Sargoy Got Rekt

Is Facebook /OurSite/ now?

Other urls found in this thread:

if Sup Forums truly wants fascism then they would 100% support facebook

Good. Sargoy of Mossad cannot subvert.

Go away and never come back. I don't care where you go, just please don't ever post here again.

how'd that kowtowing work out for you, quadroon?

Shit, we might have to vote for Marky Mark then

I hate this fat faggot.

>Hating sargon
you guys are keks

that guy is a lame duck, why even bother disabling anything?

in fact he's not even anti-narrative

lol. guess sucking lacy greens clit and mtv deals didnt save him.


fuck off Sargon

based humanoid mark zuckerberg

Cuckerberg: 'People who trust me are dumbfucks'

>hurrr I have the most basic bitch understanding of what facism means look at me


I bet they are punishing him for having Jared Taylor on and not simply screaming over him for an hour straight.
Eventually they'll let him back him and he will never make the mistake of thinking he could publicly engage with the right again.

We all do
>I'm going to pretend to look at things objectively but as soon as they present facts about racial differences I'll just chimpout, because I'm 1/4th nigger and can't bring myself to face the truth
>t. Sargcuck of Mossad

Fagfags are dumb as dick, contrary to findings of psychological studies.

it's because they want whites dead you fat idiot

fascism is fascism
even if you dislike the people that do it.


>unironically giving "Sargoy Is A Cad" an ounce of credibility

I shiggy diggy

Why do people like RIchard Spencer keep their accounts while Milo and Sargon get banned? Do they dish out the actual redpills?

Because Dick Spencer is controlled opposition.

came here to post this: I would assume he got his shit canned just for merely TALKING to Taylor. It would seem as tho (((they))) are terrified of what Jared Taylor has to say. Mild mannered, fucking Jared Taylor and he seems to strike a morbid fear in them. Not a huge fan of Sargon but at least he's willing to have the guy on for a chat.

It's not real fascism because it doesn't work the way we want :^)

>excommunicated for talking to heretics

Explain what fascism is in detail go.

>gives Jared Taylor a platform
>deplatformed the next day

Almonds: activated

>hurrdurr far-left liberal jews are da REAL fascists!!!

t. boomer

Isn't this the fat ass cuck porn faggot? Who cares what he thinks or says. He does those shitty youtube videos with his pathetic "commentary" and fake ass laughter. Fuck him.

It's just a pejorative at this point

Sargon's shekel stream is drying up and he didn't even name the Jew.

he was okay for a while but then just became faggy and stale like fag hammer666

Left your last few shekels here, eh, Sargon?

judeo peterson next pls

>nazi larping faggot hates sargon

Like pottery, kill yourself faggot

Fat cuck goy gets rekt by Jews and still claims the Jews did nothing wrong. Got exactly what was coming to him. Good riddance.

>Sup Forumstards: I WANT FASCISM
>actual fascists: ok
>Sup Forumstards: NO NOT LIKE THAT! WAAAAH!!!

>not hating the shill/ literal cuck that he is
M8, you slow or something?

>this guy's been making anti-nazi posts all day, in every fucking thread

fascism is rightwing

yea we get it you are an >le epic troll

Maybe his Skepcuck friends reported em to get em taken off for it


This is my guess too

I hope they shake the centrist out of him.

>hurr durr i spend all day on this site and think everyone is the same person

Goddamn nazi larpers are pathetic

fuck off kike

>Hating gateway alt-right youtuber

You all should be ashamed.

really nazis were cool dudes.

Chat red pill vs virgin "red pill"

Fascism isn't only defined by censorship

>asked to explain what fascism means in his own words
>refuses to answer
>several minutes later


Maybe this'll knock him out of his centrist cuck stupor since the left has already anathematized him

Tell me what fascism means.

fuck off kike


The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State—a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values—interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people.

...everything in the state, nothing against the State, nothing outside the state.

Fascism is a religious conception in which man is seen in his immanent relationship with a superior law and with an objective Will that transcends the particular individual and raises him to conscious membership of a spiritual society. Whoever has seen in the religious politics of the Fascist regime nothing but mere opportunism has not understood that Fascism besides being a system of government is also, and above all, a system of thought.


What's wrong with being a centrist? Do you enjoy being reactionary beta cucks who's belief system is determined by propaganda? We need centrist people who oppose censorship and moral policing by mega corporations. Having free speech defended by a bunch of racists and fascists is not a good way to promote your agenda, wingtard.

he still doesn't get it is he slow or something

>inb4 poorly drawn centrist memes

I read this in his voice, kek

Nice to see this freemarket cuck getting cucked by private corporations. Get rekt!


Is he actually a quarter nigger?


Thats what happens when you attempt to get money from MTV.

Burned coal and paid the toll.

>octaroon anti-racist raising his wife's child
>still gets b& for daring to interview JT
pottery, fuck all liberals