you told me it's shit, i'm never gonna trust your taste again Sup Forums
You told me it's shit, i'm never gonna trust your taste again Sup Forums
I guarantee nobody told you it was shit.
I've said it a couple of time though.
I tried watching the first episode while being quite tired but I failed.
Are every episode this much rapid text heavy ?
>Sup Forums
Who the hell told you it's shit? Show is fantastic. Probably shounenfags complaining about "muh hipster animes le deep maymay".
I told you it was THE shit, stupid motherfucker.
>Are every episode this much rapid text heavy ?
No. The first episode clocks out at over 330wpm but no subsequent episode gets past 300. Point is, you'll be okay. Also, the best thing about TTG is the final two episodes. I don't want to spoil anything. Let's just say that they're fucking incredible.
No, its only the first one.
I paused once or twice during it to read.
Rest are fine.
Thanks Senpai.
i never hear Sup Forums saying it's shit
I dropped it after episode 1 and never intend to pick it back up. 2.5x speed for the sake of "art" is the definition of pretentious.
It was pretty decent, but I expected a masterpiece from all the stuff I gathered on Sup Forums so naturally I was a bit disappointed I guess
Great OP and ED though
It's not very fast at all. His narration is maybe 1.5x conversation speed and only the first episode is so heavy with it. Also, maybe look up the definition of pretentious.
>that fucking smooth transition into ED in most episodes
Dentist a best. Idk how dickchin managed to score that.
>Sup Forums is one person
>she will never lick your face
Dude was ugly but he had game
>tfw you will never be as wise as a college dropout with a giant ballsack for a chin
It is shit.
A couple of retards told you it was shit and suddenly the whole of Sup Forums did? Lurking for more than a week would have shown you that Tatami Galaxy is generally very well liked. Fuck off.
Sup Forums is like Sup Forums in a way that no matter how good something can be someone will say it's shit
it's not shit
Well liked is an understatement, it's one of the most loved and highly regarded series. If it's ever criticised, it's only a knee jerk hipster reaction to how much anons praise it. OP is an atonishingly retarded newfag.
Why the fuck would you ever trust Sup Forums
ITT: tumblr/reddit newfags with shit taste
It's not a masterpiece, but it's still good.
First half may feel like a chore to watch first time but it starts to get more enjoyable towards the end when you see the earlier episode's events from other perspectives.
Obviously a new fag who doesn't actually read threads.
Everyone move on and let OP develop his own faggot taste.
>taking advice from Sup Forums
Have you not been reading the threads? This place is only for shitposting and worshipping shit-tier waifus from generic moe anime