What is it about Asian Women that makes them so susceptible to White Fever? Why do they consistently marry white men?
What is it about Asian Women that makes them so susceptible to White Fever? Why do they consistently marry white men?
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Two words: COCK SIZE
White is right
Because white men are the best men.
There are so many asians it's a minimal effect
I don't know
Marriage is the fastest way to gain American citizenship
there aren't "so many" Asians in western countries though, and virtually all of them are primarily interested in whitebois
To escape shit countries.
Asian men are autistics of the highest order
Why are our dicks getting bigger when test levels are dropping?
>prease anonsan put peepee srow in me prease
>rast rime full 4" hurt me rong time
they want us. I can get an equally hot Asian girl much easier than a white girl. but it just doesn't feel the same as a white girl, the feeling
its more like why do third worlders want to marry rich people?
Same for white women and black men. Sluts.
There is a white girl and she moves to Japan.
Are you expecting her to get a white husband or a japanese husband?
If you are an asian frustrated with the dating scene in non-asian countries you can just go to asia and get a good fobfu
>average near 8
I really like asian eyes sometimes... like an exotic animal or something
Almost 40% of newlywed Asian American women marry outside of their race with the vast majority of these cases being to White Men.
This point is null for Asian Americans
See above
I think what he means is that by sheer probability Asian woman are likely to marry white guys if Asian women have no racial loyalties, which unfortunately seems the case. It doesn't help that Asian men are physically and probably mentally a more feminine race than whites, although the mental femininity I would also call "civility".
The same reason white women sleep with other races, the opportunity to do so.
FYI my wife is Chinese and her father is a party member in the province she's from, meeting him the first time was somewhat intimidating.
Success of whites.
The moment asian countries are richer and more successful than white ones, they will stop caring about the white piggus.
Japanese women already prefer their own. Only degenerate thrill-seeking "gaijin hunters" go for white men.
So? Asians are 3% of population or something. Again, if you want asian-only population you have a really big area to pick from.
Even among those Asian americans most would be considered weird in Asia since it's chinese/Korea/Japanese/vietnamese etc mixing.
White men aren't autistic like Asian men yet retain roughly the same level of intellect. They find us to be the respectability peak, and all they care about is crawling to the top.
>third world
No. Statistics show that White Women esclusively prefer White Men by a vast majority. Stop watching porn you cuck
Asian girls apparently really like my hair and eyes. So maybe that.
"Oh user your eyes are so blue!"
>her father is a party member in the province she's from, meeting him the first time was somewhat intimidating.
Please tell me what Chinese Chads are like. I've met Hanzou guys who are sociable and so forth (older immigrants) but not terrifying ones. I imagine they all look like Hu Jintao for some reason.
Why put this pic on my history you fucking nonce?
Asian men are often:
>pajeet-tier at dating
>dark skinned (read: low class in Asian colours culture)
The huwhite man is usually better in every respect there, which is why you see so many couples where the azn girl is decent and the guy is a fat losery howaito
Oh my Gosh your coror eyes so cute! Come home to meet my famiry and have sweet and sour pork.
She is 34
>Success of whites
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Asian Americans are the most successful race in America and their women still marry White Men at an insanely high rate.
Not sure what your point is.
Americanized Asians, those that have been here for multiple generations, are almost always pozzed libshits that vote for open borders and cry about muhh railroads. You're better off getting one that's straight out of China, and even then they're not perfect.
>be me
>new coworker is a 9/10 chink
>can barely speak english
>literally talks like fu manchu
>im the only one that can talk to her because i understand some mandarin
>she immediately wants my dick becuz 6'1 anglo
>start dating her
>ask her about her homeland
>tells me she came to NJ on a counterfeit visa and all sorts of incriminating shit
>complains about the inefficiency of the chinese government
>lets me in on all sorts of schemes to steal or short money like fake coupons, selling illegal cigarettes, etc.
>find out shes greedier than most jews
>broke up with her when she went back to Shenyang
>at least she could cook and clean
Asians are a small minority in America and of those are many considered not east asian aka dark skin etc.
It means that of potential mates they meet at bars or whatever a large majority will be non-asian. Meanwhile in Asia it's all asian relationships.
If you are a chinese male looking for a Chinese female and having no luck in America the place to go is China.
Asians have the lowest sexual dimorphism (size and morphological difference between sexes). Yet women instinctively select for masculine features, so in a multiracial society, they will be more attracted to white and black men; but since black men are unemployed and functionally retarded, that leaves white men to be the most lusted after.
it's myth.
99% of Asians prefer Asians.
But if you have to choose white or black.
I would choose white for being decent life.
Asians are a significant minority in America chief. Also, out of all the men Asian women could marry they choose White Men in America. A White Man can travel to East Asia and easily get into a relationship with an Asian woman.
Women are obsessed with social status though much more than men. If society makes it a trend to have sex with pigs then a good % of women will start having sex with pigs. I do agree with your sentiment but I'm just saying it's very easy to manipulate a woman using social tools. They are far, far less individualistic than men.
Should have gotten a Jap.
Yes, if you go to a place with 100 Asian females and are the only white male it only takes 1% of Asian females to have white fever for you to get a partner.
Supply/Demand/Availability still matters. It's why a black chick will get all the dick she wants in some 98% white country because even 1% having jungle fever will mean she has an endless supply.
This. The stereotype that all Asian women are so pure and feminine is a jewish lie to encourage racemixing. 2nd and 3rd generation Asians are much more likely to be the worst kind of SJW harpies than white women.
Don't racemix though, you lose if you spend your life raising half-gook mongrel babies.
>black people
No. East Asians find dark skin very ugly. Them not liking black people isn't just because of poverty and crime it's because they think they are fucking hideous. But you are probably black and so you tell yourself it's because of muh poverty and sheeeeiiit.
I have an Asian customer at my job. Whenever I service his house I get distracted by all his shit.
He's a really nice guy, but if he was a bad dude he'd probably be really intimidating.
>Krava maga trophies
>JuJitsu trophies
>Kung Fu related rewards and karate
Apparently he's pretty good with a blade too. He's also got a sweet collection /k/ would jizz themselves over.
Also, his military shit.
>Did 20 years Active
>Ranger tab
>Air Bourne and Air Assault
>Guess he's done Pathfinder and shit too
>Fuck ton of medals and coins
>19D and 11B qualified
Asian Chad seems fairly humble.
"Nonce" kek. You don't want your mommy to see it or something?
I use the pics for attention because I am lonely.
Even so, I think the probability/lack of racial loyalty combo is as powerful a factor or a more powerful factor than innate white male value. Asians in the United States grow up around white people, and usually more white people than Asians.
>Asians most effeminate race.
>Asians least individualistic race.
Way to comprehend 33% of my post.
Nice. I actually like Asian people in general and yes they tend to be humble.
Is you customer Larry fucking Hama?
They still fall for the white man = money/status meme
possibly related. It's interesting that Korea which is probably the most social status obsessed country on earth also houses the worst dictatorship on earth.
This thread is made to make white bois feel better knowing their women are constantly blacked and doesn't want them.
if she's a native Japanese, expect her to want to return to that setting, especially after she has kids.
Dark skin is only considered ugly in women. Dark skin is attractive in men because it means you're tanned, which means you're outside a lot doing man things. I don't think that actually applies to blacks and abos though, just that skin being a bit darker is more attractive on men.
No you just made a retarded statement. Asians think blacks are ugly as fuck and you are just butthurt about that fact. Nice job reducing your cognitive dissonance with flawed reasoning though.
He's got a mean side I imagine. I saw his campaign hat hiding in a box in the basement.
For you none Military dudes, thats what the Drill Sgts wear.
What setting? Immoral and greedier than a Jew?
The majority of Asian women that marry white men in the US are the island goblin types
Could be. But lack of loyalty could also be more euphemistically seen as lack of aesthetic revulsion. I can't help but feel a visceral repulsion at the sight of blacks, arabs, and latinas; but for whatever reason, the sight of asians on an instinctual level is just more aesthetically compatible.
>Dating statistics show that White women exclusively prefer White Men by a vast majority
>dumbass actually believes the porn lies
This is entirely personal preference. You could also argue that darker skin on women is more attractive which is why white women tan so much. We all know that's bullshit though.
>That's where you're wrong kiddo. Asian Americans are the most successful race in America
I'm not wrong. Asians might have become successful, but there is a lot of inertia in these things. Like this guy said, whites are still perceived as richer, more powerful/successful.
Whatever you hostile asshole.
Prepping for the Asian front on the war against the Jews. The Aryan-Yellow hybrid race will be on the left flank.
>Asian women use dating sites to gain citizenship
>They talk to their Asian American social circles about how white cock is the best
>Asian Americans want white cock because of muh social proofing.
This isn't rocket science you retard
glorious nippon setting
It's funny because statistics show that Asian guys make up a significant portion of SOCOM. They do a good job and the feminine stereotype is not true from the Asian guys I have met before.
because 高富帅 . The ideal man is "tall,rich,handsome" .Westerners tend to be taller and to an extent richer on average. Then there's the obsession with pale skin and big eyes, that lead to the chinks killing the great barrier reef by refusing not to wear sunscreen.
Following this trend my dicks at about 1920
>took an english class at college just for the credits
>have to listen to my teacher(female) talking about how everything foreign being vastly superior than it in taiwan for half a class
It's the English classes, i tell you what
Asian Americans are considered mixed race mulattoes from Asian perspective, like a white """Anglo""" American who is 1/4 English 1/4 Irish 1/8th Cherokee 1/16th Namibian 1/4th Greek and the rest unknown going "back" to his "ancestral home" of Ireland because his name is O'Brien and being confused about why nobody hands him a shillelagh and the keys to Castle Mc'O'Mulligan and freckled firebush maidens don't kneel to kiss his blarney stones
True. I suppose wealth and social status is an aspect of it.
White men are the best looking men on average.
Reporting for duty, Sir
>What is it about Asian Women that makes them so susceptible to White Fever? Why do they consistently marry white men?
Since they look good they can have their pick
Meh, I'd move to Japan, safer than this shithole, barring rocket man.
Pale unblemished skin is considered the most beautify for women and men of the same race should have rougher skin from being physically active.
Don't call it "Darker skin" though because that gives people the wrong idea of niggers and interracial garbage.
Pick one degenerate
I don't think most people are actually repulsed by other races, at least people that aren't high in disgust sensitivity. I'd say I'm pretty open and hard to gross out and when I was bluepilled I would have been perfectly fine with fucking/dating a woman of any race, although I did admit that black women were less attractive than other races in general.
Asians have smaller bodies than any other race, and I find that cute and I like cute girls more than THICCBITCHESXD in general, so I think that's where my soft spot for Asians comes from. That and the anime and Jap porn.
Having tanned skin is related to being in the sun a lot though which is more a masculine thing than a feminine thing. I'm not entirely sure about darker skin being more attractive on men, but I am sure that cross-culturally, lighter skin is more attractive on women - and it was women, not men in early America who were avoiding the sun to be paler and attractive - and women, not men, in Asia, who beautify themselves by using skin whitening cream.
Slender and unblemished perfect skin and hair.
Extreme overcompensation. Look how macho Asians act (or used to), stern, look down on women type of stuff.
Like in a gang, it's always the little guy that's most dangerous.
The Chinese seem to agree.
the real question is why this thread hasnt been deleted
I started reading this from the middle because it was so long and missed the 9/10 part and then misread the other line as "literally looks like fu manchu"
Then got to the part where you started dating her
I made it clear to the guy I was talking to that I didn't think it applied to niggers. I agree with what you're saying, but "rougher skin" sounds like you're talking about scars or facial stubble or something. Of course, those things are masculine, but we're talking about skin tone particularly, so I don't think it's innacurate to posit that (somewhat) darker skin is more attractive on men, even if that could have racial implications. I personally think it probably becomes too extreme at a point, but I've seen white women going on about Southern European men, mainly darker-complexioned Spaniards and Italians, as being sexy.
Honestly man I don't think so. I don't think someone will join SOCOM just to overcompensate for a perceived lower masculinity.
Yes white men are slender, perfect skin and great hair it's such a waste that throw it away on ugly soulless clone Asian.
Hypergamy. Asian women understand that white men are the top prize in most western countries, basically in all countries outside of Asia, and so they target them. Even a slightly below average white man is superior choice to 80% or so of asian men in social value.
>Pick one degenerate
I don't need to pick one, I am pointing out why people like them. Stop projecting
Probably low standards, same with all racemixers.
After it happens my Korean refugee waifu will think I'm a God when I take her to Old Country Buffet.
Because Asian men starve Asian women of attention. When you take an Asian woman all you are doing is taking the Asian man's problems off of his hands. Asian men are based because they make their women desparate and thirsty, like how men in the west are. Fortunately Mgtow seems to be doing good work now in starving women of attention.
M8 I lived in pic related for 2 years
As far as I am concerned I am MGTOW until I find a cute Asian waifu. I will focus on myself for now because I am young but the idea of being alone forever isn't too appealing. I want an Asian qt.
Pacific islanders are not the same as mainland Asians and would be the bulk of these Asian US operators, count on it. And also just because most Asians are physical weaklings doesn't mean there are not serious exceptions.
>Because Asian men starve Asian women of attention. --Asian men are based because they make their women desparate and thirsty,
Jap men do it so well, they're going extinct.
Holy shit china is redpilled
Where is the source of this chart?
>Implying MGTOW is about loneliness
You can fuck bitches in MGTOW, just don't marry them. If you are worried about getting old and shit, your wife won't love you, and she will leave you anyways so why bother? just be good with your sibilings and cousins, along with good friends and you will never be alone.
By people you mean the 2% of white men that are complete failures that they land a white women despite them being the most loyal women to their race than any other group.