Where is everyone, Sup Forums?
Fermi paradox
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They haven't yet evolved.
Heavy elements aren't created until stars die, and since the most common stars are red and yellow dwarfs, it took billions of years for heavy elements to be forged.
We are simply in the beginning of the age of intelligence.
We are the first.
The fact that the sky isn't full of spacecraft means that the laws of the universe make impossible to travel between stars. Time, distance and the speed of light are bastards
Notice how birth rates here on earth have fallen in direct proportion to economic and technological development, OP?
By the time a civilization is advanced enough to start off-world colonies, the people are breeding at or below the replacement rate and prefer to settle into a comfy existence on their homeworld over the expense and danger of leaving it.
Or we are not able to detect spacecraft.
We could just do ivf babies
Perhaps they use magical flying pony poo as the fuel source for their invisible spacecraft?
go back to /x/
a human race has figured out your pic.
it's the "why" behind white genocide.
the game is on and we're starting from behind.
they ate to much poopee and got diarrhea and farted all over themselves poop fart pee hehehe
there isn't enough power nor a point to simulate them
this is all about us, so we're the only ones
hell everything we see far away isn't REALLY rendered, its just like a PC game
maybe we are just a simulation of poop and pee and farts
"Aliens" are just a replacement for "God". To the believer, their existence is self-evident. It's funny how so many atheists believe in them, yet scoff at Christians because there's "no proof" that God exists.
india intergalactic space masters by 2030
Heh, designated shitting spacelanes.
Nobody passes the Great Filter.
They are coming. Tomorrow. You all will see.
We could train an elite corps of humans who could. We could arm them with the best philosophical tools available to man. We make the cadre large enough that it could survive several similar "splits" to their group much like the split that created our Fermi Corps.
They reach a point where they aren't sure which path gets through The Filter, so they split into two teams each using a different, culturally programmed approach.
For instance, Mouse Utopia. We could split them off and send them to a hell on earth, where survival _isn't_ guaranteed. The rest of us are too comfortable to risk that, but they accept the risk on humanity's behalf on the off chance that some variation of "hedonism" is The Great Filter.
There are no aliens, there are no gods, there are no other-dimensional beings, and never will be; we are the only life in this universe, just accept it and move onan.
We, as in the human species (or any other animal species on earth) are proof of life existing in this universe, so you can't rule out life existing anywhere else. Also god and ayys aren't mutually exclusive. Just because there isn't proof of something doesn't mean it's been disproved or it can't exist.
You are to ants what aliens are to us.
For all we know, life is a "once in a universe" kind of thing. There's more evidence that we're alone then there is that we're not.
Total fucking bullshit, this is the way the Kike's mind works though so you can't blame em for thinking everything is about "being exterminated."
The USA or any developed nation for that matter could exterminate all sorts of primitive tribes, why don't they? Well what is to gain? Knowledge....no, resources.....lol no, so why would you do it?
Furthermore why would benevolent aliens allow that to happen? It makes no sense unless you're a paranoid Jude, there is nothing to gain from killing humanity nor would benevolent aliens allowit.
This is what I mean by "replacement for God". They're so powerful and amazing and yet...nowhere to be found.
Lol I was abducted by god and he probed by anus
aliens are avoiding us - we're space niggers
Lol what the fuck is this double standard from supposed science-oriented fuckwads?
>Lack of evidence of aliens is evidence that there are aliens so advanced that we can't detect them.
Or maybe, you know, it means that God only created humans and aliens just don't exist.
Or wait, let me grant you your logic and use that same logic to argue that lack of evidence of God is evidence that God is so advanced that we can't detect him, you know, because He's GOD.
Could be the other way around, we could be the top dog.
>For all we know, life is a "once in a universe" kind of thing. There's more evidence that we're alone then there is that we're not.
That very well could be. I like to be optimistic though.
Shut up jew.
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, there's just too many known unknowns and unknown unknowns dawg.
>By the time a civilization is advanced enough to start off-world colonies, the people are breeding at or below the replacement rate and prefer to settle into a comfy existence on their homeworld over the expense and danger of leaving it.
Most likely this.
>We could just do ivf babies
Uhh why? That misses the point. The point is that people expand to other lands in the first place to live in better conditions and acquire more resources. But it gets to some equilibrium point where people develop technology enough to sustainably live comfy lives where they are. And the effort and suffering that would be required to travel to and colonize other planets is just unnecessary; unless you lose control of your population (which is unlikely to happen if you're advanced enough to travel the stars in the first place) there's no reason to expand to other planets, not until your star burns out or something.
If here on earth wars ere fought in the past over differing interpretations of a single line or word of scripture, can you imagine what would happen if you simply deliver the message as is? In this sense, we agree with what these people are doing. Truth management is vital.
Lol no. If we are the Pinnacle, it's a sad sad day for the universe. We still kill each other over resources. Even though there is plenty to go around. No one should be without, but our greed kicks in. We are driven by primal urges that a truly enlightened being would be evolved past. We divide our self by color and ideas. Convinced that we are right and everyone else is wrong. We are so arrogant. Yet so naive. No, we are the infants in intelligent life. And the universe knows that. The truth is, we aren't even worth the time. Until we can unify, nothing will change.
The Fermi paradox could be explained by Simulation theory :^)
What do the Jews stand to gain from this simulation theory and why is it being pushed everywhere, tell me juden
fuck that shit i just want to conquer space ass
A radius of several light years is nothing. That post is a troll
Fairly simple really.
That thing which develops in tandem with creativity. Intelligence is good, but intelligence + creativity are key for developing a technologically advanced society.
>Yes, but why?
Altruism is highly noncompetitive in game theory. Tribalism beats it every time in the long run.
>So what?
So the first sentient race to achieve the creativity to escape orbit does what humanity is on track to do: regress into retardation via the rampant tribalists empowered by the technology of altruists.
Altruism grows as a break-out sub-species reaches space-faring ability. By the time they develop it, most other sub-species will have gathered some of that tech for themselves, but being tribalists they will simply use it to subvert and destroy the other. Eventually you get a population crash from dumb tribalism and the cycle starts over. The only way to beat the game is to literally genocide all the tribalists, but that can only happen accidentally since altruists wouldn't dare.
Nuthin' and because people like nihilistic shit
Fighting racewars on their own planet
Signed, Mr Dumbfuck who didn't read the post. There are weapons that once out of the box cannot be stopped. Why would any advanced civilization risk any other having those?
Are you joking?
>tribalism is inherently bad
If they're out there, they don't want to be found. Neither should we. Any race advanced enough to find us, and visit us, is probably coming to wipe us out.
It isn't, but what you think of as tribalism is a simulacrum. Whites don't have enough of it to matter, so you're all going to die at the hands of muds. Asians have enough but not enough creativity.
News flash: your so called "enlightenment" is not beneficial for survival and therefore we did not need to evolve it. Humans are extremely sinful creatures but evolving that way was necessary for our survival. If we had not been greedy, we would not have procured enough food to survive until procreation. If we had not been wrathful, we would not have been able to face predators and defend ourselves. It's literally in our blood to fight, quarrel, and conquer. That's what humans do
I still have hope whites make a comeback. Would be interesting to see what happens when we truly get pushed in a corner. The sentiment in my country is already changing.
The life expectancy of an advanced scientific civilization is only a few hundred years. After that, either:
>lifeforms develop weapons capable of wiping out their entire species
>weapons fall into wrong hands
>parasites breed faster than workers
>worker genocide
>parasite extinction
>long troll post is long
They've probably been eyeballing us for a LONG time. Maybe we've done/acheved something that prompted them to stop by and say hello.
If they're friendly, they're welcome.
If not, we destroy them Starship Troopers-style.
Hopefully we get Close Encounters, not Independence Day.
We are all outside looking at the sky and having an end of the world party, 40 minutes to go.
We are the first sapients to evolve. Ever.
In my meditations I decided there is a very small chance they would have any motivations to do anything harmful to us.
We are the first ones / only one left.
Paradox solved.
I consider it unlikely. Your numbers are too small already unless other races start fighting one another. That doesn't seem to be happening since your altruism is so high and jews are so tribally bent on destroying you that they keep everyone focused on whites.
My hope is that many of you will join us in China and perhaps the government will institute a way to maintain yourselves for the continued advancement of science. I am speaking with colleagues about this regularly and they look at me like I am less crazy by the day.
i saged it all my boy
>get wiped out by aliens because of our technological advancement
>get wiped out on earth due to lack of technological advancement
They're landing tomorrow. They've sent their message last month and they'll reach us by noon.
>inb4 thread is killed
Make sure you point your cameras west as they're likely to come in where their signal hit.
That pessimistic approach to alien life reacting to us is completely bonkers.
The only, ONLY way an alien race would be interested in us is slavery and if it's for stupid work done by enslaved workforce (slavery for digging, moving shit, etc.) .. any machine they could build would do it better, faster and probably do it by itself (AI).
Also it wouldn't require all the personnel to keep us on the task (unless robotic wardens), it wouldn't require all the resources to feed us and treat us. A stupid amount of investment of time & resources for so little.
And for resources by itself ?
>water : just drill ice in asteroid belts, doesn't require filtering from all our piss and shit, drugs, chemicals we pour in on a regular basis and no signs of living organisms would be there also
>metals : asteroid belts
>precious metals/minerals : same
>land (planets) : pick any. plenty of them, don't need to have to cleanse the locals either and if it's for terraforming, any in the Goldilocks zone would do
You assholes can't let one single thread go by without injecting some anti-jooooooooooo bullshit. Who the fuck pays you muzzie-loving butt bleeders to do this?
Perhaps they use physical principles, materials, and technologies as yet unknown to us at this moment?
Or is our current knowledge of the universe, a mere 50-odd years after the first ever spaceflight, as good as it gets?
>Who the fuck pays you
Also the jews, it's a double bluff !
>Who the fuck pays you muzzie-loving butt bleeders to do this?
The joooooooooooos
I'm surprised nobody here mentioned Dark Forest. This is verbatim the Dark Forest theory, and everyone should go read that novel.
Not as solution, but as an interesting concept, "The Bug Life Chronicles" stories by Phillip C. Jennings became increasingly strange as he explored what existence would be like after human consciousness could be transferred into an increasingly smaller carrier. At some point you and an entire civilization can be contained in a thimble full of matter. Planets are totally unimportant and as the sun renders the solar system uninhabitable for even your form of life only then do you look at other solar systems to provide the meager amount of materials to sustain a gogleplex of individuals living at the atomic level.
Clever boy
>Species don't survive by being self-sacrificing.
Tell that to white people lmao.
The universe is unfathomably vast.
Every solar system with life might as well be its own separate universe to those who inhabit it.
We'll never meet them because of lmao speed of light limitation. Wormholes and warpdrives are just memes to make science fiction possible. The universe is just too big for you to meet anyone outside your immediate area.
What if higher life has a control of us already? What if humans were meant to live for much longer but they have set constraints on our habitat and living conditions, leaving us to die off slowly, but quicker in their perspective, and perhaps in our perspective, given we were aware of the better alternative? What if this is how they exercise their power over us, by limiting us like this? Maybe the highest up humans know this and can't disclose it publicly for the sake of maintaining a semblance of society.
What if the magical flying ponies decided to not poo anymore unless our pony poo masters agreed to make us poo poo poo more.
In other words "What if" is simply anti-joooooooo retardation
>no policeman
Why are you so sure?
if there are aliens, they are already machines.
if they detect us, they will send to kill us in some way.
these are irrefutable facts.
Nonlocality and consciousness is all you need for Fermi's paradox
no need to travel, just commune with all the bodhisattvas in all the myriad worlds past present future
radio is so primitive
No, there must be places in the universe that matured earlier and created civilizations millions if not billions of years more technologically advanced than humans.
It's not greed, it necessary for survival. Also, civilizations more advanced than humans would have come to the conclusion that racism is necessary and genocide is a thing that must happen to let the superior races thrive and develop tech for the future.
oddly that is a conjunction with Jenning's Bug Life series. As the needs for a full and happy eternity for you and billion billion friends consumes less and less resources the more open you would be to meeting other post singularity life forms.
This for the win. Sadly, depressingly undoubtedly true.
I refuse to chat with a nigger while waiting in line at Publix, yet you expect aliens to travel light years to enlighten literal Earth-niggers? Smdh
We've got camel jockeys blowing themselves up on every street corner, Swedecucks apologizing for getting ass-raped, Indians shitting all over themselves, and then this guy (pic related).
But no one can figure out where all the fucking aliens are off to...
>They're landing tomorrow
I'm going to be embarrassed as shit if it turns out to be Lord Buckethead that steps off the first UFO.