What's wrong with Balkanization of Spain? Why is Spain allowed to ignore the will of its people...

What's wrong with Balkanization of Spain? Why is Spain allowed to ignore the will of its people? I don't remember Spain doubting the will of the people of Yugoslavia nearly 30 years ago.

>will of the people

Objectively I'm against balkanization of Spain

But ever since the 90s I root for Spain and Great Britain to fall apart just because of all the shit they committed
Catalonia, Basque, Scotland and North Ireland deserve independence

Spoken like a true tribal degenerate. Good thing you don't posess the brains to immigrate.

All the shit they did? Bombing Serbia was well deserved and unlike Iraq you don't find anyone looking back and saying it was wrong - if anything Western Intervention (under the UN) was too weak. Back in the late 90s the UK was on from re: Foreign policy - Kosovo and Sierra Leone generally regarded as pretty successful operations. It was only after Bush and Blair decided to invade Iraq that shit went downhill.

FWIW if Scotland or NI want to vote for independence then they're welcome to it - that's how civilised countries work - self determination is a pretty fundamental right.

Unlike the Spanish the UK these days is happy to support and defend the concept thus we've already had a Scottish Independence referendum that could have gone either way and we stand up for the rights of Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands whose spic neighbours Spain and Argentina don't recoginise the same right for them.

If Catelonia votes for independence then Spain are cunts if they deny it.


Hopefully your island will go the way of Parthenon friezes in the British (((museum))).

>Medellin: The State in the middle of Europe
pick two

>well deserved

Fuck you retard ,while i like my croatiabros for fighitng for the good guys in ww2 serbia was claerly right in pushing all the crap out of their land. The muzzies deserved it and the for the catholics it would be better in the end to live in an own state since some day they would have tried to genocide each other anyway. serbia was basically just an ethnonationalist country.

ew a nazi

but fascist powers were objecetviely better than then france (((usa))) and the commies

fuck off kraut, you lot were about as useful as the dutch in the 90s...

not that I dislike the dutch as a people (they're generally pretty awesome) but they screwed up massively in the balkans

not the titoists my friend

>national unity
>thriving economy
>powerful army
>CIA financing anti governemnt revolution

Cornish independence soon.

Tito wanted decolonisation and get more 3rd world aligned new countries.
NATO just accomplished Tito's job and dream in 90s finishing another colonial empire and decolonising it

>not a commie

I mean yugo stays yugo even if hes a commie ,but still if you got a choice between a commie and not-a-commie i always go for the latter

? Do you wanna seriously tell me that everything that came from ww2 was good? Forget for atleast 1 second that in your mind britain did everything right and its all everyone elses fault but yours and think. I know that germany fucked up many times ,but in ww2 it was objectively on the better side as britain that fought enabled the flood of immigrants to britain ,the loss of its empire ,and the degradation of european heritage

You supranationalist are just miniature globalists.

the more the merrier

Nationalism and Globalism are mutually exclusive. Even supranationalism goes against globalization.

Spain should wall off Catalonia "Escape from New York" style and make it one big refugee/immigrant prison. It will essentially be that anyway in a generation so might as well get a headstart.

WTF are you on about kraut? - my post was about the balkans in the 90s...

Spain is such a shithole that it makes no difference to me if one region is lead by Barcelona or Madrid. How interesting is that? Not very IMO.

What is interesting if Spain would be more butthurt about losing Catalonia or losing Gibraltar.

Absolutely nothing if we balkanize the world then we can let the strong rule again.

Gibraltar, Catalonia would still be seen as nothing more than a red headed stepchild.