Spoilers out!
Shingeki no Kyojin
I want Bert to find happiness by any means possible.
Fuck off idiot.
Will EM finally get development now that Armin is dead?
Armin WILL get the serum, stay mad erwongs.
>literally dead
>wants him to find happyness
Have you even seen the spoilers?
Reminder Mikasa is cute.
He's alive though, Eren cut him up as they usually cut shifters off. He won't be able to defend himself for a while.
How many tumblrinas will suicide over this chapter?
So he's at the mercy of the person whose best friend he just killed. No one is around to try and stop Eren either.
Statuschartfag please come back
Jesus, are you suggesting another asspull?
BR a best
>First Erwin
>Now Armin
Hopefully many.
Hanji will be pissed off as well, because he killed Moblit.
Good taste user. Thank you for these.
They deserved to win ;_;
Bert will be thanked if and only if Armong is dead. If he fails to kill Armin Bert is officially the most useless and boring of the series.
Not really.
>are you suggesting another asspull
If that asspull saves both BR, then yes.
Not at all, actually.
Reiner is but Bert is a useless bore with no backstory,characterization, development except almost killing people.
This. I'm going to wait another month to make up my mind, but he went up a step for trying.
>that BRomance
Please be more based Isayama and let them live.
BR a losers
Our Queen and two of the Wholy Trinity.
Blessed be and good form to all.
Don't be ungrateful, if it wasn't for Bert's kindness, Armin would continue stealing Eren away from Mikasa.
Aren't you glad he made it all better, and listened to your prayers?
Actually I agree, They should have won. How the fuck did Reiner get defeated so easily this time? Why even fucking bring him back Isayama just so Bert doesn t detonate himself and the SC bullshit death, quite pathetic.
Schlick your Borthole thinking of BRomance.
>dat pose
L M A O. Bert is fucking savage.
>he accepts his death
It's okay Borb, it's okay ;_;
>instead of being gloriously blown to smithereens from a carefully laid plan Reiner jobs again
I hope his characterfags are happy
Is the basement just going to have a piece of paper that just says the adventure was the real secret?
The queen looks like she just fucked those two guys behind her in that barn
They deserved to lose after all these asspulls saving them.
Scouting legion will never lose, unfortunately. They'll probably wipe out the titan village with no casualties at this rate.
>I can't wait for Armin to kill that one faggot Bert
>my pose when
>those abs
Isayama plz.
Bort exists without adding anything to the story. I have no reason to thank him unless Armin is confirmed dead.
I would like to thank Bert personally for this chapter.
>The queen looks like she just fucked those two guys behind her
More like raped. That's why she looks so melancholic and sad.
I thank you Bertwhale for this quality post.
No skin+no fat=exposed musculature
I can't wait to understand the context behind Armin dashing headfirst into a 50 foot moving volcano. What a brilliant strategy, who could have possibly thought that out?
Thank you Bert and thank you plump Bertyfujos.
Maybe we can all be friends now.
Mikasa is a cute.
Reiner is immortal. He's 80% regenerated and Mikasa only used one spear on him. As long as he's alive I'm happy. ;_;
Don't mind it. You're the next.
Even you have abdominal muscles under your landwhale physique user.
Holy shit he had the fat burned off of him
I'm content with the knowledge that based Reiner will never die.
We can. Bert is so complex and interesting now. Hottest Sexygeki = Bert.
being a Jeanfag is pretty boring.
>Rage CT happened
This chapter keeps delivering.
>none of the shitty chinese manga hosting sites have it uploaded yet
Im too lazy for this bullshit.
Well he got a little bit stabbed but whatever
So, the fat burned, his internal organs are pretty much fucked and his brain was probably fried too. He is pretty dead, uh?
Can someone explain the titan shifters motivation to me?
His complexity is in his hairline after all.
EM will finally be canon
Can't wait to see Armin's death animated.
>Bort barbecues Armin
>Eren will cooperate with BRAMT fags BTFO yet again
Feels good.
That looks so painful, he didn't even get to close his eyes in time.
2 blondies to die yet, m8. After that there's only sudoku.
We don't know yet, they just want to kill humanity it seems.
>Shirt burned off
>Pants okay
Okay Isayama.
Araki will make it extremely dramatic so it will be boring, I want Benny Hill music playing in the background
I like it better that way
what is that face from anyway
They're freeing humanity from the confines of their own ignorance.
Armin is dead?
Bort's hairline is so complex not even I understand it.
Read the thread you fuck
Just noticed that too, KEK.
>implying the other two were ever a threat
Thats so fucking boring.
Im glad I havent read this shit. Hundreds of chapters of 'mystery' is literally Naruto-tier
I feel sad for poor Armin, but also muh Hisu is cute.
Not even you? I don't think anyone does.
He should be. He sustained prolonged exposure to the steam attack since Bert couldn't blow him away easily, but you never know with Isayama.
Erens first thought is of Historia in this chapter. EMfags BTFO.
I just want Reiner to find happiness. ;_;
Armin dying strengthens EH. Eren will be looking for a little blonde girl to take to the ocean.
This this this.
Eren barely even cares about them. Armin was the only one he consistently cared about.
Mikasa should die from prolonged thirsty that will never end.
Look up yaranaika.
I don't know if he can, but at least he's alive.
Only Hisu can fill the void that Armin left in Eren's heart now.
You just cannot compete with Sudoku-chan.
So Armin's death made everyone happier. This is a great day, /snk/ can rejoice in Armin hate