Whatever happened to unbiased journalism?
Whatever happened to unbiased journalism?
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Has there ever been unbiased journalism?
Probably not but I was taught that it was something the media should strive for.
Fucking Jew York Times
>Whatever happened to unbiased journalism?
It has never existed, you just didn't notice it before.
Tax cuts literally do nothing except shift who gets what money. The whole "muh demand" "muh money supply" is just a meme they teach in intro level macro.
T. Economics major
>valid models
this is academic for bullshit we hope is true
From who? Like from people who depend on the state for money to people who earn a living? Tax cuts benefit people who work. And the thing is, expanding benefits incentivizes people to not work. Freezing expansion and cutting taxes is good for business and workers.
Leftism and understanding basic economics are mutually exclusive topics.
It never existed. I was also once naive enough to believe that the press used to try and be objective. Then I took some history electives in college where I learned that today's press is actually far less biased than it used to be back in the days when it was much harder (if not impossible) for the average reader to verify what journalists write.
The New York Times used to try to be balanced. Not anymore.
Republicans = Economists
All the media came into the hands of a small handful of extremely wealthy people. Also the people became stupid and complacent.
I'm in my 40s now and remember journalism from the 80s, 90s and 00s pretty well and I can say that from memory, It's never been this bad since the 80s. My guess is that the fee-fee millennials that have entered the scene in the last 10 years have tainted journalism the likes of which I've never seen. Remember the nog from the NYT, Jayson Blair? I think it was around this time where non-objectivism went out the windwo.
more like 'economists who agree with my particular viewpoint and have consistently been shown to be wrong about everything'
>politicians propose retarded shit that damages the country
>journalist points it out that it's retarded by citing experts
Seriously though, having 1.5 trillion in tax cuts while not cutting spending is indeed retarded and against conventional economics when you have a good economy and moderately high debt level as we do. Either sufficiently cut spending more, find new / different tax sources if you want to cut others, or raise it more to pay off the debt. The GOP's plan is selling your kids future out the window for frivolous spending and foreign aid to Israel. You just can't keep cutting taxes and cause huge deficits as an economic plan to everything.
The masses are too stupid.
Easier to trick them.
It never was unbaised you were just a sheep but now you are woken. Tommarow you will know kek
The story is about how the guy writing the bill (A politician) says it's good for the economy, but economists are saying that it isn't.
Besides the Republicans in congress aren't in lockstep with Donald, doesn't that make them traitors that you fucking hate? Why would you trust them on the economy?
Because they've been doing such a great job si far
It's funny because Trumps plan is 101 Keynism
> Giving money to the populace through tax cuts
> expanding infrastructure spending
This is how you boost the economy.
Liberals are getting mad because they know Trump will ride high during his term and the economy will have a light crash during whoever is in next.
>Whatever happened to unbiased journalism?
fake news. we never had unbiased journalism.
Since when were economists known for caring about the welfare of the masses?