Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

If you're hurting, you know where to rest your head.

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Pham is a miracle of the universe

Remember when they said this general would die when Schwarzesmarken ended?

>they said

Who was they?

You thought you could get off the ride?

Coming to teenage Beato's door and surprising her!

>Hmm so that was the last episode. The fight between the TSF's was nice. Walther and Sylvia I will miss them :(
>Katias speech was perfect, with this everyone recognized that they have to kill all the Stasi. Beatrix got absolutely rekt by Theodor, seeing her sqirm in pain was the best part of the episode. Seriously, fuck her.


Why would someone say such shit anyways?

Did Iris actually want to fuck Jurgen too, or did she just not want her brother having attention on any other girls?

She's a nihilist, do you really think she'd risk having a coherent belief for anything?

So did she just want to control Jurgen? Was that what it was always about?

She was cruel to Beato because Beato threatened to take her control over Jurgen away?

No, I don't remember that.

A lot of people off Sup Forums seem to really hate her.

Marrying Irisdina.

Milking Irisdina after she dabbles in galactagogues

Who /NVA/ here?


They're shit people.

>Katias speech was perfect, with this everyone recognized that they have to kill all the Stasi

>Hey that fifteen year old has a point! Why don't we just fight back against our oppressors instead of letting them torment us, spy on us, turn families against each other, enter our homes uninvited and move our shit around, rape our daughters, and kill, torture, or do both to anyone who speaks out against them and then do the same to their families? Why didn't we think of that?

I don't know if the show is more retarded for portraying the conflict and it's resolution this way or the audience.

They're both retarded.


Thank you Lise but that was never up for debate, rather which is more retarded.

Is she about to cry? Thats adorable.

Nomenklatura princesses deserve to be bullied until they cry


Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart

How would you punish Beatrix for being such a bad girl if you were Jurgen?

But aren't pretty terrible people overall?

How many of these people will never get the VN and live their whole lives believing Beatrix is a monster who needs to die?

Lock her unarmed in the same room with Irisdina and not let them out until they make up.

Best girls.

Letting Lise in your house during a terrible rain


So who's ready for the "big shock" (ショックがデカイ) in the next chapter of BiS?

Putting Katia on a chain!

>getting her out of that soaked uniform and dried off.
>feeding her a hearty filling meal she's no doubt had anything like since she was captured.
>tucking her in for the night and reading her a bed time story about a brave red haired knight who saves his princess from her imprisonment and slays the vile brown Beast who kidnapped her.
>Wishing her sweet dreams before retiring to the study to fill out the adoption papers.

I don't trust Google translate to do this right. What does it say?

My impression of google translating that, is less that a big shock is coming in story, but that the writer of that post is shocked because BiS didn't come out this month or something.

Someone who can read jap should give us a proper translation.

>Thank you Lise but that was never up for debate, rather which is more retarded.

Definitely the audience.

>those Ace Combat edits still haven't been made
Wew lad

Forget Ace Combat arts.

We need Kaiserreich arts!

Anyone else can't choose between kickstarter dakis? Sumika and Kei are just too good.

I didn't pledge enough for a daki.

Live with my folks still anyways, so it was out of the question.


Let's bully Gretel?

All are pretty good, but I prefered the old "lewd" Marimo one to the new one.

Seems pretty dead though, surprised it took this long.

With my penis of course. She can't be out starting any trouble and getting penetrated by other men with my penis inside her.

I would force her to bake for me every day.


why is Sup Forums full of normies who hate beato like mal and /r?

Eternal September.

Pinching teen Beatrix' cheeks!

Wait what? Since when was Sup Forums full of normies who hate Beato?

I thought Sup Forums was like the only place in the English fandom that actually likes her, let alone adores her?

there are not many of us like 5 but we are pretty vocal, most are gretel and katia fags and one pham bro who follows her teachings.

I thought Lisefags are pretty warm to Beatofags.

Some of us are actually Lisefags who are content to Beatopost when that is more pertinent to the discussion.

Would Lise smile if she had a tied-up and gagged Axmann in front of her and a baseball bat?

She wouldn't smile, but she'd probably feel pretty good about herself.

Most of Sup Forums thought she was a complete monster until a couple of months ago.

Oh come on, there's more than that. The average thread here still gets 40-60 unique posters.

Plus nearly all the Lisefags are warm to Beato.

I think there's two or three Phamfags, and they're all very loving of Beato too.

The Gretelfags are like two or three very vocal posters, and they always post the same thing. Thankfully, they moved away mostly from attacking Beato to meandering on their own, doing...something.

Where have you been the past couple months? Even when most of us knew nothing about BiS or Martyrs, or even how the VN went, a lot of people still waifued Beatrix.

> I: Onii-sama is MINE!
> B: Your selfishness has to have a limit, Jürgen is my man!

You spend the next couple of days in Anaheim, in the happiest place on earth. You aren't sure what, if anything, Lise knew about Disney before arriving in your bedroom via the interdimensional Mattress, but since arriving she had at least acquainted herself with the Princess. She apparently liked them enough to where, upon learning that she would be accompanying you on a trip through the Southwest United States, she demanded you spend a couple of days at Disneyland. Not that you're complaining. You move through the park, going from ride to attraction, and attraction to ride, posing with her in front of the Cinderella Castle and quietly flirting with one another as you pass time waiting in line for the rides.After a lengthy and involved tummy-rub after a trip on the Matterhorn, you eventually decide that Lise and roller coasters are not things that combine well.

"I could do them if I had my fortified suit."

"Could you really wear it in the state you're in?" Lise is still wearing one of your shirts, because her own do not agree with the sunburnt skin peeling of her shoulders. As you rubbed the lotion on her skin last night, you had begun to notice some freckles coming in on the skin under the burn.

"You don't understand how they work."

"Of course not. It's fictional."

She fakes a glare at you, then giggles. You continue, "Also, I'm not sure they'd let you walk around the park dressed like that."

The sun is setting after a long day in the park, meaning it's the perfect time to ride the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

"Isn't this based on a movie?"

"No... oddly enough, the movies are based on the ride, not the other way around."

"I... well I guess that gives them a fair amount of creative license."

What to discuss here?
This shit is over and the anime was fucking terrible.

Time to wait for the main series, Trilogy or some new shit.

>Where have you been the past couple months?

Where have you been for the past couple of years? Remember when most people thought that she was nothing more than a smirking sadist, or how her only motivation was egotism and jealousy? How about when everyone thought she raped Pham and Sylwia, or believed her to have been the one who personally tortured the 666th, or the one who imprisoned and tortured Irisdina's brother, Martin (yes, people used to think that Gretel's hubbie was Iris's brother)?
Kašgaru ne vidimo, Mašhad u daljini, al' granata pogađa, Srbine ne brini!

We can discuss pulling on teen Iridina's braids while fucking her in the ass on Mercedes' bed.

I thought we were talking specifically about the threads here, in Sup Forums?

Ah, you meant the "before" times. True, then.

Didn't people still sorta waifu her though?

I want to tie her braids to a radiator

Fatia is gross

> We need Kaiserreich arts!
> tfw no german, ottoman, and russian empires to combat against the BETAs

You know, knowing KR world, the meteor first landed in the Combined Syndicates of America.

Oh good God, that means...a Red Walken.

It would be interesting to see, it'd actually kinda fit considering modern Germany in ML sort of has an aristocratic, royalist feel to it's asthetics. Common in Jap media, I know, but it's interesting to then compare to the FRG later in SM.

>telling Lise and Beatrix that Theo and Jurgen are faggots who deserve to die
>telling rape jokes to Sylwia
>humiliating Gretel in front of her subordinates
>telling racist jokes to Pham
>being as much of a fedora-tipping atheist as possible in conversations with Iris
>making fun of Katia and Anette for letting their friends die

Ya think Beatrix would try to pull same shits that she did in SM?
Or will she just be Overzealous Prussian Pilot?

The latter. No DDR means no Stasi, so even if she loses Jürgen and hates Irisdina, there will nothing to enable or encourage her to behave the way she did in SM.

But seriously though there should be KR alternative timeline in Muv-Luv
> No UN
> Russia, Austro-Hungary, Murrica having civil wars
>Whole world including German Empire suffers from Economic depression
> German Empire brink of war against syndie Brits and France
> Royal Family got exiled to Canada while National French Government to Algeria
> Ottoman Empire had industrial boom but now facings with revolts and joint Arab/Persian hostilities
>Khan Ungern-Sternberg of Mongolia and Islamic Turkestan conquering whole asia up
> Then suddenly BETAs appear
Wat happens next

Just qt, shy, and extremely talented Beato.

With a vaguely aristocratic air, yet extremely approachable in actuality.

She may be still of the same temprament. Just because the world changed slightly (or not so slightly) doesn't mean that people automatically become opposites.

It's kind of like Trek. Later Mirror Universe episodes didn't do the whole "opposite land" approach. You could easily see the characters becoming what they were in that alternate world because of the things their character went through.

I wish I could artfag. I'd draw a German Empire TSF and fortified suit this instant.

> no me 262 TSF
> no me 163 TSF
> no Arado TSF
> no ho 229 TSF

Well alas, the timelines are a bit off. KR begins in 1936, BETA first show up during late 60s.

Of course, that's not to say post-war KR is any less interesting...

Para mantê-lo não é nenhum benefício!

Para destruí-lo não é nenhum perda!

Way way out of time dude. Also, it's not as if the Empire would have used the same designs that the Nazis used. Whole different military/political structure.

That said, apparently Nazis do make a small appearance or something in some Schwarzesmarken side story.

My dream schedule for a day:

>Wake up Theo in the morning with a kiss
>Make him some ham and omelet for breakfast.
>Go slaughter some BETAs with him.
>Eat bentos with him in a park.
>Go home and take shower together with Theo.
>Have hot, passionate sex with him.
>Kiss him good night.

And repeat again the next day. That would be paradise.

Everlasting Summer
As a Gretelfag I never attacked Beato
remove kebab

Lise Hohenstein, pls

Wasn't it just a claim on /m/ that the rebels included some Neo-nazis or something? Though considering that denazification never seems to have happened in ML its quite probable that some of them have more influence in politics and the like.

Nice dream Lise.

ok Lise

>denazification never seems to have happened
Being controlled by Russians is the biggest hint.

No I mean in general. The West Germans in ML seem to treat the Nazi era like RL Italians treat Fascism. See Rain Dancers and the fact that they still give special treatment to nobility.

So, the monarchist movement was more prevalent?

I want to see Katia go through the same thing Lise did just to see how she'd turn out

Then lets assume by the late 1960s
>Syndie CSA took whole north and south American continents
>German Empire conquered syndie Brits and Frenchs, installing German aristocracts as Puppets
>Commies took over Russia, then German, Ottoman, Japanese and Mongolian Empire declared war on em
>Russia gets partitioned, Germans install German aristocrat as puppet
>Ottoman Empire supressed the revolts and expanded into Caucaus, Crimea, and Central Asia
>Meanwhile King Edward tries to teach indians how to poo in a loo



I doubt it, since De-nazification didn't really happen in real life either. Well, not deep enough, according some many critics. The GDR was practically a wholesale revival, tape a new sign over the old one, of that regime, using many of the same people. And even the FRG did have some Nazis the deeper down you went.

Well, since I haven't read Rain Dancers, could you give an example of what you mean? I mean, it could be Japs fascination with European nobility and the Nazi era getting retarded again.

The Nazis were virulent anti-monarchists, so I doubt that'd be a factor.

Seems so. Since in ML the Cold War and the Space Race started even earlier and kept the USSR and USA busier than in RL, we can assume that they simply put whoever seemed to be more useful in charge and that it resulted in a more conservative West Germany and a more "unhinged" East Germany.

>Whole different military/political structure.
Lets say Rommel and Guderian managed to liberalize the military then they went to Hugo Boss for new uniform designs?

Katia pls go

>De-nazification didn't really happen in real life either. Well, not deep enough, according some many critics
Dude they destroyed whole prussian culture because muh denazification

Not bad, not bad.

I figure CSA would only take North and Central America.

German Empire shitting their monarchs onto thrones everywhere, excellent.

Soviets never win the second civil war, what are you smoking. Also, you're forgetting Siberia also cuts itself loose usually in that case, so Japan doesn't really need to attack.

Mongolia is nearly always crushed by someone, so probably a non-factor.

Lets keep Russian throne in hands of Romanov, its rare Germany gets in that situation to put a monarch on Russia anyways.

However, I take severe issue with your attempting to insist that the C*ckroach Empire hasn't collapsed. They'd probably make Ibrahim wear a fez, and that's just not right.

posting best girl

I'll take her as my mistress why I keep Tsukuyomi as my legal wife.

Certain, covering culture, yes. Prussian militarism made a mighty convenient scapegoat though, you have to understand, for all the parties involved.

Basically, in the FRG, or what became it, most of the people who provided the foundations for that state were former Nazis (whether by choice or not), usually pronounced rehabilitated after a nice de-Nazification course. For a lot of filthy German liberals, ANY expression of old culture is often tantamount to Nazism, but like a stuck clock, they are sometimes right. Some of the roots are from the previous regime - not that it means anything sinister or unhealthy. It's natural in a way. But naturally, the people involved don't like to talk about it.

As for the GDR, while they shouted their anti-Nazism much more loudly and ferociously, in truth they basically just picked up the remains of the regime, dusted it off, repainted it, ctrl+f replaced some words in their education with their communist equivalents, and then made a state from that. Hence, not just functionaries, but outright leaders and generals, the rehabilitated ones anyways. The ones who were in any way suspect they shipped off to gulag.

German Empire would not let Ottoman Empire fall, since they need stable middle east, and syndies might try funny stuff on arabs, leading to united syndie persian/arab state that would damage the oil imports

Not him but user, the Ottoman Empire falls in like 99/100 games. Sure, you CAN prevent it, but at least as far as KR canon is intended to go, the Empire's final death knell is supposed to be the great Arab revolt.

Also, I have yet to see Syndies pop up in the ME.

Which country has the tallest/heeliest boot things on their fortified suits?

I'll let you make your own conclusions of this conversation in RD while I go looking for the other part where they explain a bit more.

>Hence, not just functionaries, but outright leaders and generals, the rehabilitated ones anyways.

Barely any leaders and generals of the "Old" Germany made it into the DDRs upper ranks, the Soviets had quite a bone to pick with them, and when released form the POW camps most went west anyway. The new leadership of east Germany was mostly old KPD and SPD Cadres that had escaped in 1933 or survived the Camps.

And as a bonus, the only mention of the Hues contributing militarily in all of the Translated ML material.