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Question, how often do you change the parts on your figures, if ever? Poses?
Tail Red arrived today
Her hair scared me when getting her out of the blister, it's all one piece and I felt like it was gonna snap off her head when one of the strands got caught on a fold in the plastic
post pics
What parts do you mean?
Like accessories, or faces if they have them. I'm just curious because I seem to to change mine every month or so.
Does anyone know when this one is going to be up for pre-order?
Never. In fact I struggle to even dust them once a month. I can't remember the last time I did so. Maybe it's time.
Hopefully never.
Every few days to months, depending on circumstances. I pose things when I get bored or if I'm inspired to replicate a pose I see in anime/manga. Sometimes I need to re-pose when I get something new so everything fits.
I hate being poor so much.. Wish I had a job.
then get one
buyfagging is not a hobby for unemployed people unless you're leeching off your parents
I usually do when I change up my displays.
No time for a job, I need to study.
>waiting for background check to go through
So glad I can finally start buying plastic butts.
Potato iPhone cam, but I took the time to downsize it
Is this the only place it's up for preorder at?
Learn to manage time better.
I got through college with a full time job, pretty sure anyone can.
Part-time job is enough.
>don't have a credit card
Another Kimoza Alice figure coming out.
Karen scale never ;_;
The only Native I care about is softness incarnate.
Pre-Orders fuckin' when?
Why does Alice ruin everything every episode?
I got mine yesterday however the color on the slash is off
Bigger picture
We don't need a bigger shitty picture.
It's not off. There's white in the original pic, it's supposed to be the line of death while cutting water
I wonder if I can get my stuff to look better with some special kind of lightning.
Can't wait to see those lips painted
How do you guys recommend buying detolfs if you don't live near an Ikea store? Ikea shipping is fucking ridiculous.
How far is the closest store? I'd honestly just road trip to the store on a weekend or something like that.
Quick, post your preorders.
Have any of you canceled an AmiAmi order? I ordered something shitty for October and was wondering if I could cancel. I doubt "I don't want it anymore" would be a very good reason.
I swear I thought about it for a few days, but I gues that's still too early.
I have a lot of jointshit (Mostly Shinkis and gundams) I tend to repose when I get new figures or dust. My scales I don't swap the parts on very often unless I decide to rearrange everything.
I wanted to die for her a few threads ago, but I managed to buy her today on Nippon Yasan guys!
I'm happy!
Just bullshit through it
"Some stuff came up and I won't be able to afford the payment when it comes"
You just email customer support. They will most likely cancel it for you if you haven't missed payments and have been pretty good at keeping up with orders.
Geta are hot
What are the best cast-offs in your opinion? And which are the best to display with or without cast-off clothing?
Hanabi, new titty ninja daki.
i guess you could fill books with a debate over this. It depends extremely on the figure itself. there are a lot of them who are just meant to be displayed naked.
pic related imo is one i'll keep dressed as i think she looks better that way.
I just want the wall scrolls. Why are they so hard to find?
just show us the penis already.
Why do the nips hate Karen?
Have to buy the mousepad with it for the more recent ones. They sell the old wall scrolls here for the previous mousepads.
I can't decide between pic related or Cat Lap for my favorite cast off.
There are some cast-offs that look odd when displayed naked because the pose only makes sense with the clothes on.
I know their Japanese site has the Ayane set as well, but I don't really want to proxy service that all.
Well, alright. Looks like I'll be able to expand my JoJo WCF collection in a few months.
I recently picked up a all-mounted shot glass display case for the dozen or so World Collectable Figures I own and it's perfect for showcasing them. I can't wait to add in the new One Piece figures I've ordered.
Also ordered this for the missus to go with her Harley Quinn. It's a shame she missed out on the Bishoujo Catwoman because she's going for $450 or more in most places I've seen it.
post ure display
>It's a shame she missed out on the Bishoujo Catwoman because she's going for $450 or more in most places I've seen it.
Shit, really? Glad that I snagged one off eBay a while back for just $200.
That is a tiny bike. Is that the 13cm figma on it? I was thinking of getting it to display it next to the 1014 Racing Miku with the turbines, but that fig is a bit larger at 19cm.
Isabelle Nendo came today, her little bells even jingle!
Yep, she's 15 cm tall and the bike is on her scale.
*sigh* I wish I could find one for that much. I tried to lowball some sellers for $150-200 on eBay who had like 3-4 in stock with "Best Offer" options and BIN prices set for $500+. The only one that bothered to reply countered with $495 and said they wouldn't go any lower. What's the point of asking for offers if you won't take anything substantially different than your asking price?
Oh, well. Canary's one of her favorites and we managed to get classic appearance variant, so that's pretty cool.
When a seller says they only accept paypal for an item, does that mean I can only transfer funds from my paypal to theirs and that's about it?
It means they also accept gold coins.
inb4, Sup Forums, bad taste, etc.
>all those bases hanging off the edge
What happens if you accidentally bump into the dresser and all your figs hit the ground?
Sup Forumsad taste
shut the fuck up
Moved into a place and I can't put all my hanging shelves in the wall, so I had to cram them all in.
I haven't had an issue unless I fall into it like a retard.
I've never wanted to change the parts of my scale figures because I chose the ones that appealed to me most when I set them up.
I don't own much jointshit, but I don't tend to change their poses much either. My GuP figmas are set up with their tank parts and I tend to leave it as a static scene. My touken ranbu nendos are all posed in their most neutral default poses to save space and make them look more uniform.
I'm a little boring with my figure displays I guess. I tend to be a lot more interactive with my lego displays.
Your setup makes me nervous user. Please de-clutter
I change the poses on my GuP figmas about monthly
Mainly because I dust in depth every month, compressed air and all
Also, when new stuff arrives
I transferred my Garupans to the H from the D when I got it, and put my revoltech skeleton in the D for giggles
I got my school uniform Miho today so I put her in the commander's hatch and I don't actually know where to put the skeleton now so he's hanging out in the driver's hatch
Jesus christ get a fucking shelf and a better camera. And sell two of the bunnie Chris figs.
You could use plank boards or something, but it would make it at least 20% better. Having them all at one level is disgusting.
DSLR only.
AmiAmi will ban your account along with all your personal details. You will be blacklisted in all of Japan's online hobby stores address books and will never be able to do anything again. Don't fuck with Amico,
It's actually good
Except the photograph is dog shit and I can barely make it out but I recognize a few good ones that even I have
Also get a better place to put them (unless you put them together specific for that photo)
Cat Lap Milk, is that even a question?
Everything min this photo is wrong.
>breasts against glass
Kill yourself.
Before you do though, have you looked into the limited edition short-haired Invisible Woman? That was the most expensive one back when I managed to get my Catwoman.
I hope he gets a figma someday.
I hope Lancelot gets one first.
You got any pics of your swords? I've been wondering about grabbing a couple myself
Do you mean mall swords?
Please tell me you don't do this.
No I meant the touken ranbu nendos
>Open my first dakimakura cover
>Almost instantly begin cumming semen
>Cospa pillow is extremely huggable and gropable
Fuck yes. I'm having fun tonight.
Sorry about the crap photo.
The assumption is that there will eventually be enough of them to fill at least two shelves of that bookcase. I guess their default poses are kinda boring, but I like them well enough.
saddest shit I've read on here in a while.
Not him, but I also got hard as diamonds when my first daki arrived and it wasn't even a lewd one.
I wish I could have a daki. Even though my parents wouldn't say anything, I know they would die a bit inside.
I can't do this to them yet.
Eh, you stop caring after a couple days.
You don't have a lock on in your room? Then you just wash your stuff at night.
Thanks. You got any recommendations? I haven't really played the game, just like the designs
why 3 recolors of the same fig.
I mean Chris is great, but all 3 repaints?
I thing GSC put a lot of effort into Mikazuki because he's something of a flagship for the series, so if you were only going to get one he might be the one to consider. Honestly, I've been very happy with all of them so far though, with the exception of Ichigo who I found to be slightly dull, and who had slight quality control issues with his hair parts.
That's not plausible, even if your parent give you enough privacy there would be a moment where they would notice the figure.
I think parents not being able to know what's going on in their son's room is stupid anyways.
She cleans the room and washes my clothes, and I don't want to upset her.
Maybe I can get a body pillow and put the cover only before going to sleep though.
I just got this in the mail today. Too cute to pass up.
Going to be a fun few months
Maybe you should move out, user.
Clean your own damn room, pull the covers over the daki when you aren't in the room.
I've had a shota daki right on my bed since Christmas and nobody important is any the wiser.
Not sure if this is the right thread for it, but I plan on getting a virtual reality headset soon for anime purposes and I was wondering that the best psychedelic drugs are that will help lull me into a more believable reality where I can believe I'm actually with my waifu.