This is the response I get from a Leftist when I explain how my sister aspires to be a doctor and that "Free" healthcare would drive down doctors wages.
More and more I hope for the day when I can put a bullet through these commies skulls.
This is the response I get from a Leftist when I explain how my sister aspires to be a doctor and that "Free"...
He's right though. Government overreaching and interloping has caused tons of mounting headaches for almost all laboring aspects of Healthcare provision
>More and more I hope for the day when I can put a bullet through these commies skulls.
The medical field is in need of talented and dedicated individuals who heal the sick and diagnose illnesses.
I wish your sister the best of luck.
I hope all those commies with bullets in them doesn't drive down pilot wages.
University is supposed to be a gateway into laudable careers, like being a doctor or lawyer or engineer.
It's unsettling how much the institution has been tarnished by Liberal Arts majors.
Why healthcare tourism is not a thing in USA.
You can literally buy a plane ticket, go to, let say Serbia, go to private clinic or whatever, do whatever operation, have a nice holiday, go all out on fancy restaurants and shit, return to USA a month or two later and only spend like 1/10 to 1/5 of what it would cost you in USA
The US government caps the amount of people that are allowed to become doctors per year. Then they have the gall to say we need more immigrants to have more doctors.
I forgot the rest of the faggot comment where he virtue signals.
People go to Canada for this fairly often, mostly poorfags tho.
It's his condescension that gets to me, makes me feel a violent rage within.
>Why healthcare tourism is not a thing in USA.
But it is. Everyone with the money to afford US health care comes here for a surgery. We're #1 across dozens of surgical fields. Best in the fucking world, and people that want the best are willing to pay for it. You don't hear about it because actual wealthy people don't post their daily business on Kikebook and Twatter, and the jew media has agendas to push.
And then you die in 3 weeks from aids because Serbia does not have the same medical safety standards one would expect in a first world country
desu USMLE is one of the hardest, if not the hardest diploma verification there is
Is Canada that much cheaper then USA?
Do you know any price range for USA and Canada? Like hernia, lasik, whatever common operation
Sanders in 1987: ‘Astronomical’ Cost of Single-Payer ‘Would Bankrupt the Nation’
>let's all be poor together
typical commie
No one gives a shit about doctors user.
Literally couldn't care less how much they make. In fact they should make much less.
They have created an unregulated system with massive amounts of coercion and artificial scarcity destroying the functioning of the market.
Fuck doctors. fuck insurance companies, and fuck the politicians who let it get to this point so they could force us to be commies.
Yes, we are all aware of that. USA is leading in medical field by far, but when it comes to cost effectiveness, you are shit(not to take away anything from your medicine).
desu, you are not much better then Serbia at all when it comes to health care. And we get 0 funds to work with compared to you.
Infant mortality is pretty good index. Yours is 6.1, ours is 5.9 ( the lower the better). Norway has like 2.8. HALE life expecancty in USA 69.1, Serbia its 67.8.
Don't go to a hospital when you need help then. Someone else deserves it more
killing niggers will make health care cheaper
Your sister's right to be concerned about that. In Canada it's known as 'Brain Drain' where we lose our best medical professionals to America and Europe because of noncompetitive salaries. Apologists for the single payer system will point out (rightfully) that that issue isn't as severe as it was 10 years ago, but it's also true that it isn't the first time we've had this issue. It's a repeating cycle because the single payer system has no incentive to quickly adjust to changes in the labour market.
It's the natural result of single payer health insurance. Proponents like to act like it doesn't completely socialize healthcare; they say things like "It's just the insurance that's public, not the actual healthcare professionals." But over the course of a decade or two the government sees healthcare take up more and more of its budget. 15%, then 25%, 33%, 40%. That's when they decide that a system where you pay facilities based on the quality of their service they offer is """archaic""" and there should be a fixed payout per procedure with minor adjustments depending on the regional economies.
All of a sudden hospitals can't charge more based on the fact that they have the best specialists or the best equipment. There's no insurance competition competing to show that they'll provide their customers with the best care, even if they have to pay top dollar for it. Now to pay for these specialists you need to take money from another part of the hospital or by donations given to the hospital. Eventually this drives specialists to emigrate for higher salaries. This happens over the course of a few decades so it's really easy for people to ignore and pretend it isn't an issue.
Then add in the usually creeping costs of socialism, like the union salaries, $5 rolls of toilet paper, etc and you have the perfect storm of runaway costs.