Why are kids forced to go to school for 12 years when people forget almost everything they learned in school and the little they remember from school isn't practical in real life? Isn't 8 hours of school everyday for years and years a huge decrease in well-being for children?
Why are kids forced to go to school for 12 years when people forget almost everything they learned in school and the...
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Because if you had done more than 8 years of school you would have learned there is more than just the conscious mind. There is also an unconscious mind. For example while we cannot remember learning to talk, we all think in patterns easily formulated into speech. In the same way we view the world around us logically and are a more intelligent species than ever before. The issues that come up from our school system are about the political ideologies taught during our schooling, not in the necessity of schooling itself. What you offer is a complete regression for our species
You didn't answer my question. What does the "unconscious mind" have to do with schooling?
Don't ask stupid questions kid
It's just a good way to weed out the retards for employers. You know we're only getting more of them.
That woman looks like a whore.
>propaganda is progress
Fuck off jew spic nigger.
a lot of it is to keep them preoccupied when they can't work yet, and to babysit them so their parents can work
School is just daycare.
To separate them from their parents in order to indoctrinate them
Politicians have a typical mind theory, they imagine that their own above average IQs are the result of their own efforts rather than their genome, so they imagine that the underclass of any race can be educated to be just like themselves
t. brainlet who pretends to be smart
>Why are kids forced to go to school for 12 years when people forget almost everything they learned in school
Because everything else you learned in school was important.
>almost everything they learned in school and the little they remember from school isn't practical in real life?
I suppose when your entire "real life" boils down to fucking your own sister as often as possible, maybe school wasn't for you, Cletus.
So they can be around other children. The primary purpose of early education is socialization.
You probably don't understand that because you are an autist.
The problem is that school as "daycare" is a huge welfare loss for children. No wonder kids are unhappy when they're forced into school for 12 years straight, 8 hours a day. Worse yet, they're often assigned hours of homework everyday, so they have little to no time to do things they actually enjoy or are interested in.
This doesn't make sense. Socialization occurs all the time outside of school. And you interact with a broad range people, not just your age peers.
That pic fucks me up every time I see it
Because school isn't about preparing you for life and finding a job, it's about meeting quotas to receive more government money.
That must be why homeschoolers are renowned for being social butterflies.
School is group socialization and not getting it turns people into freaks.
I get what you're saying but I do think school stunts socialisation as well, in some aspect. Because it is a forced mannered and censored environment it's not kids playing out in the dangers of nature etc.
Good goy, send your children to school so Jamal and Abdul can teach them how to be more social.
It really is just 8 hours of pointless material and constant propaganda shilling
Here's David Friedman's experience with allowing his children to "unschool". What's wrong with this approach with to letting children learn? His kids seem to learning much more than the average schooled child and are probably much more happy with their life.
>Autists don't understand the importance of social hierarchies
Color me surprised.
>school is the only place where people learn to hang out socially
kill yourself, retard.
Not an argument.
it's not the specific knowledge that they remember, it's the stepping stones for brain development as a foundation for essential skills and computative ability.
You don't learn algebra because you'll be finding x your whole life. You learn algebra because it builds mathematical thinking.
I agree. Here, kids don't have an option to take a class they might be interested in until grade 9, and they're usually too busy before that to focus on their own hobbies. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if we actually learned anything that wasn't some surface level funfact quiz tier knowledge.
>send your children to school so their fellow students can introduce them to weed and rap music they they learn about the 6 bazillion
Nice try Shlomo, but you're not fooling me.
Who is girl?
>Why are kids forced to go to school for 12 years when people forget almost everything they learned in school and the little they remember from school isn't practical in real life
School is basically daycare because most people are too stupid to raise children;
>For example, Doets et al. (1991) studied 970 Dutch native speakers aged from 18 years upwards and found from about one percent with 'strong' functional illiteracy up to 24 percent with 'limited' or 'strong' functional illiteracy, depending on the literacy criteria
As an American, I assure you that the USA's rate has to be higher than 24%. Americans - and humans in general - do not read except when forced.
>Isn't 8 hours of school everyday for years and years a huge decrease in well-being for children?
School's secondary role is to remind children of their socio-economic class. The poor children are made to feel bad, so their performance goes down, so the rich kids can feel superior. But even most rich people don't read except when forced to read.
>What you offer is a complete regression for our species
Mandatory schooling from the beginning had the goal of controlling and modifying children to conform to what the elite who run the state desire.
The elite control the institutions, and just give themselves credentials. Then, they write textbooks and force you to read and regurgitate them, while they dope you up with amphetamine because school is torture and you can't pay attention, and then serotonin reuptake inhibitors because the amphetamine makes you a manic criminal drug-abuser.
Either homeschool your kids and teach them some path to god, or you are the cancer killing humanity.
Is that michael j fox
All the evidence in education psychology that this "far transfer of learning" doesn't happen. It's wishful thinking. Learning is highly specific. The only way people learn how to do particular task well is by doing that particular task over and over again.
***learn HOW to think***
not what to think
Here's a good summary of the literature on the transfer of learning:
>> [T]ransfer is especially important to learning theory and educational practice because very often the kinds of transfer hoped for do not occur. The classic investigation of this was conducted by the renowned educational psychologist E. L. Thorndike in the first decades of the 20th century. Thorndike examined the proposition that studies of Latin disciplined the mind, preparing people for better performance in other subject matters. Comparing the performance in other academic subjects of students who had taken Latin with those who had not, Thorndike (1923) found no advantage of Latin studies whatsoever. In other experiments, Thorndike and Woodworth (1901) sought, and generally failed to find, positive impact of one sort of learning on another. Thorndike's early and troubling findings have reemerged again and again in other investigations. For instance, the advent of computer programming as a school subject matter stimulated the proposal that computer programming developed general problem solving skills, much as Latin was thought to cultivate mental discipline. Unfortunately, several experiments seeking a positive impact of learning to program on problem solving and other aspects of thinking yielded negative results (see Pea and Kurland 1984, Salomon and Perkins 1987).
, here. No one wants to watch you kiss stacy. You want attention, and you want to force everyone to give you attention for being a drunken braggart that competes for pussy before marriage.
Publically schooled people are loud, stupid and arrogant because they constantly strive to win social games. They're lazy, and only work to provide money for booze, pussy and status symbols.
They raised you to be like this, and it robs you of your happiness and humanity. If what I said wasn't true, there wouldn't be tens of millions of people on antidepressents.
People think that you can stick a bunch of kids together and leave them completely out of the Loop of Adult Responsibility, then expect them to act like anything other than children for their entire lifes.
The public school system is a way of making sure everybody thinks the same way, which unfortunately cuts out a lot of talent. The other problem is most teachers hate their jobs and children, so its a bad environment for them to be growing up in.
>the little they remember from school isn't practical in real life
I was just doing geometry a few minutes ago. Then again, I make a six figure salary. I guess if you're destined to sweep a broom and live off food stamps, you don't need to remember much of that "education stuff".
Knowing geometry means nothing unless you have the magic piece of paper to go with it.
Society demands conformity to acquire that magic piece of paper - if you hold conservative viewpoints and express them, you will be expelled.
Not only that - education says some pigs are more equal than others, by giving preference to women and non-whites. So, smart white men are denied opportunities so that others can have those opportunities.
Education is a litmus test to weed out wrong thought. You don't give a damn, because you got yours. You like the system, because it's positioned you over others.
Your education has molded you into a domesticated animal, and you would not thrive without a well-established centralized state to reward you for conformity. You were not picked because you were the best - except at ass-kissing.
Do you know what CAT5e is? How about an AP, or POS - which has two meanings in my line of work. I've installed the WiFi infrastructure in multiple expensive apartment complexes across two countries - it's possible that you may have lived somewhere I worked, and used the equipment I installed.
If I so much as unplugged the right cable, you would be silenced, and you'd have no idea how to get your internet back. You are a leach, and unless you can pay some other guy like me to come fix it, you'd be screwed. You probably wouldn't even notice if I did it - you don't know where to look for the cables I'd unplug.
Pic related - it's everything you know about geometry condenced into one page. Because that's how much you know.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cambridge Academy of Geometry, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret Darpa experiments, and I have over 300 metric rulers. I am trained in mil-doc relation formula warfare and I’m the top sniping spotter in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will tell the guy next to me to wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your CAT5e is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my compass. Not only am I extensively trained in pen and paper math, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Texas Instruments and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
So that they could become engineers or scientists or whatever at a realistic age. When a kid is still young you don't know what he's gonna be, so you prepare him for everything. He can just forget shit he ends up not needing, but he can't go back in time to go to school if he decides to become a cosmonaut at 16.
Another reason is to gague the kid's abilities to better orient him when it's time to pick a profession. That's why they're progressively taught harder and harder stuff. If you learn that you're a retard at a younger age, you can just get straight to pumbing without wasting time or money trying to get a degree which you won't ever get.
It also supposedly develops social skills, but evidently it doesn't work sometimes.
this. the worst thing that can happen, is that you waste an idiot's time.
they should let you fast forward though or make you specialize in early age if you have some usefull interests. like computers, math, physics
To condition them to be good wageslaves
This . It's nothing more than that, no matter how much cretins babble "muh socialization".
School doesn't make you social, in fact it cripples your socialization by conforming it to a model. You only talk to people your age and has the gall to picture yourself social.
Not only that, it possibly makes you less intelligent than if you were homeschooled, by the looks of how the homeschooled progress faster into the subjects.
In the end, kids are domesticated into job oriented drones, not capable people.
>says the middle school drop out
go back to school you dumb nigger
Schools just forced socialization desu, and half these kids ain't even ready for it at the time. So you get Chad who hits puberty at age 11 and Daniel who doesn't grow until he's 15 so he's already lost at that point. It's a rigged system
Its to make children into compliant workers.
>Wake up early
>Do boring repetitive tasks for 4 hours
>Bell rings, lunch time
>Do more repetitive tasks until time to go home
>Bell rings your shift is over you can go home.
It's govt. funded daycare.
School is a terrible socialization environment, very unnatural. Causes mental illness.
Indoctrination my dude!
Because you don't forget the societal norms it teaches you. Anything you retain past that is superfluous.
Stand in line, submit paperwork on time, play nice whether you want to or not, don't harass girls, pay for lunch or don't eat it or sign up for gibs, be active, be competitive, find the company you should keep, submit to authority, stay organized, showing up ahead of the game even if by only a little can make you leagues ahead of those around you, speak in turn, learn why you dislike those you dislike and how to spot that behavior from a superficial standpoint, learn betrayal and how to see it coming, learn loyalty to your friends and what it entails and provides, make lasting friendships you'll carry to the grave, learn to be ok with outgrowing those closest to you, learn to take tests by learning how to interpret the questions... You learn a lot In school ... It's just that what you retain is often only the shit you use alot even after you graduate. The books ... The history... The references to literature and science .... They're all great to remember and refresh from time to time ... But understanding society ... Pecking order ... Identifying strings and how to pull them properly, learning to manipulate society to your will ... These are the only lessons worth remembering.
>Socialization occurs all the time outside of school.
lmao, no it doesnt
Natalie Portman is best looking woman in Hollywood. Total fucking package. Worth converting for.
In school you are literally just taught subconscious things
Yes. Ban educatiin
Let's go Haiti tier
It does if the parents aren't autistic and sign their kids up for sports or community activities.
>pic related
She reminds me a bit of Audrey Hepburn.
>Britbong translation
Worth one up the todger cor blimey guvnor
Teaching kids how to think and learn for themselves would be bad for those who wish to keep a (wage)slave class. Instead they teach that memorising a list of arbitrary facts makes someone intelligent.
>implying haiti isn't shit because it's been ruled by shitskins for the last 200 years
12 years you can perve and engage with underage pussy.
to prepare you to become a thinking citizen... in theory. Also its a good way to introduce children to society and open themselves socially. That is, if it was well implemented.
Do you have an alternative?
Honestly you should go to school to learn to read and write and learn basic math.
Anything else should be taught at community colleges.
>be kid
>want to be artist
>parents try my whole school life to dissuade me
>muh starving artist meme
>go through school
>parents tell me to go to uni or I'll never get jobs/visas
>still want to do art
>end up in marketing/advertising
>graduate, and join workforce, doing "well"
>end up quitting vfx job
>painting fulltime now, doing ok
>tfw could have apprenticed to a master at age 12
>tfw could have been honing my skills and bettering my work every day for 15 years instead of learning to play the system and appease clients/directors
>tfw could have been a master in my own right, passing on my knowledge to the next generation
>tfw kids younger than me don't fall for the college meme and I'm now on the same level as people several years younger than me
I guess school is ok though, it's what you're forced into after I'm not too happy about.
To make obedient serfs out of them.
school i went to 'what had only a few years before been a grammar school' only an elite within were taught
rest were ignored & as an added bonus, brutalised. seemed that if you showeed any aptitude for anything, they'd cut you down.
the british way, to those considered to be 'low class (caste)'
Gave me a good chuckle 5 star Navy seal pasta tribute
All I learned in public school is that dindus perceive inadvertent momentary eye contact as a threat and begin to put on a primal threat display.
>You will never be Chad
>Audrey Hepburn.
Fuck, she was gorgeous....
>In the same way we view the world around us logically and are a more intelligent species than ever before.
Pseudo-intellectual detected. You actually think logical thinking only existed when the modern school system took form? LMAO. You put too much importance on our modern structures and societies. While we may know how stars take form and the speed of light in a vacuum, modern man won't even be able to survive in the wild or grow his own food without the help of other "lowly unintelligent" farmers, fishermen and hunters. Fuck off with that crap. The modern school system only serves to make modern man domesticated and subservient.
Yep. Just let everyone be a stupid mother fucker.
I mean, that's what these fucking boards are all about. Letting stupid Mother Fuckers suck their own cocks
And celebrating that.
Please God kill everyone one of these fuckers.
She's alright.......
>lmao, no it doesnt
Only in modern societies. The concept of society and neighborhood still exists in other parts of the world. People in communities hang out in plazas, town squares and markets all the time. Not to mention that in times past, humans in agrarian societies constantly socialized all the time with each other due to the nature of farm work. Kids spent 4 hours learning to read and write and getting educated while taking the rest of the day helping out their parents in their day-to-day activities. Socialization exclusively happening in school is a modern phenomenon.
I remember a high school in Colorado that just had the students hang outside in the grass and sit around all fucking day.
They broke off the antenna of my girlfriend's Honda Accord.
Little fuckers are sure to be Antifa by now.
State education should be abolished. No-schooling is better than public schooling.
Homeschool and private school are perfectly ligitimate options for parents who care about their offspring.
You get a fucking rock for sure
it's to train people into thinking hard
school is not just about learning something, but also learning how to learn
if your school doesn't teach you how to learn then there's no point of going to that school
people are forgetful of things, some people will excel in academics, others won't, but the most important thing is the learning skills that we get out of being in school
your brain is constantly abused in school because that's how it works, it pushes your brain to its limits, much like a mental exercise
if kids didn't go to school, then they wouldn't be able to exercise their brains, and just like any other muscle, if you don't exercise it, it shrinks or will be less useful in the future
Three generations ago people went on average 8 years, they were taught critical thinking.
They weren't forced to assimilate through peer pressure, too many individuals.
Can't have that!
>Finding interest in a particular field
>Developing discipline
>Learning to socialize decently
>Basic math skills to get by
School is mostly supposed to teach you to meet expectations, coexist with others, and socialize you. Spending eight hours somewhere everyday for years and years accomplishing basically nothing practical in real life is called a job.