Why did it fail as an anime?
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The opening
bcuz nips only like mecha-magical-battle-harem-academy animes
The opening is corny but it's hardly terrible compared to most corny anime openings.
It drove too close to home how fucking pathetic otakus really are
Tomoko isn't pathetic. She's cute.
Seconded. Was fucking trash.
There's an anime?
Despite being a faithful and at times inspired adaptation of the source material, most of the best stories and whatever growth Tomoko gets happen later in the manga.
Even then anime buying otaku would probably never warm to it.
I think it was a mix of shitty score and something us ancientfags know as "Minmay Syndrome"
Thats when the producer and/or ADR Director hate the character so much, they go out of their way to make them annoying though their seiyuu.
Are there any instances of an anime starring a high school girl that isn't moe selling well with male otaku?
Too real.
People hate seeing an MC that is doing better than themselves.
Both guys and girls like watamote.
>shitty score
>referring to yourself as an ancient fag
Why don't just do everyone else on this board a favor and kill yourself.
Watamote ost was really unique and inspired compared to the majority of shit that's churned out today. Seriously go fuck yourself.
> 1 bluray didn't sell because it only
2 episode on one disc that really stupid
> 2 watamote bull shit review 7 out of 10 every review like this.
> 3 watamote would have kill off
go kill yourself cam from watamote and normies cam from watamote too.
She just becomes a bigger ass.
>go kill yourself cam from watamote and normies cam from watamote too.
Can you even form a coherent sentence you sub-human ape? I would tell you to refrain from reproducing but you probably do that well enough on your own. Please just kill yourself.
What chapter is this from?
I agree, I dropped this 3 years ago because it was basically Tomoko is a loser 101 with no development in sight. I really hated Tomoko as well. Picking it up again now, the manga really picked up on year 2. It's surprising how the fun the manga is now. The new cast really gave this thing a breath of fresh air. And Tomoko while becoming more of an ass developed into a more likable character.
watamote away had characters development but most people won't pick up on it.
I found that her trying hard to become popular just backfires on her and makes her suffer. The early chapters of the manga loved to focus on that. And that formula ran for a good 3 volumes. I love the fact that if you focus Tomoko's antics outside herself she becomes this weird moron.
when is the new chapter coming out fampai?
I haven't even read one
Next week.
worst anime in a while
I thought it was good...
It did everything right it really funny sad really likeable mc and make fun of anime too.
well, she's not popular. it's not her fault
It was good thank Japan for no season 2.
You're a cheeky cunt.
I don't expect shows I like to get second seasons anymore, it happens so rarely.
The anime was fine. The manga is too obscure to hope for the entire thing to be adapted. Don't be absurd. Be lucky you got what you got.
It was funny and was a good adaptation. The manga is better like most of the times though.
It is sad we won't get a S2
It came out during the same season as
and Titan was still going strong.
Wrong time and wrong place.
I enjoyed it.
watamote might come back like futurama did.
Because the source material is shit
Will this ever have a second season ?
it was only popular because autisic Sup Forums and Sup Forums users, those users bought tons of volumes, didn't expect an anime, the only fanbase was Sup Forums users who don't buy anime. they probably lost a lot of money on it.
And sent dickpics
In the west watamote blu ray sell really will they made all there money thank to the west.
Did people really do that?
I honestly can't watch it. The whole thing strikes a powerful cord with me, the cringeworthy elements bring back memories of high-school and earlier that I'd rather forget. I can read the Manga just fine, and I think that's because I still have an element of control when I'm reading it. If I look away it stops, whereas with the anime if I look away it's still playing and the events are still unravelling in front of me.
Of course
I might do that just say thank you.
Garbage seiyuu for MC.
Suzuki Konomi exploded from there
Today is my birthday only thing I wish for is watamote season 2.
such is life tho
Why something like watamote only get one season this really wrong.
guys at Silver Link know watamote season 2 would do really will now I hope watamote seasone 2 come out next year.
Guys at silver link please give watamote a second chance.
It didn't fail yet. There's still time to buy us a 2nd season.
I help little bit I just buy vol 1 of the manga.
I don't think buying translated manga or anime helps the actual japanese studios much
Because in 2013 was not enough manga to make more that 12 episode (13 if you count the ova), the anime was canceled for that, you fuckin subhuman pleb
Why does it say 7 points?
The people in Japan don't like to make fun of themselves, it seems.
Happy Birthday faggot
Because it's too depressing to be funny when it's trying to be. Either you're enjoying watching Tomoko's suffering and disconnecting yourself from her character which leaves it as a shallow gag comedy, or you like her character and have to deal with her suffering in order to see more of her.
It's lose-lose.
I see you don't know what watamote is about.
watamote is about what like to live with social anxiety.
I think I'll wait untill I go on a school trip with a bunch of my classmates before I cut my pubes.
I didn't say what Watamote is about. I said what Watamote is.
What something is and what something is about are two different things.
A mixture of sullen WAITO PIGGU GO HOMU when oktau learned that it had attracted a lot of Western interest, and the fact that the show hit too close to home for many viewers and didn't indulge and cosset their inadequacies.
It call a dark sense of humor most people with social anxiety like Tomoko have it.
People in japan did like watamote it 2 episode blu ray fuck up everything .
>final chapter of the manga
>Mokocchi finds out she was actually popular with her classmates all along
ShindoL bonus ending: Yuu-chan was actually the desperate loser of her highschool who nobody liked except as a pump 'n dump slut
>final chapter of the manga >Mokocchi finds out her classmates asshole all along.
>final chapter of the manga
>Mokocchi kills herself
>final chapter of the manga >Mokocchi get a boyfriend and has sex.
I know what your trying to do your trying to make people feel bad for liking Watamote.
sorry tell you it people in Japan right now want to a season 2 just as bad as people on Sup Forums.
Your Just as bad as people review watamote you don't know what your
Talking about.
Have you seen all watamote I think you only seen 3 episodes.
Because a story about a high school arms merchant triggers the local US defense forces.
Because too pussyif to watch watamote.
This funking sad I finally found a real anime for once with out moe bullshit or 1 guy trying to go out with 10 girls or show trying be over the top.
Anime need a new season of watamote Just make fun of anime again.
nico tanigawa if you see this thread you should try ask around to getting watamote season 2 made why people right now in Japan looking for anime just like one punch man watamote is anime everyone looking for.
>your trying to make people feel bad for liking Watamote
Not at all. I'm pointing out that it has a premise which shoots itself in the foot somewhat by having a protagonist who's the butt of every joke.
Just because I find it depressing doesn't mean that you're not allowed to enjoy it for whatever reason you do.
>Have you seen all watamote
Yes. Not the manga though.
It not really makeing fun of Tomoko it best way to make you feel bad for her and start to like her as a real person.
Wait, she didn't make it?
I wanted to buy weapons from her. ;_;
Tomoko doing ok.
Yeah I get that, and I do like Tomoko. Unfortunately, the more you like Tomoko, the more it becomes painful to watch her have her hopes and dreams of becoming a socialite repeatedly crushed. It's like a feedback loop. The more she suffers, the more you like her, the more it hurts to watch her suffer.
Where are the "Why did it fail?" threads for Uchouten Kazoku?
> watch her have her hopes and dreams of becoming a socialite repeatedly crushed.
That real world for you.
Nothing really bad happens to her. She just embarrasses herself due to how she is.
Really? I thought it was badass.
The little victories are always nice. That they come so seldom makes them all the sweeter. I wish her brother was nicer to her though.
Not enough fanservice.
Unfortunately there is no incentive for the otakus to buy Watamote's BDs, what would they do with it, rewatch all the cringe moments?
Even of Sup Forums or anyone else likes it a lot, if it doesn't sell well it'll just be recognized as a commercial failure, that is also the reason why there is an increasing amount of generic shows that follow the "IS formula of success", as it's safer that way.
That being said I really liked the ED.
>that is also the reason why there is an increasing amount of generic shows that follow the "IS formula of success", as it's safer that way.
You've not been keeping up with sales trends.
Even if reality doesn't reflect this ideal, this is what the men in suits believe will succeed.
Hopefully a few more seasons of battle harems flopping and we'll see their end.
I wonder what the new trend will be? Or are we stuck with moe forever?
Either Kabaneri type of """gore""" anime to reel in the mainstream audience,
or Isekai reincarnation with zero substance, that seems to be the thing now, like Re;Zero
I wouldn't know, I only read the manga.
It failed?
I would like that spoiler to come true.
it was really cringey to watch and i felt bad for tomoko. it wasnt that interesting of a show tho with little character interaction
You should continue reading the manga. The chapters are absolutely hilarious lately. But you need to be able to laugh at yourself.
It's like serialized Sup Forums autism.