Pol we need to drop the swastika

I know many love it, I love it myself but god damn it it just scares normies away, we need more American symbolism god damn it. All the time I hear "but muh gramps fought da Nazis and dey were bad and killed da joos" when I try to tell them what fascism or national socialism really is. So lets keep the 14 but drop the 88. Bring in the 14/76 instead

divide and conquer
get fucked shill

The pinwheel of freedom is very aesthetically pleasing, but it has loss associated with it. Normies Reeeee to hard at the sight of it

>it just scares normies away
confirmed newfag; this is not a bad thing. slide thread.


fuck no, lol

when you scare away all the cucks, all you are left with are men

This. T_D needs to fuck right on back to plebbit.


>keep the 14 but drop the 88.
there IS no 14 without the 88. google Nathan Lane shithead.

All I'm saying is we need something that appeases to our American way of life, go ahead try to explain that the Nazis were good to normie scum, some may listen and agree but the others will not, they will think its evil no matter what even if you show them the evidence about the global financial system and how Hitler tried to stop it, even if you show that Hitler was right they still wont listen. Where ever you show it you will automatically be discredited and labeled as public enemy. Also it be nice to see some original yam naziboos

You're right and wrong. You must replace it with an explicitly anti-Jewish symbol even if a new symbol must be made, but it can't be a copy pasta of Germany specific nationalism. See the Iron Guard.


That literally what I'm talking about, we need a symbol that scares the kikes but is aesthetically pleasing to America. Every Fascist/national socialist country had their own symbol. The black sun and iron cross isn't a bad idea but some know it as a "nazi" symbol.

Like I'd take a leaf seriously, go spread you butthole somewhere else

Why not just return to its purest form. No one could call it racist, it would be an excellent representation of our movement.

I agree with you but again ((they)) will just tell the masses that our nation was founded on slavery and blah blah blah. Its not a bad idea tho.

>it just scares normies away
Fuck off newfag.

Liberty bell.

what about this

We want them on our side. Most of them think of us as larpers and who could blame them. Charlottesville also did more harm then good if you ask me even if it was staged. How fucking retarded are you?