Only death can save us now.
Snakes and monkeys are fleeing the mountain, over 230000 people evacuated.
Only death can save us now.
Snakes and monkeys are fleeing the mountain, over 230000 people evacuated.
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t. Yes voter
lol good. fuck Bali and fuck Indonesia
why is it a big deal if this volcano erupts? I know it matters for that island, but why should the rest of the world care? Is there something special about it?
so this is happening
Absolutely nothing and this thread is gonna get deleted
The ash goes into the atmosphere. This is the actual cause of global warmimg
How big is it when this thing pops off?
but the ashes are good for the plants which will grow more and consume more carbon thus increasing oxygen output and cleaning the air
get stumped
>baka (dot) com
It's the ring of fire big picture scenario, the whole shitfight is going to blow with an increasing crescendo ending with the Yellowstone megadeath extinction event.
>japanese for stupid
They changed the name for some reason.
>404 link
Why the fuck the Crown decided to expend her Navy and money to take a bunch of prisoners to an island of death instead of just hacking them up is beyond stupid. But truly, it is with the decedents we get to observe them in their absolute shit of literal human genetic waste, often combined with the local aboriginal, which one could easily argue is a living missing link from afar. You're shit, the only thing you have is the petrol you stole for getting high. We all see you as the koala fucking, taipan sucking, ragin bogan fuck wit that you are here Bruce. Now fuck off.
t. Tyrone Paco Goldstein
It's because the abbreviation for Sydney morning herald is S M H, this sight changes that to baka. For fucks sake.
Just look up the Sydney morning herald.
extinction level explosion checkem
You're just mad that 10/10 Australian cutie rejected you.
Cry more, shill.
Ok just wondering, you're calling us nonwhites but what color hair and eyes do you have?
He's salty because our continent isn't about to be blown the fuck out by a super volcano where the continent he "shares" is about to fucking explode.
Wait so even monkeys know when to evacuate during natural disasters but brown people dont?
Very peculiar
Fuck off dude, that's not even a news site, it's a restaurant.
are you trying to say that brown people are more human than animals?
this is actually pretty funny, i forgot about that one being filtered too desu senpai baka
I'm fine with this
FUCKING YES! I want a cold and snowy winter pls.
>something honest to god happening
>no one believes OP because of a wordfilter
Winter is coming.
Im fuckin not. I's only just gotten through tradeschool.
It exploded in 63, won't be that bad, certainly no extinction level nonsense
It does fuck your plan B for the norks... can't fly bombers through a volcanic ash cloud
>The Balinese believe that Mount Agung is a replica of Mount Meru, the central axis of the universe. One legend holds that the mountain is a fragment of Meru brought to Bali by the first Hindus. The most important temple on Bali, Pura Besakih, is located high on the slopes of Gunung Agung
>Replica of Mount Meru, the central axis of the universe
We had several much cooler years though
cannot find one live cam of the mountain.
2017 and no cunt can point a webcam at the fucker.
some cunts need to start up a business where they film shit like this and live stream it.
Happening Cams - can fly to the worlds hot spots and capture happenings for all the world (Sup Forums) to see!
And leave mom's basement?
>straya_cunt_attempts _to_walk_to_the_store.jpg
It has been 11k people not 230k, fucking Sup Forums
We did that shit during maidan in Ukraine
Just bought some shitty smartphones for people there and got them to stream for us
Could be part of the reason Periscope is a thing, now
Ash in the atmosphere will cause cooling though.
t. that there was a vote at all
How could you not see this? Hence your zero replies up til this point. Everybody realised what I just said
Can we send a local user up to look over the top and see if it's really happening?
You can't have warming without cooling denialist.
They've mandatory evaced over 240,000 people... anyone close enough has basically been put into a truck at gunpoint, the indos don't fuck around
No Peri streams from Kuta in the last 10 hours, which is extremely fucking unusual
no one cares about muslim gooks
How the fuck do snakes and monkeys sense volcanos?
Lmao what state do you live in that gives you the balls to talk like that, Wyoming?
same reason all dogs bark at niggers
shut up javier
Shut up John Redcorn/Tyrone/Paco/Abdul/Shinji/Cletus
It's a well established fact that many animals can sense dangerous disturbances in the underground because they have the capacity to sense acoustic and/or vibration and/or magnetic things that Humans cannot. Even things like smells and heat can give them clues...
Is Yellowstone part of the Ring of Fire?
fuck off ching chong ching changity chongity bong bing bing bong bang bong ching chong wang lee
roobakadoo cunt magpie in yer eye runt
Remember to archive Sydney Mornig Herald (S MH) links ausshits.
(is a faggot)
Their USA allies send them there they have all the fema camps
Yeah, just keep mocking. See what happens.
Numbers don't lie so yes, yes it is.