Ergo Proxy

Thoughts? Want something to watch and haven't ever seen it.

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I recommend it. That's it, really.

As someone who is about halfway through, it's pretty great.
Has kind of a Serial Experiments Lain vibe but with more epic fantasy and less paranoid schizophrenia. And more western metaphysical jargon and less computer jargon.

Sort of a gnostic post apocalyptic sci-fi

The first 3 episodes can be a little obtuse but they serve mostly as a prologue for the rest of the series.
The characters are actually really good even when their acting like doofuses and assholes, which is a lot.

Even if you don't like it, I recommend you rewatch it since it's 2-3x better when rewatched and you can appreciate the themes + plot alot better.

Good OST and god-tier op / ed

It's a good show I guess, it's pretty depressing and very confusing at some points, given that I like backstory and specifics. Haven't finished it but you should check it out.

It's a good show. Watch it faggot


I've tried getting into it a couple times, but it's just so boring.

>Having such shit taste

It starts off very intriguing, then slows waaaaay the fuck down, wastes too much time with quasi philosophy stuff, then ramps back up with a whole lot of loose ends and a lack of overall closure.

7/10 imho but it's not as deep as many people make it out to be. Some shows are about the endgame destination. This one's very much more about the journey.

My two cents anyways.

>muh fuggin raison d'etre fuggin Jesus allegory loli robits fuggin MUH FAITH MUH EGO GOD'S CREATIONS NEVER LOVE THEIR CREATOR FUKKEN LMAO RAISON D'ETRE RAISON D'ETRE muh darkness am I even human no one understands me RAISON D'ETRE

It shows promise in the beginning, then it forgets where its going and abruptly ends, rushing all the loose ends together in one or two clusterfuck episodes.

But maybe, just maybe the overall disappointment is worth that one cartoony episode.

>Good OST and god-tier op / ed

Very true

Best watched in the late afternoon on a dark dreary day with a hot drink

If you're going to watch this kind of shit watch the best.

Pretentious garbage

It's alright but Texhnolyze is somewhat similar and much better.

was only a matter of time, expected this earlier

One of my few 10/10. Literally perfect

Muh raisins

>help im too retarded to think about things

story and character-wise, texhnolyze is better. When it comes to themes, looks and style though, Ergo Proxy is way ahead

The best episodes are the ones poking fun at the whole premise. I would never call Ergo Proxy a bad series; there is plenty to entertain yourself with. The show just gets a bad rap for some of the cheap layers of pretense it throws out. We didn't need administrators named after philosophical figures when there isn't really a connection those philosophies.

That said, the story is sort of intriguing at times, Re-l is cute (CUTE!) and kind of a bitch but like all the main characters she grows. The fun episodes are the best because you get to see those characters fleshed out. The best episode is a episode where the characters basically do nothing.

I think most people would like it for the characters, reasonable music and some nice visuals.

I get where you are coming from, but if you don't love that moment when Iggy gets tired of Re-l's shit and goes fucking crazy then I don't know what to say. That was so satisfying.

Texhnolyze also lost its way even more than ergo proxy after the fat dude dies

Yeah, it's good. Does have some watered-down lain vibes combined with cowboy bebop

If you liked Serial Experiments Lain and/or Texnolyse you will probably like it.

Not nearly as good as GitS though.