shes Sup Forums
Shes Sup Forums
Truly the best. Too bad she is stuck in a shit anime.
Which is why the VN needs a translation.
Unfortunately, the only good version is the Vita one, and the Vita has yet to be cracked.
And not available in other languages.
Assuming we're only talking about the elite version.
The anime was already all over the place, but every scene with this obnoxious cunt was a chore to get through.
>character spouts le epic board culture memes
>she's one of us guise!!!
Depends on the sub group. I'm sure in Japanese she comes off as a regular 2channer.
Not really considering she spouts more memes than any other SciADV character.
I have not read the VN and forgot all the details of the anime, but was that not her entire character?
I can't remember her doing anything else but sitting in her room.
This must be some kind of shitty subs like commie
I hope no cause it would mean I want to fuck Sup Forums