wait wait wait, i thought hueland was the gay capital of the continent ? how much power do the catholics actually wield in that country
Sopa de macaco to celebrate.
Brazilians generally lean left wing, but they are not politically correct/progressive like some people think.
but everyone knows dicks are uma delicia
I'm confused, are they accepting trannyism, or therapy for individuals afflicted by the illness of tranny identity? I presume the latter, but I just want a clarification.
No one's progressive except for Jews and white liberals. But white liberals will still continue to stupidly believe that the 3rd world world has the same degenerate values that they do and aren't just voting left for the gibs
As much as i hate Protestantism, it's mostly them with a few Catholocs who infiltrated the politics to push this kind of social conservative agenda.
They're only left-leaning as far as gibs are concerned.
True. The most politically correct state here in Rio Grande do Sul, the whitest state in the country along with its neighbor Santa Catarina.
The left frequently organizes degenerate tier protests there.
we need more fascist catholic states
you confuse vocal minority with majority
its ok, its easily done.
Shut up faggot
The "gay cure" was only made to divert the public from a much more serious political controversy. It worked, everyone was mad about the state calling homosexuality a desease they forgot about the other problem
i like it, i'm just curious. that's why i love your continent because of the faint semblance of tradition which they took away in my country.
Does anyone have a Pence edit where's he's wearing sith robes?
I heard all public schools in Brazil will have priests to teach Catholic faith.
The government is close to approve Religious teaching classes in public schools on federal level, and a state in Northern Brazil even made them compulsory.
The new progressive agenda started being pushed here only since a couple of years ago, and since then, conservatism grew a lot to fight it back.
>nu-pol will give 300 replies to a no source, 1 post by this ID without saging.
You all need to hang
No, but this is good and we should do the same.
Oh... for fucks sake!
No one ruled faggotry a disease here in Hueland.
Only Brazilian's SJWs and the local "mainstream media" are thinking this way, trying to sell the idea that we are about to start compulsory chemical castration and shock therapy for gays en masse and therefore LITERALLY HITLER AND THE RETURN OF THE DARK AGES!
Fake News!
fuck my huenglish
A win for freedom. Now homos can get the medical treatment they need.
God bless Brazil.
Is it true that trad Catholic orders are growing in Brazil? Heralds, SSPX, and so on?
>country with the highest percentage of gay people in the world
>declares homosexuality a disease
All 3rd/2nd world countries are like that.They vote the left only for gibs.But they are highly conservative themselves when it comes to religion,social,etc...
Let me get you fuckers on point with this shit.
Recently, a judge ruled out a resolution that prohibited psychologists from (((treating))) and (((studying))) homossexual people. What this means is that psychologists are now FREE to study homosexuality. They did NOT say that homosexuality is a disease, nor that it HAS to be treated. A patient can now ask for sexual reorientation if he so chooses. The resolution that was in place prohibited psychologists to touch the homosexuality phenomena, it was seen as censorship.
People are losing their shit over this "Gay cure" (Cura Gay) because of our sensationalist leftists and media.
Trannies are magnitudes worse than gays, or is it some other type of conversion therapy?
everybody has their limits
>The government is close to approve Religious teaching classes in public schools on federal level, and a state in Northern Brazil even made them compulsory.
What are the chances of a similar law being implemented here in America
Wow just wow.
Let me educate tou dumb kiddies, okay?
Conversion therapy os a cruel and barbaric practice amd anyone who supports it has true wickedness in their heart.
How about you pathetic fat loser basement dwelling neckbearded manlet virgin losers grow some tolerance and compassion or just fucking kill yourselves because no one loves your retard bigot asses
Homosexuality shouldn't be the cornerstone of people's identity, but it isn't a disease.
Come to Brazil
Brazil is the country with the largest amount of an-caps and right wing ppl per capita - the millennials and generation Z is the living proof of that.
T. Has a gay son
Someone needs some conversion therapy.
>the next day the world explodes
How many threads has this been, Freudian pussy cuck? How far up in isis did you make it?
In normal countries homosexuality is seen as abhorrent and homosexuals routinely executed. Not by the state. By their own families, who understand that having one pervert in the family disgraces them all.
Can any brazil anons tell me how the integralists were like?
Poo gets it.
It's a disease of mind and it's solely responsible for the HIV epidemic, a very real, physical, deadly disease.
Isn't conversion therapy just a scam for sadistic faggots who want to torture gay young boys?
reminder that 100% of gay conversions end in death. You retard autist virgin larpers are advocating death of HUMAN BEINGS
That's not exactly what happened.
The judge basically just said "If a faggot wants to try to treat himself, it shouldn't be forbidden, nor should we forbid research into such sorts of treatment. It's the individual's decision."
The left is just making it look like he said GAS THE FAGS
Fascists without the ethnicity aspects. Pretty much civil nationalists.
A bunch of fucking statist - secession is a fucking human right.
They never will be true conservatives while defending the existence of a fucking gigantic state. We need to protect muh amazon, muh oil and muh national territory - we need a gigantic state sucking everyone dry and monopolizing every fucking resource in the name of "nationalism"
>implying human.
It just lets shrinks treat homosexuality as a mental disease, it's not actively seeking to erase gayness.
If you have a faggot son it is whithin your means to take the faggot out paying expensive theraphy
What other problem?
This is problematic. How can we blame white people for this anons? Only real responses please.
Yea, he is right. We should just shoot them in the back of the head
HIV has been in humans since 1920. The reason that it spreads more among male-male couples (not necessarily homosexuals) is because they aren't as likely to use condoms. This in turn comes from the fact that they don't have to worry about pregnancy, and that most people are hilariously uneducated about the risks of unprotected sex.
listen to this man
I like your enthusiasm, but that's certainly Poland.
We still have a lot of soças.
Sounds like it works.
the fuck do you niggers care, world ends tomorrow
The problem is the left corrupting the younger generation, specially people who go to universities. I'm from Rio Grande, and as much as I love my state to death I'll admit it exports some bottom of the barrel SHIT tier commie politicians. As for the people, it's usually younger people (women specially) that lean towards the left, and even more so universitarians, bonus points if they're going for something like History, Journalism, courses like that. Our universities and even schools are plagued with leftists countrywide, which leads to them shoving a bunch of shit in people's heads, which leads to stupid people, AKA leftists. It's a fucking shame, man.
As it is with every country (at least I think so), the older generations tend to lean towards the right, be more conservative, etc.
Something I've noticed lately with the older people is that they're supportive of the idea of a military regime again, too. The thing down here is that the further you stray away from the big cities where millenials and fags flock to, the more right wing and honest people you'll see. I dunno where you're from but I guess it's the same over there.
Ain't no rest for the triggered though.
Truvada. And here comes the simultaneous breed but be outbred and i wear condoms for all this, "guy". Just one lie and projection after the other. Dont be women and pedos and diseased original sinners
>muh stink hole is better than yours or my own as a male
It actually isnt, rebecca
Poland is waaaaaay ahead of us I know - but in the American continent we fucking rule as an-caps, most normal tier american an-caps are fucking degenerate cucks and barely capitalists
Are you here to make all Leafs look bad, ffs
The fuck more frequently too. Most gays are sexual deviants and aren't actually homosexual.
I have never met a gay guy who wasn't sexually abused when they where younger.
Oh yeah, this headline is exaggerating it quite a bit. We didn't state that homosexuality is a disease (even though we should), we just made therapy an option. Everyone's freaking out thinking the government will put fags in concentration camps or some shit, it's crazy
reported to trudeau, enjoy reeducation
Blow her
brazil needs to burn in righteous hellfire. you people are gonna go around electrocuting gays
As ancaps, you may be right.
I'm betting Venezuela will challenge us though, it took Dilma to really make ancap take off here, and they had Chavez and now fucking Maduro.
God willing, they may become the first serious ancapistan.
What is this?
ooooohhh, I'm shaking in my pretty socks...
Maybe I should get in touch with my feminine side...
Is it mandatory conversion therapy? I hope.
Sup Forumsand is a meme country, real Poland is nothing like that
Please do, for mutual dick touching
Didn't you ban commie shit?
You're way ahead of most of us.
Now bring back the monarchy and lets get the party started.
Literal commie shit is banned, as in totalitarian stalinist shit. Sjw commies formerly known as useful idiots are free to spread degeneracy.
So we can advocate for the death of unborn babies but not faggots? That's not fair.
Yeah, it's good that Sup Forums is not calling us monkeys for once, but this did not happen. What was ruled and i think was even pushed back is the liberation for psychologists to attempt to turn homossexuals into heterossexuals if they are willing to try. It's not like we're chasing fags on the street and dragging them to mental hospitals
>Literal commie shit is banned, as in totalitarian stalinist shit
Well let me tell ya, you really are way ahead of us.
Ou ex-presidents participated in events that celebrated commie figures in the soviet union.
They will have to process the entire male population. Cheaper to just gas them.
Please come to Brazil
t. Michel Ricardo Pense
It's OK, we know the camps aren't built yet.
Based Huebros!
>one of the most degenerate countries in the world considers homosexuality as a mental illness
Confused reaction meme puctrure. jpg
wait wut ? dont they have death squads shooting trannys in brazil ? wouldnt it be easier to just shoot the fags?
Degeneracy between men and women, not degeneracy between two men or two women or a men and "women" (male)
brazilians are shit so whatever lol being gay isnt even a big deal.. it never was in europe atleast... until desert cults were adopted
>whatever lol being gay isnt even a big deal
bunch of illiterate fake news, noone read what the fucking judge wrote
he specifically said that homogay isn't a disease (but it is ofc) and that treatment for people shouldn't be prohibited because some dumbass gay activists said so