Can something be done about the cancerous SnK fanbase on Sup Forums? Their generals have been out of control today.
Can something be done about the cancerous SnK fanbase on Sup Forums? Their generals have been out of control today
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I want Bert to live a long and fulfilling life.
nth for Armin: Best Boy
Fuck you Bort
Yes, please purge all of the threads.
I rather get rid of Jojo's.
mods aren't for Sup Forums
Sup Forums doesn't have generals.
who will listen? mods? that ship sailed years ago
One of the three main characters just got killed by an Sup Forums-loved character
Dumb lowercase posters.
SnKfaggots are literally making new threads before the previous ones hit the bump limit. They absolutely are generals, and they're extremely cancerous ones.
The constant jojo/madoka/yaharis need to fucking die. And the op that opens with post about this frog. Ever since Sup Forums became faster this board has turned into complete shit.
don't worry next season of Snk will destroy their hearts because it is gonna be complete shit and you would know if you read the manga
Sup Forums doesn't have mods that is why Snk cancer is spreading
Mods are pretty active on Sup Forums compared to the rest of the site
Try this.
Go to the catolgue and hide the number of threads that you think are shit.
I do this from time to time and find that on average 8% of decent to good while the rest is trash.
Nah pretty sure Sup Forums mods are generally much faster.
Mods and janitors are a bunch of tumblr-whales casuals posting in those shitty general threads.
Like hell they'll do anything about them.
Hiding only turns a blind eye to the situation user.
Are they posting out side their thread? Can you explain what's going on rather than assume we know.
>yahari threads
True but the only threads that I find worthy reading are easy to find and be accessible. I don't have to scroll through shitty threads are cringe worthy to look at.
Faggots who just say to hide and ignore it are part of the problem.
If our mods aren't faster than light they suck?
Random but how do you make that infographic that long? My screenshots don't go that long.
Take multiple screenshots and stich them together.