ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
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the classic.
He was right though desu
Damn right he was.
If you eat kids, you aren't allowed to say you're the good guys.
I know the SDF don't so shit but how come their SWAT-like force (forgot the name) has "more combat experience than the actual army" if they hardly do any shit either?
Because the SWAT-like force has actually been in real combat before, whereas the army has no actual combat experience only training for those scenarios.
You said the exact reason yourself.
Although it could have just been said to sound cool.
>they took turns killing him for 5 minutes but nobody thought of removing his weapons
Even more now.
I don't think any people really consider him the "villain" though. Sure he did some "morally ambiguous" things but the other side was even worse.
>They tied his wounds before they thought about tying his hands.
Good god that was frustrating. No idea how this shit is going to play out now.
No, it's the truth.
The SAT had to deal with shit like this on the regular:
You don't hear a lot about cold war era terrorism, but Japan and Germany in particular were massive victims of it. In response, Japan made something akin to the FBI's HRT, except instead of ``rescuing hostages", they prefer to kill the terrorists, even if that means killing the hostages with them.
Puts the American style of "making no deals with terrorists" in perspective, when Japan puts it into practice.
If he weren't such a fucked up murderer using his whole cause as an Excuse I'd believe you.
In before Squealer, surprisingly.
But she's too cute to be wrong
>implying Yakomaru was the villain
I want to watch the show but I can't get past the first 5 episodes
Even the plebs of Sup Forums made it to episode 8/9 before they ragequit.
Personally I was interested all the way through it.
The guest directors they brought in for the first handful of episodes or so made the artstyle constantly change, which threw a lot of people off.
The episode of unnecessarily-overdone gay shit also threw a lot of people off.
Despite the above downsides, I can easily say it was AOTY when it aired. The characters are developed well (some better than others), the setting is fascinating and becomes more fleshed out as the story progresses, nobody is immortal or safe from a horrible end despite their powers, and the music is great.
I very highly recommend giving it another chance. And that's something I almost never say.
>If you eat kids, you aren't allowed to say you're the good guys.
It doesn't mean the atrocities humans did were justified. Good gosh, give my sympathy for you from the first half of the episodes back! No wonder vampires were such an assholes - they fucking were when they were still alive!
Agreed, it's one of the few anime that I would readily recommend to others, I can see why a lot of people drop it but they just attribute it to being slow in the first episodes, I loved the world building though because it made the payoff more rewarding on top of being genuinely interesting, not to mention the discussion. (as long as somebody wasn't complaining about yaoi)
Also just found out the book is fully translated, time for a read.
She only lost because she wasn't in charge.
No one can top this
I put off watching SSY for a while and recently marathoned it. I still question a lot of the first half. It was painfully slow at first and the infamous episode with atrocious animation was jarring to say the least. I feel it wasted a lot of episodes at the beginning and got it's shit together at some point midway. Personally I didn't find it interesting until tomiko entered the story and I'd hesitate to recommend it to people who've watched less than 20 series.
That being said, after Tomiko entered and explained some of the weird shit going on, it got very interesting. The end hit me like a ton of bricks, and not just squaler's trial. I'm still wondering if humans that don't develop psychic powers are turned into queerats or just killed off. Even if it's not done in Japan it could be happening elsewhere. I was also wondering if there had been successful queerat revolts elsewhere in the world and that's where the "foreign" queerat colony had come from.
The only correct choice