How do we deal with black antisemitism? We can't just call them racist, can we?
How do we deal with black antisemitism? We can't just call them racist, can we?
Fuck off antisemite
No, no, I'm not an antisemite. I want to stop antisemitism!
divert their hate towards whites
>How do we deal with black antisemitism?
We promote it further.
This is flagrant black propaganda by the OP sage and report antisemtic threads.
I myself believe to truly end antisemtism we need to make it illegal.
We use the niggers to round up the Jews to be gassed, then we hang the niggers after.
Jews aren't going anywhere buddy but I'll bet you won't be around much longer.
I believe that Jews need to stop trying to force bullshit on ppl. For all their talk of white supremacy, no one ever mentions that jewish supremacy is codified in Judaism. The Talmud makes me barf. Get off your high horse faggot.
T. Jewsus Christ
Nothing to be done about it, blacks are violent and cruel, that's just their nature.
Pack heat and never relax.
You fucking assholes, we need to stop the blacks before they manage to 'we wuz kangs' to being in charge of our Jewish organizations.
We need to make fake sockpuppets and post as niggaz hating on da j00$$
Jews don't force anything on anyone. If you want to blame someone for multiculturalism blame white women. You don't need to look around to see that.
"Our" No you're not fucking Jewish; not now not ever, why don't fix antisemtism in the "alt-right" if you truly intend to fix anything?
Sup Forums should make fake black twitter accounts then start redpilling them on the jq it would be hillarious
You’re on your own goy.
Years of Jewish meddling in white countries have well and truly put your heads above the parapet.
Your homeland Israel that you claim to be able to run back to will be vaporised by Iran and other Arab states without a white west to protect it.
Once again the self proclaimed so called smartest Jewish race is killing itself again as they have done throughout history and they don’t even know it.
Hopefully this time it will be forever.
They might like jews more if blacks weren't systematically hunted down and deported from the alleged jewish homeland
Right wing white men always talks about saving the white race and saving white women. They always worship the ground white women walk on. Why? What have white women done to save themselves? Nothing. There are outliers here and there, but they are just that. Outliers. The average white woman not only disagrees with the concept of "saving the white race" but outright supports the destruction of the white race. White heterosexual men to them are either an evil which needs to be destroyed or sissified and controlled to aid them in their Jewish master's quest to destroy white men. So why do you worship white women? Why do you think they're worth saving? Wanting to "save" white women is the same as a herd of sheep protesting the removal of a pack of wolves that has done nothing but feast on them. If western civilization is going to survive, white women need to be destroyed. They aren't just being "fooled by the Jews."
They were always the first to betray the side that seemed to be losing.
They have always wanted liberalization of the West.
They have always supported "equal rights" for nonwhites.
They have always supported mass immigration to the west.
They have always wanted higher taxes.
They have always wanted a bigger, more intrusive central government.
They have always been the enemy of the white man and everything he stands for.
For (((you)))
t.Rabbi Nosenberg
First off I'm a white person myself.Black people are no danger to Jewish people. Like usual white people are the only threat to Jewish existence. If you want to have a world with antisemtism here is your very simple formula: World- white people- Islam= World where antisemtism and Jew hatred doesn't exist.