I showed my dad my power level Sup Forums , he called me a psychopath and the reincarnation of hitler

I showed my dad my power level Sup Forums , he called me a psychopath and the reincarnation of hitler

>wat do?

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Bruh. To redpill someone else you have to fucking get them curious. MAKE THEM ASK QUESTIONS. Don't force feed ur shit down his throat.

reincarnation of hitler
Your dad's retarded, m8


>the reincarnation of hitler
he's overreacting. no way you're on my level.

Move out and fix yourself

he's a fucking commie, we started arguing and my power level started coming out, now he wont talk to me

rape him until he loses the ZOG conditiong mate

you need to start out getting him to laugh at shit he knows he shouldn't be laughing at

Why are you living with such faggot?

Take him out

I told him we should gas the kikes, commies,asians, niggers,spics and conquer the world .
blood is strong

Gas him.

I wish my dad would compliment me like that

Don't let him down, son.

Become the reincarnation

God you are fucking stupid. L2Socratic questioning.

show him the redpills

Hitler never made himself party to any gassing. Continue to educate yourself.

Sharpie in pooper

>the reincarnation of hitler
Wow what did you say to him?
I mean there is revealing your powerlevel, but there is also going full 14/88

Tell him "I sure had you fooled!" Maybe. Lying to people usually just makes life much harder down the line, but maybe not in this instance.

Also, learn more about how the search for power is endemic to the human condition. It ain't just Jews, even if they're really talented at obtaining it. Then you'll be able to explain what's going on in the world without sounding like you really just hate Jews.

i couldn't control it, he started spewing bullshit about his communist utopia, and how the whole world would be better under communism, i laughed and he called me fascist, so i went full 1988

Even the Pilgrims couldn't make communism work. Trying nearly wiped them. The Pilgrims preceded Marx. Point is: There are all kinds of ways to argue against communism without bringing up Jews.

If your dad is a complete communist though then maybe he considers ANY opposition to communism as fascism. I don't know the guy.

>Trying nearly wiped them.
I meant, "Trying nearly wiped them out."

Aus/pol/ is not always right, but they're always alright

Communism exists and it works. It's called Amish. (No, they do not oppose electricity. Only government subsidized/maintained grids)

But dumbfucks like OPs dad don't want peaceful communistic life. They want the jew trick where everyone gets paid because they're puppets.

You fucking dumbass. You don't just do that. It takes time. You have to train your dad like you would a puppy. You have to condition him like you would a baseball glove. You have to groom him like a 7th grade volleyball player. It takes time, OP. You jumped the gun.

You don't signal, you just slowly feed people little bits of info and let them get where you want them to go themselves. Saying "I'm a national socialist and you should be too" is not a good way of getting normies to agree with you.

Thank him for the compliment

>go full Sup Forums in front of my dad
>tell him we need to end all non-white immigration because non-whites have lower IQs and will all vote for socialism
>tell him the browner/blacker America gets, the worse it gets
>"Hmm...That's a good point user. Never thought of that before."

It's good to have redpilled parents

> it works
>It's called Amish.
Holy shit. I don't even know what to do with you.

Just live your life and be happy

He will see how happy and balanced you are walking around saying nigger and kike all day

Turn everyone you love in your life this way. Be the shining example, the the rock steady light which guides those around you. Would you want to live in a world where your friends, family, loved ones _don't_ blurt "NIGGER!" in public?

...that's not communism, you damn nigger

little dumbfuck cia puppet gets all his thoughts in a box.
fuck off nigger cattle.

call him a kike idolater and a grovelling peasant.
move out and surpass him in family size and wealth, inviting him over only to holidays.

it literally is.
Marx jew trick is not communism. It's state capitalism.
keep ignoring the truth

The Amish have private property.

you let your enemies define your terms because you're an impotent thoughtlet
don't involve me in justifying your mental prison you fucking CATTLE

>pilgrims tried communism.

No you stupid libertarian fuck, they nearly starved because they were trying to survive on a cold harsh continent that had barely any civilization or outside help available to them.

Go read an actual book and not Goldberg's guide to shecklnomics.

no shit you fucking idiot. how else can you have a community without property?
you're a fucking idiot.
you're a little fucking NIGGER

If you want community, you're seeking conservatism.

I like your bold style. I can't imagine why deep down he wouldn't agree

Try to go easy with the 14/88 stuff
Don't say Jews,name them for what they really are,the {((((((synagogue of Satan))))))}

little label nigger LITERALLY can't think without his CIA fun words
fucking livestock goyim

Ironically the Amish are fucking jews when it comes to money

I did the same thing a while ago.

>Dad is hardcore liberal
>I explain how Jews did 9/11
>Dad shakes his head, tells me not to become one of 'those people'
> back off, realize that it's gonna be a long process and slowly use concrete examples to show him the Jewish menace
>Dad suddenly decides not vote libertarian in 2012
>We talk about how diversity undermines the welfare system and erodes social trust
> Recently I was looking to buy a piece of property that the house had burned down on, Dad implies that it was for insurance money by referring to it as a 'Jewish Lightning Strike"

My dad is alright.


He has left you no other option but to gas the jews.

Libertarianism = corporate feudalism.

It's corporate tyranny with a free sounding name. Socialism/nationalism all the way.

With private property of course.

Do you fellas really not realize that resorting to name calling is like wearing a big sign that says, "I LOST THE ARGUMENT"?

How to radicalize normies
>show them pol twitter account
>tell them you go on Sup Forums pol "a lot of it is ridiculous but I think its pretty funny"

That's all it takes.

nigger memeflag shill coward hypnotized by the CIA

If your dad doesn't already believe half the things on Sup Forums and raised you to see life for what it really is instead of what you want it to be, he is cucked.

He's shocked and worried for you. Parents don't want their children to live life hatefully, since that would be miserable.

Good,i hope he beats you,then throws you out the door,then beats you again for good measure. You fucking underage faggot, you have no power level. He should kick your teeth in.

>reincarnation of hitler?
Just roll with it user. I'll follow you to a 4th Reich if you can manage it.



Oh, didn't notice you there, Drumpfkin. What's that squishing sound, you ask. Oh, just the sound of the teeny, tiny brains of MAGAnts being squashed once their pathetic orange gets impeached.

You know what they say, Humpty Drumpfty sat on a wall, Humpty Drumpfty had a great fall!




Maybe you are the reincarnation of Hitler.

>has no idea what he is talking about
>spouting buzzwords trying to fit in
>calling others goyim and niggers
0/10 bait but I'll reply because I can't even tell if it's satire anymore. People like you actually exist.


told my dad peurto rico would be without power for at least 6 months. he told me to get the smile off my face, didn't even realize id had one. fug

>wat do?
obviously it’s time to fire up the almond ovens

>his gay lover is pissy

lol murder suicide looks like your best bet

>reincarnation of hitler

What an honour user.

Kill yourself, then kill him.

Give this coupon when surrendering to get a fair share in POC safe space.

Says the moron so ass-blasted that he responds 10 times in a slide thread. Do you have an argument or are you just going to attempt to fit in? Educate yourself. Pointing out the fact that you're wrong doesn't mean I'm on either side of this fight. Sad.



my father is a lazy deadbeat who doesn't work and mooches off family. He voted for Hillary and has extremely socialist views (for those gibs). Do what I do and don't speak to him.

Hang em' high

cake eater

Been living with my dad for the past six months... I've finally redpilled him. Have patience, young user

>at work
>very hard day
>people complain about the workload today
>"arbeit macht frei" and smile
>people look at me all confused
>"what's that, user?"
>"oh no it's just what was on the gates of Aushwitz"
>people just looking at me

Freudian slip tbqh

Redpill him on why his buddies were killed in Vietnam.

The grisly calculus

Humans are no different from money. Just like Monetary supply has to match GDP, so Human capital needs to be maintained.

There is a grisly calculus that measures the Birth rate, the number of working, the elderly, the unemployed, the migrants to create and maintain a growing consumer market.

Riddle me this. What happens when their is an Idle army of 5 million prime age men who refuse to be consumers?

And what happens when china has the same demographic issues?

That's right Boiz. You all are going to the meat grinder to be killed in China.

Screenshot this.

Herbert Marcuse cultural Marxist theorist.

>A new standard of living, adapted to the pacification of exist- ence, also presupposes reduction in the future population. It is understandable, even reasonable, that industrial civilization con- siders legitimate the slaughter of millions of people in war, and the daily sacrifices of all those who have no adequate care and protection, but discovers its moral and religious scruples if it is the question of avoiding the production of more life in a society which is still geared to the planned annihilation of life in the National Interest, and to the unplanned deprivation of life on behalf of private interests. These moral scruples are understand- able and reasonable because such a society needs an ever- increasing number of customers and supporters; the constantly regenerated excess capacity must be managed.

And this is bad?

I've actually got my dad into Oswald Mosely and Uncle Adolf pretty hardcore. He considers himself a white nationalist and we talk politics all the time lmao.

My Dad > your dud

Stop being an alt right retard and do something with your life.

I'm pretty sure the only reason my 70 year old mother doesn't post on Sup Forums is because of a) the porn and b) she doesn't know how to get here.

She has Google news feeds set to update for constant SWEDEN YES and rapefugee news. I didn't even know she could do that.

Call him a cuck and disown him.

Tell him he can change his own fucking diapers when he's past being able to use the toilet.

>went to trash that goddamn thing
> dad told me if i touch it he will kick me out of the house
>said and i will come back with the helicopters you commiescum
>his face transfigured in something resembling lenin's last photo
>slapped my face across
>tears started coming out of my face
> ran to my room
>heard him yell "Bashed the fash!"
> brb crying in my room


fuck wanna trade

You need to get your normie dab shit and leave right now until you learn how not to act like a fucking casual cunt.

Leave the house and get a job
>if only you could, user...

Live up to your title

It sounds like political retardation runs in your family.

>wat do?

Prepare top be thrown out of his basement.

i showed the spanish subbed version of this to my mom. She liked it, she said she agrees with everything on the video.
wtf i love my mom more now


disown him please.


Patricide is the only answer now user...

With that flag it's not surprising

>leaf fag

You fucked up. Too much too soon and now he will retreat into the blue pilled world for security.
He is probably watching cuckold porn right now.

Pic or it didn't happen

Hahaha yeah don't get me wrong though. Trudeau is a goddamn embarrassment

honor kill