Sup Forums are you familiar with the Tao?

I see a lot of Western religion talk on here, but not so much about the eastern philosophies?

the Japanese are honorary Aryans. they are so cultured and sophistacted, they can teach us alot

The way that can be simply and merely told to you is impossible to be your true way, your true path to enlightenment. Any word I can use inevitably comes from humans, and inevitably biased and corrupted by humans. The true nature of reality is wordless, thoughtless and flows relentlessly as it has always has been.

Yes, I understand taoism, pronounce it somewhere between a d and a t to sound cool.

Straight up. A lot of Hitler's philosophies definitely have influence from the Orient.

like oil massages and brony culture

I feel like Tao is like the actually enlightened thing and Laotzu was the humble creator of everything. Buddha is cool and Jesus is cooler imo but Tao is like mind fucking blown. This opinion hasn't changed in almost ten years. I would call myself Taoist but I don't live up to it enough to distinguish myself as one.

For me its like holy fuck this makes so much sense. And it also encompasses the monomyth that religions describe too about the heroes journey.

It's an aristocract philosophy and not easy enough for lower minds to get, and isn't practical enough to give action plans, it's a lot more 'fake it til you make it' and less 'do this, don't do that'. Too far in either extreme is flawed. You need a little of both.

wow u are sooo wise!!

All religions--even scientology--are but mere facets of the Truth

>are you familiar with the Tao?
yeah, he ows me money.

It lacks only one important element otherwise a really good system.

Transcendence, which Christianity brought western world 2000 years ago, and a mentality which allows to give life again to old cultures and recycle ideas.

The Tao is very, very similar to the concept of the Logos, which comes directly from Heraclitus and was directly imported into Christianity, where God is identified as the Logos, in the gospel of John.

So, if you are an actual European American, focus on your culture and stop falling for foreign memes just to impress roasties.

People fail to realize that our Judeo-Christian tradition is amazingly rich in philosophy/metaphysics.

There's such a richness of concepts in both traditions - that your brain will literally benefit in all areas of life.

Also Christianity had the plus of enforcing itself in the life of people and forcing them to read / study or comprehend basic fundamental concepts such as dual nature of Christ - transcendental elements which literally change your brain.

Not a Christian tho, but I love our tradition - we westerners have so much richness here, truly the masters of everything.

The Enlightenment made sure we forgot everything with all their dreams of "liberation".


Nothing is hidden tho, you just open books and see - people let others shape their reality and never go study themselves.

Yes Judeo-Christian, check medieval literature that came from Jewish sources and its impact...
I was really fascinated about it user - I would actually add that Syrian literature was also a peak.

>Nothing is hidden tho
Schools, universities and intellectual agendas matter.

>Yes Judeo-Christian
Except nobody used the term until the 20th century, except the Jews stabbed Europeans on the back whenever they had the chance, except they were marginalized until the end of the 19th century on almost all European countries.
It's Christian civilization or Christendom, tyvm.

I made a thread about the state of "no mind" and got called a subversive piece of shit. He said i am trying to turn us all into mindless androids... god fucking damn it i just want to help my fellow Sup Forumsacks out in life, because i know how much we suffer. We are outcasts. There can be some stupid bastards on this board though, as i have witnessed.

Thanks for that picture.

“Give evil nothing to oppose
and it will disappear by itself.”

Are we just fanning the fire of our enemies Sup Forums as they do us? Perhaps the true answer to an ideologue is not opposing rhetoric but a zen story, to free the mind of its incessant noisy intellectualism.

A zen story is somewhat akin to a joke and memes function in a similar way I believe; they let us see how absurd all this artificial separateness is.

No prob! I always see christcucks (Jews shilling) and thought hmm, maybe I should make something with a different viewpoint.

I'm more about the tau. 6.28

I was raised in Orthodox Christianity - I have studied a lot of Judaic texts, I cannot leave that out of me - it's part of my soul.

Eastern Christianity is almost like a direct continuation of Jewish priesthood, it's like the child of James, while western Christianity is more philosophical - more like the child of Paul.