Does Sup Forums have taste?
Does Sup Forums have taste?
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Pretty good taste.
That's a pretty normal taste, expected something different from this place.
Kill yourself
>spirited away winning 2001
Are you fucking joking?
Sup Forums has shit taste, what else is new
>tripfag idiot trying to say Sup Forums has shit taste
Ippo should be 2000, Baki should be 2001, I can't fucking believe FMA got 2003, Kino or Planetes would be a way better choice for that, I'm fine with Mushishi as 2005 but Aria is still better. 1999 is fine.
Fuck off
How did Kenshin win?
GTO doesn't deserve it
Just goes to show how many perma-newfags are here to stay.
FMA beat Kino
That had better been a troll vote
you would have all years if you didn't repost the same year 15 fucking threads in a row
>that 2001
>no Haré+Guu in the poll
>Shit digimons won when there is tons of better shows
Like come on, even Hellsing was better than that.
And there are also Clamp's X, Hikaru no go, Galaxy Angel, Mahoromatic, Fruit basket, Noir, Baki, Shaman King, Soul Taker and so on.
Sup Forums has shit taste because no one other than me voted for Geneshaft in 2001.
Why not?
My taste > your taste
Prove me wrong
You can't
No one watched it.
Popular things every normie knows about had won.
Kill yourself attention whore
I can't wait for 2002's Gundam SEED victory
>Millennium Actress beaten by Spirited Away
Pretty surprising considering how Sup Forums loves to shit on the latter.
Fewer anons watched Actress comparing to Spirited away