>literally BOLIS
this shit needs to end
Fucking nuke this shit of the map already
>sandniggers can't into the letter P
Hey faggot how about you leave Sup Forums and go order some bizza and a bottle of bebsi.
Canada, this is true?
>le québec is hated meme xdd
Viens manger mon penis francophone mon petit crisse d'anglo sale.
a fucking leaf
Canada sucks, Peter Griffin was right!
but Ed was also right when he said that Canadians are Weird.
however... the jews from Mossad start a False Flag Attack to start a War with North Korea, by having an israeli Nuclear Submarine firing Nukes over Californian Cities and starting an Earthquake that will shake the San Andreas Fault Line, and break California into pieces, Literally. and in order to trick Trump into thinking North Korea did it, thus War with North Korea begins.
its Moloch who wants this, NOT KEK, because jews will do this False Flag as a Sacrifice to Moloch just like 9/11. jews worship Moloch and Hate KEK, and try to do anything as much as Possible to Attack KEK.
Trump better find out Quickly. the israeli Sub that will Launch Nukes to California is in the Sea of Japan already as we speak.
im all Warning you on this but you either Ignore me or Laugh at me. you will be sooooooooo sooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooo S-O-R-R-Y you didnt Believe me.
Haiti pls
roman rape child
>That pic
Fucking annex us already burgers
bud bebsi is "bay ebery benny to israel"
Typical burger education
Sorry Achmed, I don't understand you over all the other shitskins yelling in your streets.
on it
literally no one in Quebec thinks that of America. Most I know are ameriboos, they just hate you, leaf.
>we bomb kebab
>hosers lick their boots like good little kafir
lol, what a bunch of useless cucks.
>Burger talking shit when they have more niggers than the entire population of Canada
>Burger talking shit when some of their Southern cities are literally 30% + Haitian
>Sans titre.png
Salut camarade, à quand le prochain référendum ?
Ok leaf, once we change the stickers on our cop cars to "DA POLICE" you can talk, until then we're laughing at you, go home.
Surement jamais, avec tout les shit skins que Trudeau à inviter au Québec. Ils vont tous voter Liberals comme les bons chiens chiens ils sont.
London is one of the lost lands
>tfw I love in london
Just end this city, marxism has ruined it
Il ne faut jamais perdre espoir, avec la monté de la droite dans le monde, on peut se relever et rallumer la flamme du nationalisme québécois. Ça ne sera pas facile, mais au en serait la gloire autrement ?
the only kebab I've seen in my life was one I dated from america
fucking LEAFS
jesus its worst there for muslims
fuck les anglos de merde il m'erite d'etre purgés
Fucking hell just nuke this shit hole already
We have some inside your country but ..
>you will have an islamic state as your hat, murica.
>why u so calm
>inside OUR country *
dangit bobby
nice one
Burgers on suicide watch
right but none of those people are arabs. they're all inherently western thinking people. they don't want to destroy the way of life of america, they want to participate in it
how do bongs think this is even a relevant equivalence
except Quebec
Les anglo-saxons sont bien, le problème c'est les anglais qui vivent au Québec. À chacun sa terre, ils n'accepteraient jamais que l'on parle français dans leurs provinces, pourquoi l'inverse est-il acceptable ?
Anything in the populous parts of Ontario is a cursed land. Rural still based but being economically starved over 5 decades is catching up.
fucking lol but also
quebec too
Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaase. Will fight in a rebel division against this muzzie government, so would at least 15% of the population.
Also currently in canada: "justice pricing"
Bien dit
Take that back you fucking chink
because the english historically like to impose themselves onto others?
multiculturalism was to appease quebec after they decided not to leave.
and then it was used by globalists to destroy canadian demographics and be used as an example to all other european ancestry countries to destroy their demographics too.
quebec destroyed the western world
This shit is fucked but what I want to know is why the FUCK do burgers think they ever have the high ground to chime in on shit like this? Their country is more full of nonwhites than any fucking western country out there by FAR and yet they act like they're sitting pretty? Can somebody explain this retardation to me?
stfu and make me a tire d’érable jaques
Mon offre à donc été rejeté, attend moi un instant, je vais préparer la chambre à gas.
exactement les anglais qui habitent au Quebec sont aussi pire que les arabes. Comme les immigrant ils ne font que voter pour les liberaux. Fuck les anglo-saxons, j'vais sans doute finir par vivre au nord isoler de cette merde
Lmao cucknada, go drink some more haitian semen
take it back or my frens will atack you
frog > owl
so will Trump call out Israel for attacking us or will it be brushed under the rug until the entire internet is foaming at the mouth again?
owls eat frogs bro, maybe if it's one of those poison neon jungle frogs
>Nowhere is it written "Canada" a word which exists in the 3~fucking languages that define this country: English and French, which are the official languages, and fucking native indian, which invented the word in the first place; but no, they have to write in in fucking muslim-speak, who contribute nothing to this country but fear and crime and degeneracy.
Tbk je peux pas croire que vous êtes naïfs de même. Vous glorifiez le fascisme et le nazisme. Je fier de mes origines et je suis triste de voir notre aculturation et population diluée, mais certainement pas prêt d'appuyer ce genre de mouvement pour ramener le Québec d'antan.
hows your sanctuary city doing?
Je viens, de recevoir la réponse des anglais. Les englishit veulent la guerre, ils l'auront. Notre terre, notre rébellion, notre victoire !
our frog is one of those owl eating frogs, ya know?
youre a cuck Sup Forums is a natsoc board
>ils ne font que voter pour les liberaux
c'est pas comme si on avait des parti de droite au quebec, faut pas oublie que les quebecois ont tendance a etre socialist au point que si le quebec ce separe il y a de bonne chance qu'on devienne Venezuela 2
It's all good, the crippling economic failure of the London region helps to keep the gibs-me-dat creatures at bay.
Including Hispanic whites the total white percent is more like 70
I would happily welcome a nuke. Please make sure you get Ottawa and Toronto.
canada should have balkanized long ago
Mad anglo cuck
actually pretty bad last week I was on a bus and I say a whole family of whale I thought they where out of America. They looked hispanic (mexican) I could tell from seeing them they came Illegally. It was disgusting desu
fuck sake where is our country going
if police gotta roll up on someone who can't read english, chances are they'll read arabic...
they have to go back
I doubt that will ever happen
Canadians eat yellow snow?
could happen user
What the fuck did we do we tried to separate and you flooded us with ethnic votes local anglos and economical propaganda.
Make your mind le anglo.
Trudeau is an ethnic anglo too so fuck you.
Quebec was a theological state not so long ago.
Thanks to the federal marxists like Trudeau it is no longer is the case.
yes, not only do we give our dogs fellatio, we also eat their urine off of snow.
"Deeds not words"
They keep the niggers under control so they aren't completely cucked.
in 1996 canada as 86% white
most recent census results published 2011, canada is 76.7% white.
I assume if anything immigration has been increased its rate.
We could be approaching 70% ourselves
>t. rural and suburban retard
how's the corn coming along, plebe?
hows the gibs, tyrone?
>filmed in NiggerVision widescreen for your pleasure
I hate people like you desu when the day of the rake come's you're one of the first to go
>Quebec was a theological state not so long ago
pretty sure your women were always known for being whoores. rocking back and forth in front of a mary statue whiles saying the rosary in french means nothing. catholocism is pretty much voodoo.
Le Québec est à la fois nationaliste et socialiste, je ne vois donc pas en quoi un état NatSoc serait un changement. À part bien sur l'aspect ethnique de la question, mais les québécois sont déjà assez clair sur Ahmed et Jamal. Tu ne sais surement pas qu'est ce que le nationalisme sociale. Regarde ``The greatest story never told``, excellent documentaire. Si, comme tu le prétends, tu tiens à défendre notre patrie et ses enfants, tu dois déjà savoir que le temps des arguments est passé, on ne peut qu'attendre que le feu nous ronge suffisamment avant que le soleil et les ombres ne commencent le combat. Le temps des débats s'est déchiré pour laisser place à deux vieux rivaux : Le Fascisme et le Marxisme. Ultimement, ce sont les seuls choix qui s'offre à nous. Alors c'est en tant que frère que je te tant la main, afin de se battre non pas par haine, mais par amour. Je tiens à éviter la violence, mais lorsque les assaut seront lancé sur nous, je ne vais pas reculer.
Keep laughing, it's not far off here......
I knew leafs were always faggots, but now they are faggot cucks. Better watch out, Muslims kill faggots.
This is the shit that divides white nations.
Désolé pour les erreurs d’orthographe, j'ai écris rapidement
The "Great White North" strikes again.
>Canada really is full of faggots.