How can I love and hate an episode so much at the same time Sup Forums?
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You can hate yourself for loving such a shitty episode.
Nico did nothing wrong
Okada drama is always so fucking ham-handed. The character designs are really the only reason I'm watching this shit.
It's easy, the first half was good, then Okada drama happened and it all wen to shit
dude feelings lmao
It was like I was watching a mexican soap opera drama in anime format and was laughing the whole way through it. The final scene with them lying on the wet floor fucking killed me.
>Entire premise of the show is based on feelings. >Feelings happen in said show.
Your all fucking retarded. The episode and series in general is being handled very well with the exception of a couple scenes of some iffy animation.
Tenga did nothing right.
>***,254位/***,214位 (***,564 pt) [*,**6予約] 2016/06/08 Kiznaiver
shitposters on suicide watch
>b-but the sales are abyssal!!
>implying I understand any of that
Take your shitposting back to the STALKER threads faggot.
>handled very well
Oh yeah, I like how they "handled" Nico and Masochist development by not giving them sceen time at all and expected us to give a fuck about them in the lat episode
>b-but they screamed and cried, it's so good!!
Nothing wrong with liking best girl, you dip.
>564 pt
>shitposters are studio TRIGGERED
christ, you fags are fucking weak
Eps 10-11 are being screened today in Japan. We probably won't get concrete spoilers, but better have your asses ready.
he's the best one you dip
I hate spoilers, why the fuck do they do these early screenings
I'm so sorry user.
>Tenga is a bro they said
Tenga was Homura tier wrong. Didn't follow his own advice because he understood how bad it was to force a relationship, Nico. Hurts best girl more when Agata followed his advice down to the letter because he didn't know better, hold her but cruel for doing so. Not entirely Tenga's fault but lets best girl watch in shock while he roughed up Agata infront of her who best girl protects him like he didn't do anything wrong. Which is the whole part that made the episode what it is, the other was blue hair girl in which her part in this is that but she wasn't the one who pulled the trigger.
What's with Yaamada's underwear?
He's into some weird stuff
>HS screenshot
>taken today
Why would you download HS when fansubs are out?
>not knowing enough Japanese that HS are simply a guide
How much are Asenshit paying to do this every thread anyway?
I do it for free, of my own goodwill. I just don't see the point of watching CR when the TLC is there.
>waiting on non-spoilers Nips impression for episode ten and eleven
I honestly can't tell if you're actually trying to shill Asenshi or you're a falseflagger with a grudge against them, but either way you should probably stop being an annoying fag.
It's only the Nips impressions on the episodes.
During the 'Love Arc' one Nip wrote a spoiler for episodes eight and nine, and another Nip wrote a detailed spoiler before she deleted her post.
They are mostly anti-spoilerfags. Some Nips.
Ignore him. Everyone have their perferences, it's trivial to derail the thread into CR vs fansubbers.
I partially concur with this.
Niko as a character have been fine, it's her infatuation with Tenga that weren't handle all too well.
Hisomu have a connection to the prior Kizuna Experiment and Katsuhira, he is the only character, while I do like him, felt Okada didn't handle him well. He's given a few lines that hint at a mysterious past and then "Aahhh! I love that type of pain" he revert to his masochistic ways.
You know there were visual cues indicating Nico's interest in Tenga. This show has been big on showing and then, later on, telling via Okada melodrama.
Why does Nico have to suffer
She is too pure for this world.
This episode was way too good
Said no one who wasn't shitposting ever.
So you're not sure, eh? Good, that means I'm getting through to you.
And by the way, this is the first thread I've posted in all week, so you're confusing me with some other posters. Looks like you're the one falseflagging.
Having preferences for CR is akin to having the preferences of a streamfag; like "jumping shower", or strawberry - just gross. But you're right, whatever floats one's boat. I was just throwing the option out there, because why wouldn't you want the superior ice cream flavour, or translation for that matter?
If something is "too good", does that make it bad? And are you even able to elaborate on why you think so, besides "I liked it"?
The magic of Mari Okada
>You could have the vanilla cone now,
>OR you could have the same vanilla cone but with sprinkles, 2 fucking days later
This is what you're suggesting.
No, I agree. But don't the smaller things in life matter? Regardless, the original post had taken the HS screenshot today, when sprinkles are already out, and I was just baffled at why, that's all. I guess I shouldn't have been triggered so easily and derailed the thread, whoops
No, I feel you. Typesetting and karaoke are delicious, and depending on who picks up a show, I might wait, but for the spoiler/shitpost fest of the season, that may not be viable.
Still waiting on Chyuu for Kuma Miko.
Okay so I actually liked the premise of the episode, a mass emotional breakdown. It was obvious it had to happen eventually. What I don't like very much is that it was ALMOST entirely triggered (le pun) by romance. I think they did a good job with Maki the few previous episodes, your best friend dying is some serious shit. She also said "nope, I was right we can't be friends" during the chain-itai as her contribution so that's why I said almost. Also it wasn't clear if Kacchon had romantic feelings for Nori or just friendship and nostalgia, or both.
Basically I'm fucking pissed at the fact something weaksauce like romantic love is the focal point of their itai, they certainly didn't avoid that cliche at all. I can maybe forgive it since they're all teenagers and this is probably their first time experiencing it, but I personally got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. Fucking ponder your own mortality, consider your purpose in life, have regrets (like Maki did)...
tl;dr not edgy enough to actually cause mass-itai imho
What is itai? You write english very well so why the fuck do you use weeaboo words as if they improve your description on your thoughts?
What exactly are the "orange flavors"?
they said it ten thousand times, did you watch the episode? "it hurts, it hurts, it hurts"... Pain, specifically of the emotional variety.
>weeaboo words
Have you seen the goddamn episode? Or are you deaf? Your post is itai
i watch a russian dub
>You know there were visual cues
That's why I said "weren't handle all too well" I'm aware of the cues, notably in episode five, seven, and eight. Kiznaiver have done well with the character nuances. Alot of the other times, it weren't given the focus as, per se, Tenga x Chidori a more blatant example which is clear Okada'll make them OTP. You can disect every part of their scenes together from episode one to the present and easily tell. Niko's felt somewhat hamfisted and not organic as Tenga x Chidori.
>wasn't clear if Kacchon had romantic feelings for Nori or just friendship
What kind of an emotion is friendship?
No, you watched an unofficial voice-over done by some Russian weeb. Please be bait, for the sake of my itai
Filial love, as opposed to romantic love. Do you not have friends? Family members at least? A pet? I bet you're the kind of person that wants to fuck his pet.
Disregard that, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. This link may use more appropriate words:
Obviously it's centuries old philosophy rather than a scientific definition, but let's just call it a bromance. I have a best friend and he's like a brother to me, if he died I don't know what I would do.
Russian dubs are goat lad
that holds up pretty well
Sorry that you were too autistic to see that Nico liked Tenga. Everyone was saying that she was jelly of Chidori for a few episodes now.
There should be a fifth type, the kind one feels when observing a stupid, unaware animal living out its self-centred existence in the zoo that is modern life, which causes you to faintly retch from the distanced awareness of disgust and pity you feel. I will never break bread with 3D, anime is enough.
I love this show
>visual cues
That doesn't matter. You need more than just "visual cues" to make sense of the level of angst resulting from it. But it's not just her, it applies to all the characters flipping out, because the show hasn't done enough to develop the characters and their relationships to the point where the level of angst makes sense.
The blowout seems really sentimental in retrospect, like something that should have happened further in the future. Show feels like it's on overdrive.
>I'm fucking pissed at the fact something weaksauce like romantic love is the focal point of their itai
This, it went the easy path with the shippershit and still bombs. I don't get Maki being sad about "we can't be friends" when they were never truly going in that direction.
>Sorry that you were too autistic to see that Nico liked Tenga
Bullshit, it wasn't apparent at all. The show just pulled the development out of their ass. Yeah, "obvious", coming from the character that had next to no interaction with them together, much less with either of them alone.
Okada always does this. She loves dumping all her load, which is supposed to span over the course of at least a few episodes, into one massive clusterfuck of melodrama that have the flimsiest of emotional foundations.
Oh shit I remembered an important plot point. High (low? I'm no meteorologist) air pressure causes increase blah blah in the brain so therefore completely flipping out about your crush having a crush on someone else is enough to make you want to kill yourself. Now it all makes sense... Yeah...
While it was far from obvious there were still indications of it The earliest was in episode 2 where Tenga was the first to comfort Nico about her secret.
id love to dump my load into her
So how fast do you think Yahoo Auctions ends up flooded with Kiznaiver Volume 1 discs and how low does the price go?
>it wasn't apparent at all
Maybe you just don't watch enough shit, but when ANY specific attention is given to any main characters action, that means they're trying to tell you something
Like when Tenga wouldn't shut the fuck up about Chidori that one time and they cut to Nico's face saying "you really care that much about chidori"?
Anime is getting really stupid with the random cross collaborations lately. Some of them are no brainers, others are just why and how could this possibly be worth it for any party.
It's something Aniplex seems to insist on lately. I guess it's supposed to build hype and anticipation or something seeing as that's crucial to their business model of making terrible anime and convincing people they are good anyway
you're just mad kiznaiver is getting promotions like this
Why would I be mad, it's not even uncommon, I just don't see many people going into a store and wanting to order Kiznaiver drinks even for a limited time only compared to say Love Live or Macross Delta or something hence calling it random.
>it's all ice
Why do they do this?
Sorry that you're too dense to understand basic visual cues, but yes, it was obvious that Nico liked Tenga.
I'm expecting a bump for the first volume considering people have like 3 weeks to apply for the event now and they're doing some pre-screenings for the next couple episodes now. Granted you could fit maybe 100 people into that floor if you violate every health code in the book and just complete empty it out but there's obviously some damage control being put in place now at least for the first volume. After that fuck if I know but it's looking pretty grim unless they want to go full retard and add an event ticket to everything just to save face. Still even if it's underestimated by a whopping 200% that still wouldn't even take the first volume to 5K first week all versions include.
so that you'll buy another drink
I'm legitimately surprised that Kiznaiver is nowhere to be seen in the Animate rankings considering they're practically focusing the show around that stores clientele. I just have a hard time believing Aniplex and the rest of the production committee could have actually miscalculated this bad with a fujobait audience voice actor event ticket tie up show thing with a trendy studio like Trigger handling the animation as Amazon Stalker would lead me to believe. This is kind of their bread and butter after all, like this should be easily selling at least in the 6-10K range with what they've got in the package and the marketing that went into it.
To be honest one could throw those "visual clues" into the show at the last goddamn moment and nothing would change because the two characters barely fucking interacted and don't click together. All for the sake of unleashing a wave of cheap drama from all sides by episode 9.
He's not wrong to think this you know.
Seriously, he ain't even the same guy she lived for over a decade.
Hello Sup Forums. Can someone help me with a source name of this (from Okada bingo), please?
>why doesn't she like a nice gentlemen like me
Tipping my fedora so hard for this brave soul.
He's asking the same question Sup Forums had been asking since ep4.
I don't think anyone doubts that Chidori's love for that bowl of mashed potatoes is ridiculous. But Tenga hasn't given reasons for her to like him, since he's been encouraging her affection while not being very helpful at all.
That's his heart speaking though so he can't help that. If he wasn't all "M'lady" on her, maybe things would have changed.
Not Kiznaiver.
Go away.
Tenga is at least outwardly less selfish than Chidori. He puts her romantic fulfillment above his desire for best girl.
When he just blurted out his confession after that my jaw dropped. Absolute madman.
Going full on m'lady is not the way of a gentle, albeit thugish, man like Tenga.
I think you misread the situation
Tenga wasn't going to insert himself between Chidori and said mashed potato bowl, regardless, because it wasn't right.
If anything, he was hoping to be satisfied with getting them together, but when he realized that wasnt going to happen, but more importantly, that Chidori wasn't going to give up, no matter how rejected she got, it broke him.
As for Nico, it's pretty obvious where her line of logic goes. Tenga treats Chidori so well, she would like to be treated that way. He's a take-charge kind of guy that looks after others.
I actually think this will end in tenga and nico, because I think the next phase will be everyone actually confronting each other about their rejections, and starting to understand why each of them liked the others, and why they rejected the others, and actually sitting down and talking it out will probably make some change their minds about others.
>but more importantly, that Chidori wasn't going to give up, no matter how rejected she got
And that's where Tenga's wrong. Hopefully he doesn't take his confession back when she inevitably moves on from tuna boy.
Why is his old kizna mark missing? Did I miss that? Did he also not feel as much as everyone else in the itai scene? That's the impression I got after a second viewing.
While the path of peoples feelings all seemed believable (nicos could have been done better but it's still believable) up to this episode, It's getting pretty obvious they're going to put everyone off in couples at the end of the show. This means they're likely going to pair Nico with Hisomu which really doesn't seem as believable as other characters feelings like nearly at all.
Good ep and show tho
Maybe but it caused him to behave more recklessly. A part of him doesn't even want that.
I'm not saying he would have jump right between them. I'm saying he hasn't been really helping her in a very constructive manner, being more a goofy big brother or a meddling white knight than a good guide.
We don't know why his old mark is missing, sonozaki was surprised too
He probably felt as much as everyone else in the itai scene, but his pain was all from everyone else instead of directly his
Most logical turn of events would be Tenga rejecting Nico like she wished instead of sucking up to her for shits and giggles or ignoring her altogether, Chidori finally letting go of Katsuhira (on good terms) and making up with Tenga (man was she blind to his feelings).
no, this episode made it perfectly clear he wasn't wrong
the fact that even after seeing the guy all over nori, and feeling what he was feeling, she still wasn't giving him up.
What pissed Tenga off is that Agata not feeling anything for Chidori isn't what motivates Agata's actions. Agata doesn't care or notice.
But he cares and notices Nori.
Thats the kicker.
the friend that's been with him so long can't even get a proper rejection because Agata can't fucking fathom that anyone else's feelings matter.
Tenga thinks everyones feelings matter more than his own. He's basically the polar opposite.
The fact that Tenga blushed and got flustered about Nico suggests that there's something there too.
I think this whole ep was just a lesson in what childish first loves do t ruin you.
>man was she blind to his feelings
no, she wasnt.
Unlike Nico, Tenga's feelings were likely fostered/created DURING their attempt to make katsuhira budge. It's entirely possible that he didn't even know he liked her until this ep.
Nico, however, clearly liked Tenga for awhile. She just wasn't willing to go after him, even when she thought he was unattached.
or maybe she really did pick up on Tenga's blossoming affection for Chidori, and that's why she stayed away.
It's about time for a Hisomu (I think was his name) ep.