White people are literally finished, your Race War is just a wet dream you cucks, meanwhile Asian countries are getting richer without the cancerous SJW culture. In 30 years from now China will the world superpower, USA a poor hellhole riddled with feral niggers and spics.
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Other urls found in this thread:
>lowest social skills ever, almost no ability to talk to strangers if not westernised
>IQ statistics from the government, all of which don't match out experiences with east Asians
>some of them are literally sociopaths pretending otherwise, this is almost common for them
>"competitive" to some stupid extents, like cheating or attacking opponents
>literally no self pride or feeling of self growth/advancement unless they're "Asian level" at something
Look.. I understand it's cultural, but I don't want to live next to these people.
There is literally nothing wrong with being asian
Can't wait to get yellow fever
South Korea has plenty of SJW culture and I'm noticing more and more leftist protests in China as well.
Again, I understand it's cultural, but holy fuck people who were raised by communist China are just flirting with evil every time I see one. They cheat, they "prank" locals, they act elitist...
Look, I just don't want them in my country.
I'd love to see you argue how those facial features are prettier than the most Jew girl Jewish stereotype facial features. You actually can't because they're similar.
Or are you actually so concerned about obesity that you're not even looking at her face?
South Korea is a capitalist oligarchy and China did the subversion thing, if it backfires on China I won't shed a tear until they, yet again, send their most insane Marxists to the west again (just like in the 90s), which at this stage means dysgenics for equality.
Again, why do I want these people in my country? Marxism is such a low intelligence belief.
Looks breddy gud to me harness boy.
>nigger eyes
But we are the same, you and I. The Finns and the Australians.
>plastic surgery
See, this isn't them. You are not what you paid to make your face look like. This is exactly what I mean by lacking any genuine, self pride.
Maybe, but Chinese playing cold war aren't going to go to your country and attack you.
>t. 62% white
Still whiter than any gook you spam in this thread
Hiding my pets and buying shares in rice companies.
I think SEA and china will really hold back asia from becoming a more dominant force in the world. China is basically rotting from the inside and even it's manufacturing dominance are losing importance as people try to set up shop elsewhere to avoid the negative publicity companies like foxconn have gotten lately.
singapore and malaysia are too busy flinging shit at one another to grow, too. the philippines are doing alright though. I went a few weeks ago and bought some pepsi blue and it's a lot more peaceful than it was three, four years ago.
But i love asians
>19th century western fashion
This too.
They've fucking "claimed" classical during a time when (((someone))) decided to make postmodernism distinctly anti western. Again, no pride. You appropriated from us during the worst time.
Marrying a Chinese qt 3.14 Christian grill.
I actually don't mind this very much. I would prefer to keep white hegemony, but whites are simply too altruistic and naive for their own good. It's fortunate that the next best race doesn't share this weakness, and will in all likelihood deal with the nigger (all creeds) problem once whites become too weak to stop them.
I'm preparing to a life of solitude and meditation because I have a beard and Asians don't like that. I don't want to shave either, because I'm a stubborn cunt.
Asians have no loyalty or felt obligations whatsoever but to immediate family, they cannot think in the long term, and they think that bribery is a legitimate and necessary part of life. We'll be fine.
Prepping to go to The Whitest (in terms of Success and Ethics) Country in Asia.
Get Me a Beautiful Jomon Wife whilst The West falls to globalism.
> meanwhile Asian countries are getting richer without the cancerous SJW culture.
I understand a lot of guys here have asian fetish because they think they are more 'pure and submissive' or because of anime. But race-mixing is wrong in every situation. Besides no asian girl can compare to the beauty and love of a traditional Aryan girl.
Asians aren't actually human though
That's a whole lot of exaggeration in there, at least about the video games shit.
you can (and always could) apply to have your child's KSSN (which no service uses anymore, and hasn't since 2012 as a direct result of the law, so you can simply lie about your age. And no one, anywhere, ever, has raided a pc방 to try and weed out "illegal gaming".
hyperbole to the fucking maximum. Also the law is midnight to 6 am, not 9.
mind got sidetracked. You could apply/petition to have your child's KSSN exempt from the service. It was opt-out. Never something set in stone.
There's nothing wrong with asians in their own country. Vietnamese are pretty cool, and of course, the Japanese are known for being Honorary; Mongolians and their throat singing is some of the coolest and most masculine shit in the world. Just stay the fuck out of white nations and stay the fuck away from our gene pools and we can be bros. Also death to all kikes.
Really comfy user , feels good
I don't think China will be a super power. They're very busy preventing innovation because it would have unpredictable effects on the power structure.
An example of this is the banning of bitcoin. Without innovation China will wither and die. And that's exactly what they are doing.
I hope Japan and giant robots can pick up the slack and make the 21st century absolutely amazing.
No Asian women can compare in whoring around and cheating either. White women are garbage
China is literally gassing its own people
The high rise buildings the unskilled rural folk are churning out have the structural integrity of a sandcastle
As these buildings collapse over the next few decades it's going to be 9/11 on a scale you've never seen before
Even if they do stand up, millions of people will either be dispossessed of their homes, or the government will have to abandon the 80-year lease system and go bankrupt, since they do not collect property rates, and they do not have the ability to do so
>Stay the fuck away from our gene pools
More like you need to stay away from gook gene pool
I've seen more yellowfevered whites than westaboo gooks
Don't have any idea about that side of stuff, I was never involved in korean politics. I just know and can say safely that they're entirely full of shit about pretty much everything related to games that they posted. The anti-addiction stuff especially. It's hokum just like it is here in the states. I went to five of the clinics in my time working on a project there about the fucking subject (after the story of that kid who's parents let her die while they were too busy playing an MMO got me interested) and they're just the same bullshit as people who claim to be "addicted to video games" in the west. It's fat nerds sitting around crying about their crippling lack of willpower preventing them from living a fulfilling life. There's no actual treatment besides cutting you off from technology for a few weeks. But guess what? You need to have a cell phone for ipin (the replacement for pretty much every service that used kssns in the past) so those things do fucking NOTHING. And if the government's taking money from them it's most definitely not going to it.
Not to mention they've introduced more and more laws to allow greater freedom in gaming and development of gaming, even legalizing RMT through the method of having permits necessary to acquire.
>says the chink in Vancouver
We're going to nationalize everything you bugmen bought and then drive you into the Pacific.
Though I found pic related to be odd behavior; I think I understand it. I personally have started learning mandarin.
If you marry an asian women and raise half-breed mongrels, then in the end it means you've lost. Don't believe all the shills and propaganda you see, (((they))) want you to hate white women to further white genocide. White women are loyal despite what the media says, 98% marry white men.
Becoming a Chad so I can impregnate a bunch of slopes, ditch em, then watch as my Elliot Roger babies glass the asian Stacies.
pic related
Honestly the people who complain about women the most never talk to them. I plopped myself right next to a cute girl one day and just started talking to her, and she didn't start blowing a rape whistle or murder me. There's some jewed women out there and you do have to be discriminating. However, if you never even try to break the ice, no wonder women won't give you the time of day. No matter what the media says women still want to be approached.
Yeah, but most chinese are not even people.
Yes, all this, but never forget it's cultural. China had some societal cancers that have been growing since they replaced Taoism with Confucianism. It's 99.99% cultural but all the same it's in the top 10 worst cultures, up there with Baluchistani Arab culture and Moroccan satanists..
..except there are close to a billion Han Chinese and less than a million of either group I just mentioned.
I will be long gone before you manage to nationalize anything, just like Einstein
Yeah exactly. Unfortunately a lot of guys here fall for the wite wimmun love fukin blak dik propaganda spread by shills and the media along with blaming them for feminism (which was actually jewish women, not white women).
I have a QT3.14 GF who I've been slowly redpilling and most will actually agree with you if you aren't autistic about it
I heard christianity is getting big there
You're fucked
Ryan, it's not nice to post pictures of your wife on the internet.
> since they replaced Taoism with Confucianism
Nail. Head. Never forget the heavy helping of Legalism.
I also recommend this documentary: youtube.com
It's all just jewish programming, and nowadays Sup Forums has a much of it that it may as well be the Disney channel itself. 70% shills shilling shills. I remember when this place was fucking terrifying.
> christianity
Taiping Rebellion 2.0 when? The last one was fun.
>How are you preparing for the Asian century?
We're already 17 years in it, retard... and it's going to be a millennium.
>White people are literally finished, your Race War is just a wet dream you cucks, meanwhile Asian countries are getting richer without the cancerous SJW culture. In 30 years from now China will the world superpower, USA a poor hellhole riddled with feral niggers and spics.
I hope they fuck over jews, having a jewish oligarchy rule the West sucks
>wants to prove korean girls are qt
>posting sunny
>work hard
>get rich
>get lazy
>use 3rd world people for cheap labor
>entitlement generation bankrupts country
>get poor
>country collapses
>work hard
>get rich
Its a cycle all successful countries have followed throughout history. China is no different. Enjoy it while it lasts chinks. It will all be gone some day.
chinks are so stupid they're already letting kikes shapeshift into them. The jude is already trying to set up shop in china to do the same shit they did here, they're even letting niggers into Gangzhou now and shit. STUPID chinks.
I dont think you can call anyone stupid when europe and america have already been jewed.
It's true, jews are the superior race,
The only reason the kikes won the last engagement is because the USA and the USSR were competing to see who could bet the goodest goy. If you took a video of "Sex Junk" to 1933, the USA would have joined the Axis so fast the USSR would have shat its pants. Our grandfathers were deceived. The kike subhumans didn't win by courage; or strength of discipline; or superiority of arms - they won by LARPing as us and exploiting our natural Aryan altruism. We'll not make that mistake with them again.
>but I CAN'T AFFORD to live next to these people
fixed it for you
I'll enjoy breeding with white females in my harem
Get a fucking life gook. Do you have no better thing to do? Don't you have bananas to harvest?
Post the future of the white race you fags
This is 100% true. Funny thing is while stupid far right white men are trying to step into the past by doubling-down on Christianity, China is literally 40 years ahead of us in the Eugenics wars. In 20 years all Chinese babies will be designer. In 50 years China will no longer be savage or polluted. In 100 years China will grow tired of the white sub-human race and it's endless greed, stupidity, cuckoldry, and Christianity, and just wipe out every last white. Then the blacks will starve to death globally and the few remaining spics will fuck off back to the jungle and live like the savages they are.
I hope I live long enough to see the collapse. I want to see the excuses and salt the alt-right will be spewing in 2060.
Don't forgot China is returning to their socialist roots. US imperialism and capitalism in general will finally be a thing of the past.
>anime posting LARPer
Good luck lel
Wow, rude! Behave yourself and maybe I'll give you some mangoes to worship:
When I saw Zuckerberg marry the chink, I knew the kikes were pivoting towards China. After sinking the US, they'll need a new host to feed on.
Fuck off race-mixer shill. You know the Holocaust is really going to happen this time, right, kike?
I hate reddit with the passion of 1000 fiery suns, but /r/realasians is just amazing. The thought of marrying some disgusting white roastie whose been plowed by teams of blacks in college is utterly revolving. Sign me up for the hapa train.
If anything, it's going to be an African century. They're breeding like flies and we're all enabling it. It's scary.
No mangos. Isn't Vietnam's biggest export is virgin women? Give me some of them. Here's $100 give me 10.
>holocaust really going to happen
>implying it won't be for whites
>Not wanting to house and feed a family of niggers while they continue to reproduce beyond any sustainable rate
Topkek. Spot on.
>white women are loyal
top lel
Yes couldn't agree more
Vancouver would be so easy to conquer
Asians are following down the same path with low birthrates. Hopefully they'll learn from us and won't flood their countries with shitskins. I doubt it though.
Kill yourself shill. What kind of disgusting trash are you? If you're not an out and out kike, what kind of garbage human goes around promoting race-mixing? Aren't you proud of your own race? Your pure blooded ancestors would shiv you in the dark.
Edgy hapa meme is just because of shitty parents white kids come out just as bad if not worse than any hapa could.
> switching to yet another meme flag in order to shitpost
Oh la la, outed yourself there.
No love you long time 4u.
>more fevered cuckposting
Remember to drink 8 glasses of bleach every single day.
By breeding the next generation of supreme gentlemen.
Dear Nonwhites,
Go home!
We're done with you!
>proud of your own race?
Not really. The modern white man is a pathetic, disgusting, stupid fatbody. MODERN white men are repulsive losers. Your defining traits are: Christian, cuckolded, weak, unable to fight, pathetic, blue collar, poor, under educated, shortsighted, and greedy if you have any degree of success at all. You have no goals, not plans, no calls to action. I'm sick of your fucking whining, memes, and bullshit. The alt right is a catastrophic failure led by failed men.
>Muh ancestors/muh empathy!
Don't give as hit
>TFW asian women hunt white men marriages to save them from shithole country.
Don't worry we will only take the attractive ones.
You think that's bad? Get a load of this
Chinks need to get out of Vancouver
Not an epidemic like Japan
He says, desperately, on a board for failed alt right men whose opinion matters so much it's been hit with dodecamillion dollar shill campaigns. No, you're wrong. You're afraid. But now is not the time for fear - that comes later.
White women hunt down niggers and other brown people to become trash with because they are sexual deviants in rebellion to their fathers and potential husbands.
At least WMAF pairing ends in marriage and actual attraction for one another, not lust and bastard children.
Sperg more thanks I needed more for my gore folder. Maybe atleast try an argument next time.
Race mixing is always wrong. Always. This is non-negotiable, and those of mixed race do not deserve to live. Maybe some sort of neutral zones can be set up, I don't know, but white people are done with shitskins completely. You have to go.
Poor betas wont know what hit them
I couldn't be LESS scared of modern white men. And I'll tell you this: know one else is scared of you either. You idiots are so stupid, so shortsighted, and so totally inept that you haven't so much as built a single domain registrar, hosting company, video streaming site, social network, payment platform, or any simple piece of tech to support your movement. What's painfully hilarious is watching you sub human snow niggers seriously discuss running a white ethnostate. lol. You can't do even the simplest modern tasks, yet you think you can build and run an entire country? Your stupidity is only exceeded by your arrogance.
Posting white-male escapist bullshit entertainment and talking about adulthood in the same sentence. Hilarious.
>implying you aren't already a shitskin
Post dna results arab
Which is why you're here, shilling. Your pathetic mewling doesn't mean anything more to me than the squealing of a swine before it is slaughtered.
Boo hoo whine more kikel.