Why do you still watch moeshit, Sup Forums?
Why do you still watch moeshit, Sup Forums?
Fun things are fun!
To fill the empty void inside me.
Because I've an empty hole in my life and all though it doesn't fill it, it at least takes up my time.
Welcome back
I thought you were dead. I wish you were dead.
Remember to sage and report, kids.
Why not?
Everyone with more than 200 completed ends up having moeshit as their top 2 favorite style/type of anime.
Try and debate this.
I need antidepressants to function.
>he doesn't watch moeshit
When I don't watch moeshit I contemplate suicide
because that's all they make anymore ='[
Because I want you to keep asking this question
I only watch moegood like NNB.
Because it's the only genre that's only possible in anime as moe can't exist in real life, so therefore it's the genre that utilizes animation to the fullest.
NNB isn't even good moeshit, watch more anime you faggot
At least say Azumanga if you want to feel special.
If an anime doesn't make you question your entire existence or isn't so edgy you want to kill yourself you shouldn't watch it.
I used to think I hated it, but I learned that after a hard day of work, there is nothing better than to get comfy and watch cute girls doing cute girls.
Real adults watch moe, only kids and teens watch "mature" anime.
Even bad moeshit fills the hole in my heart
>this again
>people are seriously replying and using moeshit unironically
where the fuck is that from.
I like cute girls and cute things
Cute wide!
there is that meme again
what do you guys do when you haven't watched anime in a long time and you feel like you can't recover?
Moeshit is a meaningless shitposting term that only complete retards use who don't know what moe actually means. The word you're looking for is CGDCTshit.
Kill self
That solution only works once
Is Non Non Biyori moe?
but you know what hes talking about when he says it
>try and debate this
I have over 200 completed and it's my least favorite genre