>not overcloking your monitor to 72hz while watching anime
Not overcloking your monitor to 72hz while watching anime
>needing to overclock to get 72hz
>not having 144hz
What's the point when it's rarely above 12 fps anyway?
>the human eye can't even seen more that 2 frames
My TV switches to 24hz when I'm watching anime so what's the point?
>not having your monitor calibrated
>not having at least a 256x256x256 3dlut generated from a icc profile made with a i1D3 or better
144 isn't a multiple of 24, enjoy you're judder and your meme refresh rates
>using a shitty TV for your chink cartons
Unless it's a meme OLED LG, git gud senpai
>not a multiple
user-kun pls, you're drunk, go home
That's why we have two eyes baka, so we can see double the speed
>having a computer too shit to do interpolation
>using interpolation ever when you can play the stuff at the proper refresh rate
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. You should always interpolate at a multiple of the exact framerate anime airs in
There's literally no point to interpolation in that case, unless you're talking about SVP stuff, in which case kill you're self
>there's literally no point
to life, yeah we know. Not really the point.
>butchering the video with interpolation artifacts
>not overcocking you're waifu to 20 DPS
>not a multiple of 24
Are you literally retarded?
>SMPlayer + MPV
I haven't needed to change from 60hz for a long time. Fuck it feels good being free of corporate spyware OS.
This is some weak bait user
20 dickings per second?
>friction burns
>joint pains
I'm literally running 4k@60hz and not giving a fuck. Everything I watch looks perfectly fine.
>i don't give a fuck
Enough of a fuck to reply. But weak bait remains weak even with the added 4k bait.
It's not bait though. I'm just rolling with 60hz and properly configured software.
is this the summoning thread?
>not using low-energy laser beams fitted into glasses to beam the binary data directly into your eyes at such a fast rate that you subconsciously enter the world of the anime you are watching
I can't believe you plebs still use screens for anything but shitposting.
You're behind the times user. It's HEVC 4:4:4 now.
Yes you can continue your bait but it won't suddenly turn any better
No matter how properly you configure the software on your freedom machine, at 60hz anime will look exactly the same as on my grandmas windows media player 9 with k-lite codec pack.
Tell me how your k-dickpack player handles +/- 1% speed increase/decrease.
>not streaming your vietnamese cartoons on a phone with retina display
shaking my damn head
You know the thing I said about bait? Exactly.
>mongolian cavepaintings
>on a tiny phone screen
Shamefur dispray.
>overcloking your monitor
>overcloking your monitor
>overcloking your monitor
The practice has long, proud history. I first overclocked my shitty 1024x768 CRT and had to wear earplugs because of the coils whining.