So is he important or was he just some hallucination?

So is he important or was he just some hallucination?

He gave Homeless Emperor his power and killed him when he was defeated

He's gonna be final boss. Or possibly fake final boss for caped baldy to oneshot before fighting a real boss.

Well, yeah I got that, I mean is he going to show up again

series name?

Single Strike Amigo

Boku no Pico

two kick guy

Ultra heaven chibi theatre

How strong do you think he is. He did just will someone out of existence

probably he/she/it is a God Threath level

One Slap Chap

>character is referred to as "God"
>threat level is God


Focused Impact Organism

Tomodachi wa Mahou

I know, right!
It's fucking brilliant!

The life and times of a homeless emperor.

Si Sekali Skak

>it will be a long time before this is animated

He's the final boss who gave everyone their powers.

I fucking lol'd

Ein Schlag Mann

Kill yourself.

>long time
>season 2

L'homme à un coup de poing

long time for me

one punch man