What happen Sup Forums?
What happen Sup Forums?
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Alcohol and drug abuse.
satan's blessing wore off
you made a shit thread.
Bill gave her a slew of STDs, and it just made her MEANER
I. See I see
Don't you wish that was yiyr
Syphillis, if left untreated, make one crazy.
White folx don't age well
Don't fucking lie you know it's true
FUCK NO. 30% chance she'd sacrifice me.
I think it was the hot sauce.
Isnt she dead already ?
Can pol summon kek to make her drop dead on the 23th ?
I want to believe in the prophecy of kek and the power of mememagic, anonbros.
Bitch fucked over and ignored core Americans so hard that she ended up being the worse choice compared to a fucking celebrity and business man.
Turns out ivory towers can't stand alone.
Honestly can anyone remind what her message was for Americans?
I can vaguely remember something about children and bashing on Trump.
In that moment, where she was supposed to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the male politicians, and show she could fill the same shoes, she failed. Even if they had overlooked enough medicine to dope her up until the memorial was over, it was a fail.
She lost 5% of the vote right there, and a margin for victory.
Like "you're no Jack Kennedy" of "There you go again", campaigns can turn on a dime.
Yeah it was 'Fuck Trump' and 'Pay no attention to all the corruption collusion and broken laws that I benefited from but magically had no part in.'
>you're no Jack Kennedy
Why is this so famous? They lost the election.
It was her turn and you ruined it
muh blue wall
but it typed Quayle as a dweeb which he never really shook off.
>Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
>Hillary: What!
>Operator: Main screen turn on.
>Hillary: It's You!!
>TRUMP: How are you gentlemen !!
>TRUMP: All your base are belong to us.
>TRUMP: You are on the way to destruction.
>Hillary: What you say !
>TRUMP: You have no chance to survive make your time.
>TRUMP: Ha ha ha ha ....
She not only lost, she lost to a reality TV star and steak merchant
did we ever find out what this was?
WTF is that?
She had a conniption fit and filled her pants with shit.
God I'm nostalgic for old internet