Anyone else who started with Zero somewhat disappointed by the rest of the Fate/ franchise?
Anyone else who started with Zero somewhat disappointed by the rest of the Fate/ franchise?
You don't start with the creme de la creme from the get go, you need to build up to it.
Zero is the best but UBW was pretty solid but not great.
Fuck off filthy secondary
Zero is one of the worst source materials in Nasuverse(only rivaled by Apocrypha, but then again Zero was never meant to stand alone unlike Apo), it just has the best anime adaptation in the entire franchise.
It is not the best entry in the franchise as people already stated, but its the only watchable anime. VN is better.
Are you basing this off of the F/SN anime adaptations, or the VN?
Yep Fate/Zero is the only good series in this shit franchise.
fuck off, secondary
Zero was my first and I was still disappointed. Then I read the VN and only liked HF.
Prisma is the best desu
>started with Zero
I've played FSN and FHA. One is worse than the other. Only good parts in FSN are Ilya and Kotomine. Every other character is unbearable.
I started with zero.
And then I moved onto F/SN anime.
Mistakes were made.
No, not at all.
Unless you're some filthy degenerate anime-only faggot.
I'm disappointed by everything that isn't Kara no Kyoukai and almost regret watching it first since it clearly set the bar too high. I never expected any Fate stuff it to be the epochal life changing experience it's fanboys are always on about but I didn't expect both Zero and UBW to leave me wondering what the fucking point of any of what I just watched was and just feeling nothing for any of the cast or what just transpired to them at all other than they all kind of deserved to die. Pretty much done with Type/Moon anime at this point since those are supposed to be the best of the content and they were just kind of blah in their own ways.
>Only good parts in FSN are Ilya and Kotomine. Every other character is unbearable.
>Started with zero.
You must be over 18 to post.
Not me
Which chapter was your favorite?
You do not start the series with the prequel, which was written after the original story in the first place.
And I love Extraverse.
I met my waifu because of it.
>Every other character is unbearable.
You don't think you're exagerating just a little bit?