Ryuuko is objectively cute and if you say otherwise you're a contrarian idiot

Ryuuko is objectively cute and if you say otherwise you're a contrarian idiot.


Her edginess just makes her cuter by contrast.

cute edgy girls are the best


every single post on the site is by default a shitpost

>[shitposting intensifies]

Don't lose your weight.

Yeah she's cute. Too bad she's felt the shame of unwanted semen inside her

And the fact that she's genuinely nice to the people close to her is awfully endearing.



Ryuko is a tomboy dyke edgy cunt

sasuke was better

not that bad
she does have quite a nice cunt


can't believe this meme is still alive

Watching KLK now. Starts as a fairly generic anime. Turns into Chrono Trigger. Did not expect that.

>implying there's anything wrong with being edgy
>implying being edgy isn't the true path

she is when she's not being an edgelord

...which isn't often

there's nothing wrong with being an edgelord

you guys just have shit taste

Kill la Kill is the worst anime I've ever seen. Entertaining, it was not. It's just a poor excuse for western cartoony physics and piss-poor fanservice. Trigger really dropped the ball on it. After that, they scrambled for the most cliche of harem anime. It's an indication of how disappointed they were with KLK's performance.


>there's nothing wrong with being an edgelord

Looks so much like her mother



kys desu



Her voice is not cute.



But she's just a bunch of poorly drawn shapes with weird colors. Like a blob of ink on a piece of paper.



If you take what you said and reversed it then it would be a true thing for someone to say.
Your face is poorly drawn by the bardo priests that designed your kharmic ethereal structure


'tude Ryuko is best Ryuko

She is awesome.

Though for everyone that feels she is a tomboy dyke, I would actually say Mako is the butch of the two. When she is just being herself she is actually kinda girly and shy. Her fate just turned her into something else in the process. I like the combination. But if you think about it, its almost like glimpses of the person she would have been.
















Just finished KLK. Fuck Trigger.



She's only cute because she shares genetic code with her angel of a sister.

The eyebrows are her wings.


Uh... Is this someone's kink?

Okay. Let me restate this for the sake of it.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger. Fuck Trigger.

And fuck Japan for good measure. Can't go one anime without a knife through the heart at the last minute. Japan has rendered the concepts of sacrifice and character death hollow and meaningless.

>Japan has rendered the concepts of sacrifice and character death hollow and meaningless.
Oh please.
Have you ever read a comic book?

When I see Uncle Ben die I'm glad he is dead and I hope he burns in hell.

>Have you ever read a comic book?
No. Because comic books are horrible garbage ruined every other issue by editorial mandates.

There is no reason the death at the end of KLK had to happen save to meet some mandatory bittersweet ending quota. Apparently happiness without the feeling that someone pissed on you isn't allowed in Japan.

Here's the worst bit. Despite its flaws, KLK is solid.... until the end. The end wipes everything away and leaves you wanting to beat the person who made that decision until they're unconscious.


All I ask is not to be suckerpunched.

And yet, it was still better than TTGL´s end, where Nia died for no reason, and Simon refused to go save her, thus contradicting the premise of the what had been the show´s plot since day one.

Bittersweet endings fucking suck. Just saying.

she's looking a little fat there

Ryuko is cute la cute and best girl.

I even thought her dub voice was cute.

Ryuko a cute

I recognize that sailor suit.

I agree


An entire country's.

I haven't seen Estonia post with that gif in quite some time.

Fuck off.

It's gainax, what're you going to do? They love this ending. Love it.

>getting rused that hard within four episodes
I guess dumb cute is still cute.

Ryuuko is a bit of a baka, but she's a damn cute one.

Watch school rumble


She's good, but she's not even in the top 3 best girls of her own show.

She's not dumb!

She's at least in the top two, fag patrol.

>Ryuko better than Satsuki and Nonon

>Ryuuko not objectively better than Satsuki

Ryuko > CUTE GAP > Nonon > Satsuki

I'm okay with that. Nonon is more sexy than she is cute, anyway.


How much mileage has this dick gotten anyway?


Satsuki x Ryuuko is objectively OTP and if you say otherwise you're a contrarian idiot.

But Ryuko loves Senketsu.


Hey, these two look pretty good with long hair.


>Short-haired Satsuki blushing while on a date with Ryuko was actually canon

Still surreal to think about.

>Hey, these two look pretty good with long hair.
yeah. they do look pretty good like that