Seriously, what the fuck is their problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
They give depositors interest on their funds and lend out credit to ppl who want to start businesses.
Their problem is fucktards like you who don't understand shit.
They're untouchable
And this...
It's not greed. It's the cycle of reincarnation the Judaic faith is attempting to lock us into in order to hoard the next dimensions for themselves.
Right now? Bitcoin.
They're super butthurt that the world won't need them in a decade or two and that niggers like me will have more money than most bank/stock jews.
Don't use one? Start your own? Use barter and trade? Or just keep impotently whining and complaining without solution?
shut the fuck up nigger fucker. You fuck niggers, nigger fucker mother fucker. Also fucking the niggers mother, you mother fucker.
How about try and start a fucking bank, if thats all they do tickle me elmo fucker. You can't you know why? because unless you have connections and money you ain't starting shit. Why is that?
Thats just the start, its not like they are goodie goods, the employees themselves are but the higher ups are probably not acting in american and or perhaps constitutional interest.
you're part of the same retards saying "dude just drop out of society and go farm and grow your own food in the country side lmao" aren't you. all those things take money retard.
>walk into walmart
>try to barter the prices with the cashier
>security comes to escort me out
Not so fast (((user)))...
>CEOs are in charge.
>all those things take money
>Don't use one? Start your own?
There are alternative forms of currency that can be utilized, or look into starting your own credit union, but it seems most people are too brainlet 2lrn2banking so the Tribe maintains their rightful place at the top of the fiat banking pyramid
>shut the fuck up nigger fucker. You fuck niggers, nigger fucker mother fucker. Also fucking the niggers mother, you mother fucker.
you need to look at the board members and chairmen, they put nonjews as CEOs for this reason. also most of the 1% are royalty because royalty don't come up in "top richest people" lists
>CEOs are in charge.
they were too big to fail and now we hold their debt. the whole banking system was supposed to collapse in 2008, but obama propped it up. we were supposed to rise from the ashes and now we have the same fire as always. they can literally fail without failing. equifax is just more of the same.
I take it you have no idea how a public corporation works.
>I take it you have no idea how a public corporation works.
TFW I work on wall st.
They are called public companies. Not public "corporations" faggot.
I work for a bank and the pay is comfy as fuck. If you don't wanna get Jew'd then learn to outjew the Jew.
>TFW I work on wall st.
TFW I'm a wall street exec... oh yeah it's the internet. We can say anything we want. Learn economics and business in particular. Working at a company listed on a stock index doesn't make you a professional.
Government is the problem not bankers
You mad bro?
Maybe learn some shit about CEOs and "companies" and "corporations" before you go off sounding like an idiot.
Sound like a Peter Schiff fan.
(((They))) work with the ((((((((fed)))))))), the masked [spoiler]mercenary.[/spoiler]
I'm a trader not some employee at a listed company.
>I'm a low level employee
That's what I read from your post there. Maybe you'll advance in the company if you can figure out how the whole thing actually works. Keep trying! Someone out there possibly believes in you. Probably your mom.
You can’t out-jew the jews. For every lie you tell a jew can tell 10 lies that are much better. They’ve survived for thousands of years by lying. White people are best at removing enemies by force. Not by being deceitful crooks like the jews.
CEOs are the figurehead in charge, actually elected by vote of the public shareholders via vote usually.
A company by legal definition is a corporation, wew
>company n. any formal business entity for profit which may be a corporation, a partnership, association or individual proprietorship. Often people think the term "company" means the business is incorporated, but that is not true. In fact, a corporation usually must use some term in its name such as "corporation," "incorporated," "corp." or "inc." to show it is a corporation. (See: business)
Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
I'm not mad. You didn't say anything except muh board.
Yes I understand how boards work. The CEO slot is not just some public relations position. When it turns out that likes aren't running all these companies then it turns to "they're behind the curtain". When they are running them like GS then its jews are running the place.
What you don't understand is that Wall st is mainly Irish, Italian, and jewish. Not Just jewish.
Yes, congratulations. CEOs work at the whim of the shareholders. At least the leaf understands it.
I was referring to how they are actually described. Nobody on the street says. "public corporation" they say public company. Its was a correction regarding how companies are actually referred.
Never claimed to be...
>"on the street"
It was a correction that meant nothing and you made it to try to nullify an argument you had no response to besides "muh unverified wall street creds".
Greed, control, and power. Buy Bitcoin.
There are no consequences for fraud, collusion and insider trading. Why wouldn't you cheat, lie and steal?
they're junkies. utility monsters
Everything else is a distraction to keep you in complicit, generational debt slavery.
What was the argument? That boards exist? lol what in the fuck are you talking about?
The argument was, as you put it, CEOs were in charge and made the decisions of "companies" or "corporations". It's cute you're trying to turn the discussion back on me after realizing you fucked up and looked stupid. Should've paid more attention in economics or business school... if you even went to higher ed. Being the janitor at the stock exchange doesn't make you a trader unless you're trading empty toilet paper rolls for full ones in the bathrooms.
Hear me fellow anons! Doubles speaks the truth.
Look at that time stamp, will ya!
OMG! It just keeps getting better!
Oh Snaps!
Damn it!
Their great grandfathers sacrificed everything for their families, their grandfathers worked hard to create wealth, their fathers just kept things going the same, they don't even know how to make money, and if they hadn't inherited any they would be working at a walmart.
Inbreeding mang...
Also, companies rarely last to the end of 3 generations, all these big banks are on their 3rd generations...
Oh yeah!
I like to live deliciously!
the problem is theyre the problem
Can't stop.
I agree they're shit but I also work for one and get paid very well for doing so
Won't stop.
Rothschild Zionism.
Watch this video:
They literally make capitalism possible but they also pick winners and losers.
Triples and I win.
It's the old double triple.
Nah. Nevermind. This isn't as fun as when I got triples, twice in a row.
Welcome to Sup Forums. Now please leave.
Thats not accurate. Every company works differently in terms of structure. There are a ton of companies that have bullshit boards and companies that have boards that are more hands on. It varies. Some ceos are bullshit and some are dictatorial. However I don't use any of this information for trading strategies. I exploit trade imbalances and use high frequency algos.
Pointing out who are the ceos of these banks doesn't mean I automatically don't understand organizational structure or what factors control the decision making of public companies you annoying little faggot.
You are still disregarding how CEOs are chosen and put into power, regardless of how much power each CEO might have. They still bow to a board or shareholders. The justifying your "street knowledge" with nonsense terms is adorable however. Using insults also hurts your own argument and only shows you've been triggered and are on the defensive. Try to be more mature with your debates and maybe you'll move beyond the trading shitty retirement funds for small towns, if you even do that. Thank you for confirming I've annoyed you though. It shows a lack of confidence in your argument and self doubt on your part.
you guys are both retarded.
the correct terminology would be 'public company' because there are several forms of publicly traded (((entities))) which are not, by legal definition, corporations.
Try using something other than insults to make a point. It'll make you appear more intelligent despite the evidence otherwise.
>Try using something other than insults to make a point. It'll make you appear more intelligent despite the evidence otherwise.
um.... okay. but isn't that what you just did?
I own a hedge fund
I'll answer whatever questions you ask about banking or whatever
No but if you're offended by what I said maybe take a look back at what you had posted.
I'm drunk, your word games and psuedointellectualism won't work on me, faggot.
what line of work are you in, oh wise one?
>regardless of how much power each CEO might have. They still bow to a board or shareholders.
Its on a case by case like I said. I know ceo's who disregard their boards and I know boards who disregard their ceo's. Yes generally speaking a ceo and board of a public company are supposed to be managing for shareholders and hitting or beating quarterly estimates, But I can not tell you how many companies continually fail this and/or turn into value traps where the ceo and board remain intact for a very long time. In these cases they most certainly do not bow to their shareholders and the only thing that can resolve it is an activist coming in an buying up enough shares to force a management change or push for a buyout. A lot of companies have shareholder dilution and its very difficult for shareholders to sway management.
>uses a hollow insult "faggot"
I could tell you I'm the CEO of Goldman Sachs and you'd never know whether that's true or not. Who are you oh unwise one?
credit unions ftw
Well you just let us all know which companies are ignoring their shareholders and going about their own business. I'll be sure not to invest in those companies in the future.
bitcoin is their worst and last problem, that much i can tell you.
Show me who controls the world's money, and I'll show you who rules the world. What's their problem? They can do pretty much anything they like. And they do.
They're not Jews. Anybody who seriously thinks the Jews control the world's banks knows nothing about either one. The global bankers have no god but money. They financed the Holocaust. They'd do it again tomorrow if Israel didn't have nukes.
Again this is not a metric I use. I don't do portfolio management. I'm a trader. I execute high frequency, I use algos, and I'm partnered/colocated extremely close to the exchange I trade on NYSE. I have worked institutionally on a variety of desks but don't have to anymore and won't unless the offer is too good to turn down. Even then I hate it. I just want to be left alone. I fucking hate working around most of the teams you wind up being a part of. I can turn over a quarter to half billion dollars in frequency trades in a day. My strategy is proprietary and I never allow partners to buy in.
I don't give 2 flying fucks about management at the companies I trade. The points I made about ceo's/boards/shareholders are openly understood and historically well documented. There are tons of books you can pick up and read about management vs activists and Lev buyouts.
They figured that since they have all the wealth and all the hard assets what exactly is the point to keep the pleb masses around. We the serfs could literally wipe them all out overnight so they came to the conclusion that it would be better for them to wipe us all out instead.
>financed the Holocaust
>causing an exodus of Jewish from Europe to Palestine in order to justify the zionism & creation of the State of Israel
c'mon bruh
The state of Israel is literally the feifdom of the Rothschilds, therefore those nukes belong to the Rothschilds.
Your nose is showing
Tone it down faggot this isn't anudda shoa nobody is coming after your shekels
TFW not a kike.
Of course. No Jews have ever lied before.
>I'm a jew
>and i'm lying
If any of you faggots actually left your trailer parks you'd know that by no means is wall st dominated by jews.
Yes the goyim on the trading floor are in charge and you're not part of their game. Thanks for the clarification schlomo
Redpill me on banks and how not to get shekeld
>the goyim just work on trading floors
Found the kike.
Don't take out loans.
Master sleuth Sherlock Goldbergstein is in the house everyone
Their problem is that they are allowed to fuck up and the government bails them out
do you actually believe your not a slave to the kikes
>JP Morgan Made my BTC Crash to 3,000
Israel wasn't supposed to be a country, just a dumping ground. The expectation was that the Arabs would make short work of the Jews Hitler never got around to killing. There was a time when people's response to the very idea of a "Jewish army" was "my sides."
Actually, Ethereum is the one to take down the banks. It allows trustworthy peer to peer lending without usury. This is where it ends for them as well as 100% trustworthy voting - in realtime on multiple issues will do away with politicians. We will be without government - only civil servants will form part of the government.