussion, and unfortunately fits perfectly with the low-info, meme-driven criticisms so many pseudos on here peddle as subject matter understanding. 90% of Sup Forums users have never taken a single undergraduate course or read peer-reviewed scholarly papers about anything they bluster about, and why would they, when they can just parrot what their favorite self-promoting pseudointellectual shock jock churns out, and cynically deride the ideas of better-informed people (usually without bothering to propose any better options)? This board went to shit during gamergate, and its intellectual vigor is now completely beyond salvage.
>pregnancy risk is eliminated
>slutting intensifies
Wow, what a shock: when you take away the consequences of immoral actions, the frequency of occurrence increases.
holy shit that whole audience is awkward as fuck. why are conservacucks so fucking beta?
Ben has yet to be defeated/BTFO in a debate. Hasn't happened once. Ben Shapiro has asked Jared Taylor to come talk with him now for over 2 years and Jared has always come up with some silly reason not to - he's away, he's busy with a project, the timing is not right, that it's pointless because Ben's a civic nationalist. For 2 years straight Jared turned down just a conversation with that manlet. Very odd since Jared's done plenty of podcasts with other people in that time.
See And
I neither worship nor acknowledge e-celebs as you put it, up until now, whenI listened to one and asked for Sup Forums's rebuttal, and I'll be 30 years old on the 1'st of October. Actually reading a thread before posting helps.
>I don't care what color you are if you act like a traditional western white man
But I agree with this, user. I hate niggers because they act like niggers, not because they are a different color than me. I would trade any number of white numales for one Thomas Sowell every single time it is offered.
Libertarianism is bluepilled as fuck. As a political movement in North America, it serves entirely as a vehicle for transferring political power to an unchecked corporatist oligarchy. Just look at who finances and devises their policy positions (CATO institute,
Heritage Foundation, etc). It's economic ultraconservativism made palatable under the guise of social liberalism and appeals to freedom.
Capitalism only works in the public interest if it's contained within an ethical framework. Things like vigorous antitrust, ethical consumer and worker protections, and an economic model where private gains are reasonably enjoyed by workers as well as executives are not natural to capitalism (they are socialist devices), but we see them as important parts of a sustainable capitalist model. Without them, in the long run, only the financiers and owners in the economy profit from unbridled capitalism, and at the expense of a consumer class unable to leverage any political power to buttress the public interest.
Sure thing lad, thanks for the unprompted self-qualification but no one cares
>Libertarianism as a philosophy and social movement
>The Libertarian party of the US
>Capitalism only works in the public interest if it's contained within an ethical framework.
Capitalism IS the ethical framework. The respect for self-ownership and property rights.
>vigorous antitrust, ethical consumer and worker protections
Can all be produced through voluntary agreements and contract
>where private gains are reasonably enjoyed by workers
Who decides what's reasonable? You? The free market is the only logical and moral distribution of wealth based on the level of time preference and merit.
>unable to leverage any political power to buttress the public interest
The point is that political power itself is corrosive, not that the good guys have a hard time achieving political power. Well,duh
Well, when you call someone's credibility into question, expect them to reply with some qualifiers. Nice non-argument.
Ok, first of, sorry for coming over as a bit of a dick earlier. I'm just used to talking shit. Maybe I'm a little sleepy. Please don't think nothing of it.
With that out of the way.
>I like this comparison.
We are unironically the Sith. We should use the black robes more as part of our "aesthetic".
>And I'm glad that the people itt have pointed those double standards out.
It's basically the main issue. Otherwise there's not much to disagree with. It's more that our paths cross so often rather than that we find fault with Jewish self prioritisation. They care as much about their people and their culture as we do ours. It's serious business. I can see it for them, but they don't often want to see how serious this shit is for us.
>I noticed that he finds keeping Israel Jewish sacred, while dismissing WN as ridiculous
It's a (((classic))) problem with these people. He also talks of Western culture being judeo-christian. How convenient.
I don't blame the guy for his pride, but what kind of deal is this for us? "please care about our national interests, in return, we get to live in your countries and your culture is Jewish". What kind of fucking deal is this?
I've met reasonable Jews before who get it though. it IS possible for a White Nationalist Jewish Nationalist alliance, but I very much doubt it.
> Sup Forums is, on the whole, a reliable authority on the JQ, but no person is infallible, and I thought I'd poke my head out as an individual to see if there was something Sup Forums might have missed.
You did well then. To get the best out of Sup Forums is to take a swing at it. Fighting brings out the best in us. We don't do "polite conversation", we don't need to. shit posting is part of the fun, but it is also good for free-style impersonal debates covering very unusual and advanced subjects.
You make a lot of naive assumptions about how private economic priorities line up with public interest. We could argue pointlessly about the morality of the profit motive and whether capitalism's self-correcting mmuh free market would prevent unethical or abusive agents from gaining increasing levels of control in markets (or political power by extention in libertarianism), but I doubt I could change your feelings-driven opinions that your dunce-tier political ideology is built around. Every single capitalist economy (literally every open economy today) uses anti-trust laws to prevent monopoly, because there's no case study in history that suggests completely free markets don't always end in monopolies controlling their markets (like in early-20th-century US), while there's mountains of evidence in history that private companies don't care at all about public interest on its on merit, and that the more entrenched they are (one they control a larger share of their market), the less they care about public interest. Just for good measure, public interest refers to education, health, shared infrastructure, national defense, legal justice, environmental planning, basically everything that doesn't concern only a company's private gains or ownership. Schools, hospitals, utilities, transportation, national defense, municipalities services etc can't function as individual, profit-generating enterprises. They usually cost more than they can generate, and the goverment eats the cost (pretty poorly desu). How could a consumer driven economy function if citizens had to pay out of pocket for everything they rely on, that the state prints money more or less to pay for today? You can't have a country without a state taking care of these non-profitable public services
>We don't necessarily have to join the Shapiro Young RepublicucksĀ® Club to take what we find useful from him and wield it against people who stand against our right to exist, nor give him credit for bringing it up. To me, that's basically jewing the jew, in a big way, because you take what you like and trim the fat without serving the public the message with the fat he prepared it with.
I can see what you're saying. I don't necessarily see the guy as an enemy, yet, but, I think won't interrupt him when he's taking shots at our most serious enemies. If anything, I'd be more inclined to help.
Part of me has entertained the idea of ironically making him an /ourguy/ and creating pictures of him next to swastikas and stuff, to really make the left and the media look mentally retarded while simultaneously drawing attention to the Jewish question.
It's funny, but also probably quite frustrating for him to constantly be accused of being a Nazi, despite being an orthodox Jew with a yarmulke. If we could get the MSM to start calling him an anti-semitic fascist it would be both comically brilliant but also helping to draw attention to the significant truth that the radical left are intellectually dead in the water at this point and can thus be considered a complete irrelevance.
The main battle is between forces of right wing thought, traditionalist thought and nationalist groups.
Jews and Aryans are two sides of the same coin.
It's not a question of whether or not we will win as much as it is a question of what our victory conditions will be.
Because (for the six millionth time) Ben Shapiro pressured a mentally ill wonan into making a false police report. That's kind of a big deal for a guy who thinks he's a moral paragon.
Ben Shapiro is pissy about something, welcome to the real world
I listen to plenty of what he's said and he's definitely bright, but there are many who say it better without being hypocrites on ethnonationalism. By being a Zionist he's endorsing identity politics, since Zionism is simply the struggle for a Jewish homeland, which is now Israel. So it really throws a wrench into it when he goes on about how bad identity politics is yet he's blind to his own endorsement of identity politics.
If he wasn't a Zionist I might listen but he's a hardcore Zionist and plays up his Jewish IDENTITY all the time. Good for me, not for thee...
blacks invest little in their kids either way
Quality post, this guy really knows his shit
>Ok, first of, sorry for coming over as a bit of a dick earlier. I'm just used to talking shit. Maybe I'm a little sleepy. Please don't think nothing of it.
No worries. I realize this board has a penchant for contrarianism, and that inevitably leads to conflict, because what else do you get from contrarians? And time zones are rarely taken into account when it comes to measuring approach to certain things, so whatever trespass we have here is water under the bridge, too.
>We are unironically the Sith. We should use the black robes more as part of our "aesthetic".
>It's basically the main issue. Otherwise there's not much to disagree with. It's more that our paths cross so often rather than that we find fault with Jewish self prioritisation. They care as much about their people and their culture as we do ours. It's serious business. I can see it for them, but they don't often want to see how serious this shit is for us.
Which is the point. I don't just question Sup Forums, I question the people who question Sup Forums. We need to get the most out of every resource around us or we're doomed. This is white inegnuity, and I'm sure, both of us being Anglo, that there is nothing wrong with this approach in terms of serving our mutual interests. Keep your enemies close, and all that. I noticed he railed against "tribalism" in the U.S. while expressly advocating as much for Israel, saying it will tear my nation apart while strengthening his. So is diversity our strength and his weakness? And if so, how does he reconcile this contradiction.
>You did well then. To get the best out of Sup Forums is to take a swing at it. Fighting brings out the best in us. We don't do "polite conversation", we don't need to. shit posting is part of the fun, but it is also good for free-style impersonal debates covering very unusual and advanced subjects.
Agreed, although I sometimes find it difficult to pry meaningful discourse from the skulls of the particularly hard-headed here, and context in typed word vs. spoken word is always hard to differentiate. Some people are just on shitpost auto-pilot, and I feel like to a great degree that has much to do with a subconscious disillusionment from proper discussion. Not that I blame them in the age of Obama, Trudeau, etc.
OP here, the "self-promoter." I agree with basically everything you say here. Great post.
A zionist orthadox jew telling Whites that ethnic identity is wrong, demographics are irrelevant, that it's OK for Whites to become a minority in White countries, that it's abhorrent for Whites to think of ethnic identity, and work in the interest of ourselves, while again, while his self proclamed identity is being a zionist orthadox jew. What's sad is that the kids listening to him are completely ignorant of what zionist jew means in relation to what he's telling them. When ben flat out tells them he's a zionist jew they just stare back blankly in response, dumb ass mother fuckers. They all need to go to Sup Forums university.
>listening to a lefty jew that hangs out with SODOMITES ans trannies
I meant that the e-celebs are self-promoting
You're alright OP *nuzzle* OwO
No more posting when i drink
user, I . . .
OP again. Shit happens on Friday nights. Been on a steady diet of Sailor Jerry and Dr. Pepper since I started this bread. Don't feel too bad.
Headed to a sports bar with the wife now. Thanks to everyone who gave legit replies; I will most definitely apply the advice and facts I've gotten here. Dog bless, folks.
old school/medieval tactic, destroy a society and then offer a cure to it.
I don't give a single flying fuck that he's a jew, I don't like neocons who want to waste our blood and treasure in foreign wars. Shapiro is coalition tier only against the very worst leftists, otherwise he is cancer.
He caves to, or avoids many of the controversial ideas such as differences in culture, race, gender. He's basically an old media conservative that is thriving on a new media platform. He will throw anyone under the bus to save his own image.
He is too smart to not have asked himself these questions and come to logical conclusions. The true answer is he keeps these beliefs to himself. I have a feeling he has other personal beliefs that would not jive well with the masses. For example, he believes the left has a "totem-pole" priority system for diversity, in which LGBT are at the top followed by blacks then women etc. He puts white men at the bottom and puts Jews just above them. So he believes Jews are not sacred cows even though the media is run by Jews and they will prioritize anotha shoah over anything else.