Brit/pol/ - le fucking based potatonigger edition

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File: americans.jpg (99 KB, 696x378)
Brit/pol/ - Anglo Superiority Edition Anonymous (ID: ILN7NXNP) 09/22/17(Fri)22:30:24 No.142511990▶ >Mummy may backtracks on Brexit, FIVE MORE YEARS

>Ahmed Hassan charged with 'attempted murder' over tube bombing

>Theresa May to warn tech firms over terror content

>Parsons Green bombing: Two more arrested over Tube attack

>Owen Goes Full Brent

>Theresa May visits Canada for post-Brexit trade talks

>Theresa May to offer EU £30billion in 'divorce payment'

>Govt to 'put pressure' on technology giants over terror

>Year of terror: Timeline of ISIS attacks in Great Britain

>Brexit fuels smuggling fears on the Irish border

Other urls found in this thread:

We kicked your ass in the Revolutionary War.

Apologies for the fucked up OP

I posted this earlier but I'll post it again for visibility. It's just 10 simple multiplication questions and at the end you are given a time and how many you got right, post the results here. You must complete all questions in your head, no writing down or calculators allowed.


>Name a better period in history than la Belle Époque.
Pro-tip you can’t





And you've been paying the price ever since. Enjoy your loss of control.

The greatest day in your country's existence a mere footnote in ours

Whites trying to act like non-whites is not just degenerate; it feeds the (((narrative))) that non-white culture is somehow superior, desirable or something to emulate or aspire to.

In other words, these fucks are doing the kike's work and should be treated as enemies.

HARD Brexit
Bilateral Trade with USA

I do 2 or 3 a day on here. They're quite easy but it's still fun. Sudoku is boring as fuck to me, not sure why it got so big desu.

Doesn't matter if it's the UK, Germany, the USA, Sweden or anywhere else. It's the same reaction

>Oh no that's bad!
I know! And always Muslims attacking white girls, children.
>Don't be Islamophobic, Islam is the religion of peace

Never happened before, will likely never happen in the future either

>Small country of 60 millionish
Which country in the EU has a higher population, higher GDP and higher number of foreign travellers using planes? The only countries that could compete are Germany and France, but many of them use trains or drive to their destinations. You're a simpleton.

I'm not going to spend my evening arguing simple facts with an EU cuck. You're not even properly reading what I'm saying, you're trying to act as if you're some sort of expert when really you're just reiterating what a bunch of EU cucks have said before you. Boring.

>replying to low level bait




>replying to the replies of low level bait

Germany had way too many kikes back then, but otherwise it was good enough

Peace time NS Germany was still better

I miss potato-poster.



Apologise for your slur

>lesbian feminist anti-SJW centrists in the current year
I think the political climate has escalated past that by now

Thanks user will give it a go

Did you support generalplan ost

>Edward I

I failed every one of them, except the first. I suck at arithmetic desu.

First Edward, best Edward

Delete this

I like the 60 second maths puzzles where you have to go through a long mental equation to get to the answer as fast as possible. Kakuro is a bit more fun than Sudoku IMO

and this site has loads of different number puzzles on it:

>Which country in the EU has a higher population

Germany (80 million), France (66 million). UK population is 65 million.

Also goalpost shifting reducing it to just EU countries. Travel companies operate outside the EU as well.

>higher GDP

Germany ($3.5tn), France ($2.7tn). UK GDP is $2.6tn.

>higher number of foreign travellers using planes?

England is the highest there owing to the fact it's an island.

>The only countries that could compete are Germany and France, but many of them use trains or drive to their destinations.

You can get a train from the UK to the mainland you simpleton. You're only slightly less likely to travel by train to Benidorm or Málaga than a German or French person is.

It's not real, and even it was - I wouldn't. Except deporting Poles from historic German lands. Read what Alfred Rosenberg was planning: Slavic folks were to have national ethnic assemblies and wide enough autonomy

Degenerates everywhere

Stop kike posting nigger. Faggots like you give whites a bad name. Get a job.

DAE weeaboos should get the gas?

world end yet?



I'm an academic at one of the best unis in the country, wbu?

Reminder that old people will ALWAYS find something trivial to complain about.

>about to lose an eye
Eyepatch or glass eye?

goodnight and God bless

So who is this girl? One of /ourgirls/? Not a Zionist is she?

>I like the 60 second maths puzzles where you have to go through a long mental equation to get to the answer as fast as possible
What paper are they in?

Thanks ano I always see these in the times section but never tried em, will give em a go now

Night lad

Wow. Kike, much?

Fucking boomer scum.

How and why? I vote eyepatch


never mind we were bringing niggers and arabs to Europe for the last 150 years

She's on Question Time every now and then. She's big into her traditional values.. anti-fag marriage, anti-abortion, pro-family and children. Hardcore Tory supporter, so take that to mean what you will regarding her being a Zionist or not.

Their great-great-grandchildren are gonna be used as rape meat for shitskins. Fucking selfish old retards.

G-good Evening, Anglo-senpais.

It is I, your beloved potato-poster, raiding you hapless Anglos in your own homeland for your pats.

The amount of Anglos I have terrorised so far with my headpat requests. . .

Just a friendly reminded that potatoes such as Winters are based and all potato-posters with anime avatars must be encouraged.


I'll be Hitler and you can be a degenerate. Only one of us will be LARPing.

Daily reminder that jewish girls are the master race top tier.

Alright lad

Reminder we won 1812 and cucked you into oblivion

>inbred mentally ill scum with nigger blood

i'm meant to be going to sleep but here you go

See you in the gas chamber m8. I'll be looking through the window.

>England is the highest
Correct. As I said. Done with you now lad

5.7 second buddies

Can't remember which paper, must be either the Metro, Sun or Telegraph though because I very rarely read any others.

>Tfw i will never shag a real life Karen


>Correct. As I said. Done with you now lad

Travel companies don't operate solely in the EU, therefore the UK is not their biggest market, and they don't negotiate international aviation treaties. You are not correct.


t. name larper

Still kill yourself though

Got bottled a month back, it shattered and tore part of my eye, partway blinding me. Doctors tried saving it but theres theres signs of deterioration which will cause blindness eventually and a very likely chance im going to be fighting serious infections with it for a period of up to 10 years. They offered to take it out so i went with it.

Antifa of today will be complaining about the same shit 50 years from now.


Is this legit?

Glass eye, although eyepatch looks cooler.

I hope there won't be an antifa is 50 years but deep down, I know you're right

Potato, you up North or on the mainland?

H-hello Russian-Manx-kun. . .
H-how kind desu. . .
H-hello. . .

Night lads, I'm up early to further terrorise the Anglo with pat requests.

South desu, south of London.



I missed you!

Sleep well desu

sleep tight
i go to bed for real now


>5.7 second buddies
I know but I had a brain fart on one of my answers

T-thanks Rimmer-senpai. . .

Did you ever use the Battlelog forums? You remind me of someone who used to post on there before anime posts were banned.

>Got bottled a month back
Fuck, do you know who did it?

They offered to take it out so i went with it.
Did you look into stemcells?

Evenin' fellas

Before you go, here's one from me


boomer stories in green anyone?

>work with retired guy
>wont quit job
>always fucking shit up with his oldness
>complains constantly about low £ rates on his holidays
>spends all day smoking in supposedly sterile units
>takes holidays every week
>company cant fire him because muh age discrimination

Superior Irish-Bavarian genetics

Zionest dyke, needs the rope then the gas

Stemcells would be expensive, I assume...

Rimmer can you solve the Zodiac cyphers? Why don't you get a job in cryptography?

I'm pretty sure all but one of those cyphers was decrypted. Which reminds me, I need to rewatch Zodiac, such a fucking good film.

No as far as I'm aware it's the other way around. One has been solved but the others haven't.

>Putting a price on your sight

moving in to uni today lads
any tips`

>Rimmer can you solve the Zodiac cyphers?
3 out of the 4 are solved

>Why don't you get a job in cryptography?
Doubt I'm smart enough

Sadly, not everyone can afford expensive medical treatments.

Instal Gentoo.

what is your degree?

hmm gchq