Tfw no sanae-san

>tfw no sanae-san




She's just the grown up version of her daughter

I'm sold desu

but with a pulse

but voiced by kikuko oneechan

>sanae outfits 1
>sanae outfits 2
>sanae outfits 3
>sanae outfits 5

Well, OP? I'm waiting

This reminds me of that prank where you draw a 1 on one pig, a 2 on a second pig, and a 4 on a third pig, then release them in your school and everyone tries to catch them, wondering where the one with a 3 written on it is.

Gotta have some suspense in life.

All is forgiven for nekomimi meido

Sanae is a god-tier okasan.

Akio got his shit right to keep some costumes from his drama club days, for some sweet loving RP nights with with his wife.

Why do KyoAni have such high tier MILFs?

Sanae is so cute and perfect, I wouldn't mind if she farted in my face t b h

I thought Nagisa got those clothes from the current drama club?
That said he's kept a whole bunch of old shit so maybe he did keep some of it

>>Draw a cute girl
>>Call her a milf

awful parent. nagisa should have died as a kid.

Should i cry or kek?

Mistakes arent allowed.
