>be American
How does this make you feel burgers?
>be American
How does this make you feel burgers?
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Se siente bien, por que soy hispano :DDD
Honestly I couldn't be happier, I hate white people and can't wait for us to go extinct
Das right, OY VEY
Sweet. Now that I'm a minority can I demand reparations and free stuff?
Not white myself but I wish all niggers would die off.
>14% Asian
You should've upped the Hispanic and black percentages, this is too unbelievable
Try telling a Hispanic he's not a white man.
54% to 39% is quite the leap.
>Americans won't shut up about how Europe is worse than the USA becasue we're "getting replaced faster"
Scientists predict humans will go extinct within the next 500 years, OP does demographics matter if this will all end anyway?
I just want niggers to know their place like a good dog.
There's no such thing as Non-Hispanic White in the Americas. If you live here you're a White Hispanic.
Yes yes, good goy
We're getting replaced with beaners who actually work. You're getting replaced with terrorists who live off of the government
You're worse because you saw what happened to us and did the same thing.
>Scientists predict humans will go extinct within the next 500 years
That's the stupidest prediction I've heard in a while. Why would humanity go extinct in 500 years?
Disregard anyone hiding their flag.
This graph is fake as fuck, and your link proves it. Sage and hidden.
>beaners who actually work
Keep telling yourself that while american youth stands unemployed.
Our Americanophile politicans just want to be like the greatest country on earth :^)
Exhaustian of resources, overpopulation,nuclear war, but most likely an epidemic it makes sense we are in for mass death statistically speaking,
the old school ones like to play white, but the new school ones are anti white commies
>tfw part of the 39%
You people actually believe this?
It makes me want to keep abortion legal
If my brother fucked a Puerto Rican and their kids can't speak Spanish. How are they Hispanic according to the census?
Then the young ones are actually not delusional
sand niggers are actually smarter than beans
Atleast Beans kill sand niggers cause the spanish brain washed them to be full dues vult
Nah bro, it doesn't matter what kind of non-white is replacing whites. I find it sad to see how any white majority country could let this happen.
I ask people, "Name a country that isn't white or East Asian that you would want to live in." People can''t answer that immediately because all those other countries are shit holes.
I fail to understand how whites can't see that.
t. ching chong colonizer
I tried to warn you but you don't listen they have 8 kids supported by your tax dollars. literally entire public schools here are one family wetbacks we are fucked we must send them back.
This is fake guys.
true , but theyre delusional for buying into the Jewish myth of "communism"
Post yfw 56% meme was also accounting for Latinos
they would be under "other"
Chart needs more diversity.
Anyone who believes this is the biggest fucking idiot. Why don't you type in the link.
It's doesn't because it's fake. 14% Asian is proof enough this is a load of shit.
>Exhaustion of resources
This doesn't kill mankind, it might make life harder until some effective recycling programs are put in place.
That's the meme of the century. The world can easily support many more people than it currently does, and if it really becomes and issue research into underwater living will be done and there'll be even more room.
>Nuclear winter
I'll give you that one, a global nuclear showdown will probably kill about 4/5ths of mankind, and make life hard for the ones left. But I doubt extinction is likely.
This isn't the middle ages. The black death won't kill half of Europe. The ebola scare had many people on Sup Forums hoping for something to happen, but mankind is smart enough to quarantine sick individuals to prevent spreading of diseases.
>it makes sense we are in for mass death statistically speaking
What statistic is that based on? There has been no "near extinction" patterns for humanity in thousands of years.
Wow that makes Colombia Whiter than the US if that's true.
The link says 61.3%
Though a lot of that are old fucks who'll drop like flies soon, if they're not already
Latin America has a very different definition of white than Europe has.
30% of senior citizens.
I Don't Care.
Only "Identitarians"/RACISTS care about that shit, and to politicize it, or to attempt to politicize it, is a way to fall because everyone will be a "minority" at some point.
10 years ago I didn't care, but if identity means brown=Democrat, then you are all fucked.
btw, anything is better then Muslims.
No Muslim majority, ever.
There is people who are falling for this
according to wikipedia, the u.s. is 17.1% Latino or Hispanic, of any race.
Set an example for the rest of us and kill yourself
>tfw out of the 39%, if you count under 5s, its more like 15%
That's fine. Doesn't take many of us to rule over you.
Also doesn't matter in the long run anyway. Given the option, nigs and spics will genetically modify their spawn to look like whites: blond hair, blues eyes, light skin, heterosexual, the works. So even if we're gone, we'll just come back as your children and rule over you again.
in latin america, white means that you have some european ancestors.
so if you are 1/4 white, then you are counted as white.
>(((I))) (((us)))
oy vey
Are you an invalid?
>mfw make fake chart to troll europoors
>everyone takes the bait
Feels good man
This is fake you guys are idiots
im ok with this
staffing a restaurant back-of-house has never been easier
Actually Latin America is MUCH MUCH stricter when it comes to categorizing race. there are like 20 variations of what we would call Latino.
White is white in Latin America.
These are white Argentinians
>beaners who actually work
t. spic "working" at Mcdonalds.
Kill yourself, faggot
The Boomers are the 2nd largest demographic and are 85% white. A huge chunk of white women are post menopause and if you count active wombs whites are a solid minority.
As a white guy married to a.black woman this shit isnt my problem and I couldnt care less about the white race
In America if you are 25% White you can call your self white.
>America is now only 39% Non-Hispanic White
Fuck off, retard.
You fell for the liberal meme that they're all hard working people looking for a better life. They're all a bunch of fat short lazy pigs and criminals.
The real number is only 61%, which is scary. That means that eventually it will drop to 39%.
Antbacterial medicines will decline and until we find a solution we are fucked,.
1/3rd of boomers are non white. The average white American is 41. The average white women is 42.
>Asian population has tripled since the 00s
>Asian immigration is up 300% while latin american immigration is at a 10 year low
>Because of their low crime rate, people wont notice until its too late
More like you're about to get riced
Hispanics use more welfare per capita than blacks.
They also vote for socialist policies even more than blacks do.
Gibs reservation pls
Argentina is genetically closer to europeans than American whites..
Science don't lie
>Latin America is strict with "whiteness" categorization
Stop falling for this shit