Do you have time to talk about the teachings of the ascended, the enlightened Gautama Buddha?
Hello there Sir!
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What've you got
this thread was just posted but eh ill bite
When /fit/ becomes a buddhist monk
God damn, how many mudslimes have you killed with those guns of yours?
ironically yeah, if you got the time kiwi i'll listen, Buddhism has alot to teach about the nature of life
Nigga achieved the nirvana of gainz.
A vain monk?
About as useful as an ugly woman.
Of course Brother, show me the whey of Buddha
daily regimen, you gotta remember alot of those buddhist monks are lean AF because of vegetarian diets so no protein gains, but at the same time they do a shitton of labor to support the temples. Combine that with the usual collapse of society every few hundred years or so necessating the need for martial arts, and you have pic related as tradition
Fuck you and your whore women you subhuman chink filth
Fuck it why not, if you remove kebab then you are doing something right.
>takes selfies to show off his physique
seems very unmonk-like
>this man has never stuck his dick inside a vag, despite all that hard work
kys sand nigger and your trash bag women too
i like this guy
>the chad Buddhist
>the virgin Muslim
Reminder that Siddharta Guatama was from an Aryan kingdom and one of the signs of a virtuous man is having blue eyes like the first Buddha.
Sure, but first......
How many scoops, bro?
Is this a Bronze Age Pervert post? It's not even handsome Thursday.
>meditate every day to remind yourself to be free from desire
>then poke a needle in ur butt for sick gains
>vegetarian diets so no protein gains
This is meme level. The no gains has to do with the fasting more so than the vegetarianism.
His physique COULD be achieved naturally, but probably isn't.
>Buddhist monk
>Posts selfies
>when you're inbred religion is violent, that it pisses off buddhist's.
Letting Islam live was a mistake.
European colonial powers should have started to mass genocide every muslim and burn all the evidence of it existing.
So basically they are the same as niggers?
he's a big guy
there is no way a monk gets enough food or protein to build and maintain those muscles
Y-yes I do.
They could have with Charlemagne. But he let them go.
I hate how our country's media talks of him like he's the devil. He literally did nothing wrong.
>he lifts for women
how do you achieve chimpanzee-mode without roids? i assume he only eats rice and fish too, no whey or creatine powder.
this one is perfect
more like
>mfw I am reading the news about the 'alt-right'
Sure, if we can kill mulsims and joos afterwards
Look at the face and feet
Its hgh
For all the oil in Tibet?
>gadsden + trump + that comment
I cringed, good job
>feeding his people all those carbs
/fit/, Buddha's name be praised!
>he dindu nuffin
Sup Forums disgusts me. You worthless basememt dwelling neets should be publically beheaded for your faggotry.
Certainly friend! May I browse your pamphlet?
go fuck your sister mohamad
when it comes to semen,
>semen retained
>for the gainz
>Do you have time to talk about the teachings of the ascended, the enlightened
d-don't judge monks, they're doing their best. thinking you're a better monk or a good meditator or an enlightened being will lead to conceit
I stand with Burmeseman
go fuck a goat muhammad was a pig fucker skinshit
What do radical Buddhists read?
muslims should stay in their shit holes where they belong
If I wasn't Catholic I would be a Buddhist.
For me?
>give up all worldly possessions
>has a smart phone for selfies
That's funny. Australian media is painting the Burmese as the oppressors.
I wonder how the media will paint us when we have to face the exact same thing.
>reverse search
>fake monk
should've known. monks eat lettuce n shit, not meat
Same thing as any other Buddhists, the sutras and commentaries on them.
Wrong. Buddhism as a whole doesn't have a prescription on meat.
This guy eats a Rohyngya child every morning.
Kill yourself pakinigger.
buddhist monks undertake not to kill any living being on purpose, seeking out meat violates it because it brings about the death of animals, which is why many if not most monks are vegan. if a monk goes out to collect alms and someone gives them meat they're allowed to eat it because it's a passive act, but they can't ask for meat.
That's correct.
>The Mahayana schools generally recommend a vegetarian diet, as some believe that the Buddha insisted that his followers should not eat the flesh of any sentient being.
In the theravada school monks aren't allowed to eat meat either since they eat only food offered to them and someone offering meat to them means the animal was killed on their behalf.
Not just monks, even laypeople are encouraged to be vegetarians
Virgencita de Guadalupe > Some fucking sand nigger
Buddhist monks can control their heart rate. Why not control their testosterone production? Finally buddhism is being used for something useful.
im pretty sure shaolin make their own tofu but i maybe wrong might be a normal civillian cookinv their meals etc
wouldn't taking steroids violate the tenets of buddhism?
roids are natty bro
What exactly is nirvana? Isn't it like not existing or something?
RIP Rich Piano
Why y'all killing people?
ive scoops
As I understand it, it's precisely a state that can't be described by "existing" or "non-existing" or any combinations thereof, so language. It's to leave behind the conditions and attachments that lead to suffering in this life rather than another, so language (which works by association and overlapping of experience) can't accurately describe it.
The first "so language" is a typo.
it's pure enlightment
you have life figured out when you achieve nirvana apparently
Virgin gymcels detected
>Pakistan is more inbred than its neighbour India, despite the fact that India bases its caste system on not breeding out of your group.
You can't make this shit up.
Tell me more about the ripped 4 foot tall manlet monks
The most bad ass pic I've seen all night
Buddha Heil!
i see what u did here with the black box. lol the one in yucca prolly says same thing too AND THEY DONT EVEN KNOWZIT. lmfao. all that could be heard amongst the hajis was the high pitched squeals of "oh shit thats muh name too" as they buggered around the holiest of places in circles on their lamborfeeties...
Wouldn't it be more European and logical to become Buddhist while reading about and learning about the Norse Gods. Kinda like they do in Japan, believing in Buddhism but simply studying and doing the traditions of Shintoism. Rather than believing in a magic man in the sky who worked through a jew that died on a stick and taught all races are brothers in worshiping him?
It's PROSCRIPTION. English motherfucker. Speak it?