What is with white women and diversity!?!?
Look at this dumb bitch!
White woman want to ruin everything!
She would change her tune real fast once she saw my bright white girthy niner.
go fuck your self you d&c shill.
white women are the most racist and right wing women on the planet period.
Did you not see the video?
daily reminder that anti-white woman is anti-white. you can't have white people without white women.
We need to change white women somehow.
I want to bury my face in her luscious tits.
start valuing modesty
Women are iterally subhumans.
Every culture on this planet came to the same conclusions.
Only leftist white (((males))) lack the brain to recognize the oh too obvious, that women are mentally and humanly massively underevolved, are useless, materialistic, mindless, superficial, wastefull, lazy, parasitic and a burden to society, unless they bearch children or serve as sexobjects.
Faggot pathetic looser scum. Go live in your autistic flying pink unicorn phantasy world somewhere else.
Sup Forums is for cold hard truths, nothing that fags, kiddies n women are ever mentally capable to deal with.
Palse prophet scum u.
The opposite is true.
Because letting shot go on as it does bow IS WHITE GENOCIDE which u obviously want to go on.
U subhuman.
If you say DIVERSITY 3 times in a row it becomes real..just like Beetljuice and Candyman
simple. legalize white on white rape. drastic times call for drastic measures.
>daily reminder that anti-white woman is anti-white. you can't have white people without white women.
white women are anti white. They preach interbreeding, diversity, and anti-white male feminism.
Video needs way more dislikes. Stupid slut preaching diversity with her tits hanging out.
Nippon is partially right If you actually talked to women, or even people, you would realize that women like her a minority.
>white women
The English teacher/PoG is right
Even left wing white women are racist as fuck, like the one I'm currently fucking who voted for Hillary hates spics and niggers.
I don't get it but it's pretty hot senpai
Buffalo why??! So many 60's hippie hogs here its unbelievable.
I like the giant 6 pack of tall cans.
>hey mum I made this cake for you
anglos I presume